A user authentication module based on flask-security is added, which
allows users to login and change/recover passwords etc. Custom templates
are included for the user/password UIs.
A new setup script will initialise the user (and later settings) DB,
adding the first user and granting them an Administrator role.
A redirects blueprint module is added to handle simple URL redirects.
A browser module is added and currently renders a skeleton page with
a menu bar, gravatar and jumbotron.
NOTE FOR LATER: Currently this code might make the nice basis for any
web app that needs user management and plugins. Hmmm....
instead. Add support to the runtime to allow the user to specify the
Python path. This needs to be more automated for release, but will be
useful for debugging and development.
If the web server is slow to start, we may need to retry the initial
page load. Implement a retry system that will retry the initial load
4 times, after 1, 2, 3 and 4 seconds, before giving up and leaving
the user with an error message and a link to retry manually.
Upon startup, the runtime will attempt to locate pgAdmin4.py in a
number of different relative locations. Once found, it will execute
it in a new thread. The main window is then created and the brower's
initial page is set to the root of the CherryPy server. At present,
This runtime implements a brower control with embedded Python
interpretor. The Python interpretor runs a simple script at
startup to generate some HTML that is displayed in the browser.
Arbitrary URLs can be opened from the "Open URL" option on the
File menu.