1) If we create/update a node with non-default schema, It should return selected schema id in return response. but default schema id is returned every time due to which it throws error in properties panel.
Fixed in Domains, Collation, Types, Views & Table node.
2) Incorrect parent id of object node is returned from nodes method due to which wrong parent id is passed while updating object and
thus node didn't get refreshed.
Fixed in FTS Configuration, FTS Parser nodes.
1. Fixed update privileges for views and materialized views.
2. Apart from this fixed wrong sql for privilege update.
3. Fixed: Error message was not got cleared even after removing entry with error on privilege tab.
1. Code changes (due to drop objects functionality).
2. Quoting for database names in drop databases.
3. Code changes for import errors for pickle_path and advanced_config variables.
When clicked on upload icon while saving a file prompt user to leave page. It is because the icon is a button and its type is set to submit which makes it to prompt, instead it should be 'button'
Storage Manager's menu items depends on capabilities list set by the module using it. If capabilities doesn't have 'upload' in it, It won't work. Upload button is bound to click event only when it is in capabilities.
As upload button is being added only when it is in capabilities, so upload button html is removed from html file. It will not shown on UI untill it is in capabilities list.
1. When an existing schedule updated, or a new schedule is added from a pgAgent job dialog, it was not able to generate the proper update SQL Query.
2. The SubNodeCollectionControl was not removing the grid, when it is being getting removed.
sequences node instead of the server-id.
Due to this - during updating the sequence node, it was not able to find
out the correct parent node, and it was updating the existing node, but
- later it (considering the old node) was removed by the replace logic.
- Added DatetimepickerControl, MomentCell (using moment.js)
- Used the 'DatetimepickerControl' in Role (Also - resolved an issue, when unset the datetime for 'Valid Until'.)
- Added a 'Select All/Unselect All' adaptor for Select2 used by pgAgent nodes.
- Fixed an issue with SubNodeCollectionControl, which was not starting the modification session of the child model, when created default value for collection is not null/undefined. And, hence - validation on the child model was not working.
- Fixed a memory leak with SqlFieldControl, and SqlTabControl, which was not releasing the CodeMirror properly.