* Introduced a 'exclude' option in the 'Field' to exclude it from the
change completely. Use the option 'exclude' to add field
'notNullColumns', which will be excluded from the data, but - can be
used to force rerender the 'Not Null Columns' select control on
change of it.
* Fixed the linter issue
* Rerender the cell as well, when dependent changes values. (#7884)
* Listen for the depenent changes even for the non-visible controls
* Use 'useRef' on every rendering to avoid the React 'Something wrong' page
* Introduced a 'exclude' option in the 'Field' to exclude it from the
change completely. Use the option 'exclude' to add field
'notNullColumns', which will be excluded from the data, but - can be
used to force rerender the 'Not Null Columns' select control on
change of it.
* Fixed the linter issue
* Show the icon for the 'Reset' button. (Reference #7884)
* Reload the server list after connecting to a server in the 'New
connection' dialog (QueryTool). (Reference: #7884)
* Pass the grid path during the bulk update (click on a radio action)
* Don't assign the cell value to the 'rowValue' variable.
* Don't rely on the 'optionsLoaded' for setting the variable types as it
is loaded asynchronously, and variable types data may not be available
while rendering the 'value' cell. (Fixes#7884)
* Fixed a type while checking for the 'inline-group'. fixes (#7884)
* 'vnameOptions' can be a Promise function too, hence - taken care accrodingly.
* Introduced a parameter 'reloadOnDepChanges' in the BaseSchemaUI field
to force reload the control on value change for one of the
* Reload on the components in case of dependent value changes.
* Introduced 'useSchemaStateSubscriber', which generates a state
subscriber mananager instance. It helps multiple subscribers in a
single control as we could have multiple subscribe within a control.
(For example - value, options, errors, etc).
* Fixed all the issues reported (#7884)
* Show the icon for the 'Reset' button. (Reference #7884)
* Reload the server list after connecting to a server in the 'New
connection' dialog (QueryTool). (Reference: #7884)
* Pass the grid path during the bulk update (click on a radio action)
* Don't assign the cell value to the 'rowValue' variable.
Restructured these modules for ease of maintenance and apply the single
responsibility principle (wherever applicable).
* SchemaView
- Split the code based on the functionality and responsibility.
- Introduced a new View 'InlineView' instead of using the
'nextInline' configuration of the fields to have a better, and
manageable view.
- Using the separate class 'SchemaState' for managing the data and
states of the SchemaView (separated from the 'useSchemaState'
custom hook).
- Introduced three new custom hooks 'useFieldValue',
'useFieldOptions', 'useFieldError' for the individual control to
use for each Schema Field.
- Don't pass value as the parameter props, and let the
'useFieldValue' and other custom hooks to decide, whether to
rerender the control itself or the whole dialog/view. (single
responsibility principle)
- Introduced a new data store with a subscription facility.
- Moving the field metadata (option) evaluation to a separate place
for better management, and each option can be defined for a
particular kind of field (for example - collection, row, cell,
general, etc).
- Allow to provide custom control for all kind of Schema field.
* DataGridView
- Same as SchemaView, split the DataGridView call into smaller,
manageable chunks. (For example - grid, row, mappedCell, etc).
- Use context based approach for providing the row and table data
instead of passing them as parameters to every component
- Have a facility to extend this feature separately in future.
(for example - selectable cell, column grouping, etc.)
- Separated the features like deletable, editable, reorder,
expandable etc. cells using the above feature support.
- Added ability to provide the CustomHeader, and CustomRow through the
Schema field, which will extend the ability to customize better.
- Removed the 'DataGridViewWithHeaderForm' as it has been achieved
through providing 'CustomHeader', and also introduced
'DataGridFormHeader' (a custom header) to achieve the same feature
as 'DataGridViewWithHeaderForm'.
The new implementation will store the master password in the keyring instead of storing each and every server password separately. The master password will be used to encrypt/decrypt server password when storing in the pgAdmin config DB.
Changes include:
- Simplify current SchemaView code
- Add ability to reuse the schema data & state management implementation outside the SchemaDialogView component.
- Further split components in small and manageable separate files.
- Removed the 'DepListenerContext' context as there was no need for separate context.
- Added a reload functionality in the 'useSchemaState'
- Changes in feature tests.