1) Migrate from webpack 4 to webpack 5. This had a lot of breaking changes,
so updated multiple webpack plugins and changed the config accordingly.
2) Replaced iconfont-webpack-plugin with a more maintained webfonts-loader.
3) Replaced deprecated babel-eslint with @babel/eslint-parser.
4) Replaced optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin with a more maintained css-minimizer-webpack-plugin.
5) Updated all other JS packages and made the required code changes.
Introduced two config params:
1. USER_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT - Interval in seconds for the timeout. Default is 0-Zero which means disabled.
2. OVERRIDE_USER_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT - If set to true, tools like query tool or debugger will override USER_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT
and will not allow the application to timeout if a query is running for a long time.