2. Admin should be able to lock the user, as currently it only unlocks it via
user management dialog.
3. There were some indefinite login page loading issues when trying to log in
with invalid password, where it should redirect to the login page again instead.
refs #6337 (Initial patch by Khushboo Vashi)
- Refactor functions to not always return the same value.
- Rename "cls" to "self" or add the missing "self" parameter.
- Remove useless assignment to variables.
1. Boolean checks should not be inverted.
2. The comma operator should not be used.
3. Arguments to built-in functions should match documented types.
4. Redundant pairs of parentheses should be removed.
5. A conditionally executed single line should be denoted by indentation,
6. A while loop should be used instead of a 'for' loop.
Ensure error should be handled properly when LDAP user is created with the same name. Fixes#5420
Fixed an issue where an internal user is not created if the authentication source is set to internal and ldap. Fixes#5432
1) Unable to add a user when there are many users. The dialog went blank. Fixed.
2) The error message did not have a close button. Fixed.
3) When clicked on the add button, then the cursor will focus on the email box of
the new row for convenience.
4) When the dialog opens, the cursor will focus on the search text box.
5) By default, the "User" role will be selected when adding a new user.
Also removed an empty option in the roles dropdown.
6) When the search filter is applied and we try to add an already existing user, the
validation is done only on the filtered data and not on all the users' data.
- fixed gettext usage with .format() only for original text with %s
- fixed typos
- fixed translation yes/no buttons in the dialog.
- improved translating sentences without "connecting" words (eg. see web/pgadmin/dashboard/static/js/dashboard.js,
word 'cancel' needs to be translated in the Czech language as 'zrušit' but in another sentence as 'zrušení')
- added gettext for text translations.
1) Fixed usage gettext('') instead of _('') in javascript files.
2) Fixed usage gettext('') instead of `${gettext('')}` in javascript files,
because "pybabel extract" not support extracting from this syntax.
Changes include:
1) Remove underscore-string and sprintf-js packages as we were using only %s. Instead, added a function to do the same. Also changed gettext to behave like sprintf directly.
2) backgrid.sizeable.columns was not used anywhere, removed. @babel/polyfill is deprecated, replaced it with core-js.
3) Moved few css to make sure they get minified and bundled.
4) Added Flask-Compress to send static files as compressed gzip. This will reduce network traffic and improve initial load time for pgAdmin.
5) Split few JS files to make code reusable.
6) Lazy load few modules like leaflet, wkx is required only if geometry viewer is opened. snapsvg loaded only when explain plan is executed. This will improve sqleditor initial opening time.
Reviewed By: Khushboo Vashi
- Base font size changed from 0.815rem to 0.875rem, for navbar from 0.875rem to 0.925rem.
- Dialog sizes made consistent throughout the application. Now there are 3 size options for width and height each - sm, md, lg. Combination of any of these to be used hereafter
- Alignment fix for controls of Node properties dialogs which includes showing text and label in one line without dialog size change, checkbox alignment, switch control alignment at places and other minor improvements in other dialogs
- Error message design change in dialogs validation
- SQL Editor data grid editor popup design changes which were missed
- Design change for dashboard server activity grid
- Login page language dropdown color fix
- Properties accordion collapse design fix
- Help, Info icon fixed across all dialogs which were not working if clicked exactly on the text
- Added missing icon with buttons at few places
- Shadow behind the dialogs is increased to make it look clearly separated and depth.
- Control Alignment fix in maintenance dialog
- Min height of alertify dialogs set for better UX
- File dialog design fix when no files found
- Grant wizard fixes - Scroll bar visibility on first page, use full space for SQL generated on the last page
- Browser toolbar buttons changed to sync with SQL editor toolbar buttons
- Rounded corners for docker floating dialog (no properties)
- Renaming file in file dialog should show original file name
- SQL data grid text edit popup buttons behaviour was swapped. This is fixed.
- Import/Export dialog changes as per new design.
Changed the SCSS/CSS for the below third party libraries to adopt the
new look 'n' feel:
- wcDocker
- Alertify dialogs, and notifications
- AciTree
- Bootstrap Navbar
- Bootstrap Tabs
- Bootstrap Drop-Down menu
- Backgrid
- Select2
Adopated the new the look 'n' feel for the dialogs, wizard, properties,
tab panels, tabs, fieldset, subnode control, spinner control, HTML
table, and other form controls.
- Font is changed to Roboto
- Using SCSS variables to define the look 'n' feel
- Designer background images for the Login, and Forget password pages in
'web' mode
- Improved the look 'n' feel for the key selection in the preferences
- Table classes consistency changes across the application
- File Open and Save dialog list view changes
Author(s): Aditya Toshniwal & Khushboo Vashi