tree toggle issue
Query tool inteliSence issue eg. when there is only one option and drop down is not shown
Backup and restore windows locator changes
Fixes required due to resolving rm # 4041
Dependent tab not showing data sometime, so refreshed the page and handled it
Due to change of logic for auto commit, did the required changes
Due to fix of RM 4062, did the required workaround which broke the test case.
- Process watcher made fixed width with header changes, time details rounded to 2 decimals
- Query history will show "No query history" if no query fired. Query editor default size increased.
- Fixed a bug where New folder create button not working when in List mode and No files/folder present.
- Other minor improvements.
maximize button in the Grant Wizard.
Also - change the CSS to set the top to '0' of the ajs-content (alertify
content container) for the frameless dialogs.
- Base font size changed from 0.815rem to 0.875rem, for navbar from 0.875rem to 0.925rem.
- Dialog sizes made consistent throughout the application. Now there are 3 size options for width and height each - sm, md, lg. Combination of any of these to be used hereafter
- Alignment fix for controls of Node properties dialogs which includes showing text and label in one line without dialog size change, checkbox alignment, switch control alignment at places and other minor improvements in other dialogs
- Error message design change in dialogs validation
- SQL Editor data grid editor popup design changes which were missed
- Design change for dashboard server activity grid
- Login page language dropdown color fix
- Properties accordion collapse design fix
- Help, Info icon fixed across all dialogs which were not working if clicked exactly on the text
- Added missing icon with buttons at few places
- Shadow behind the dialogs is increased to make it look clearly separated and depth.
- Control Alignment fix in maintenance dialog
- Min height of alertify dialogs set for better UX
- File dialog design fix when no files found
- Grant wizard fixes - Scroll bar visibility on first page, use full space for SQL generated on the last page
- Browser toolbar buttons changed to sync with SQL editor toolbar buttons
- Rounded corners for docker floating dialog (no properties)
- Renaming file in file dialog should show original file name
- SQL data grid text edit popup buttons behaviour was swapped. This is fixed.
- Import/Export dialog changes as per new design.
Changed the SCSS/CSS for the below third party libraries to adopt the
new look 'n' feel:
- wcDocker
- Alertify dialogs, and notifications
- AciTree
- Bootstrap Navbar
- Bootstrap Tabs
- Bootstrap Drop-Down menu
- Backgrid
- Select2
Adopated the new the look 'n' feel for the dialogs, wizard, properties,
tab panels, tabs, fieldset, subnode control, spinner control, HTML
table, and other form controls.
- Font is changed to Roboto
- Using SCSS variables to define the look 'n' feel
- Designer background images for the Login, and Forget password pages in
'web' mode
- Improved the look 'n' feel for the key selection in the preferences
- Table classes consistency changes across the application
- File Open and Save dialog list view changes
Author(s): Aditya Toshniwal & Khushboo Vashi
- Removed 'collapse in' css from wizard as we have 'collapse show' in Bootstrap-4
- Fixed 'Select/Unselect All' button layout for Select2 control used in pgAgent.
Highlights of this patch include:
- Changes will affect SQL Editors in Create dialog boxes, SQL tab of the main screen, Query tool, History entries in the query tool, Query tool opened in New Tab/Window
- All the components of SQL editor will refer to single source of preferences which is cached in the Browser object. All other redundant ajax get preference calls are removed.
- SQL editor will not refer template JS variables anymore, once all the references are removed the template variables will also be removed.
- Code refactoring wherever possible.
- Covered JS test cases wherever possible.
Extract some of the ACI Tree functionalities, and decouple it from the
main source. Also - create some abstractions from the repeated code
around the enable/disable the schema children object create/edit/delete
functionalities, and also created the dialog wrappers for backup and
restore dialogs.
Reviewed by: Khushboo and Ashesh
Refactored by: Ashesh
This is the first version of our Tree implementation. At this point is a
very simple tree without no abstractions and with code that eventually
is not very performant, but this is only the first iteration and we are
trying to follow the 'Last Responsible Moment Principle' [1].
Implemention details:
- Creation of PGBrowser.treeMenu
- Initial version of the Tree Adaptor 'pgadmin/static/js/tree/tree.js'
- TreeFake test double that can replace the Tree for testing purposes
- Tests, As an interesting asside because Fake’s need to behave like
the real object you will noticed that there are tests for this type
of double and they the same as of the real object.
Patched by: Victoria && Joao
Reviewed by: Khushboo & Ashesh
1481 of 1831 messages (80%) translated in pgadmin/translations/de/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po
1694 of 1831 messages (92%) translated in pgadmin/translations/ja/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po
1748 of 1831 messages (95%) translated in pgadmin/translations/pl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po
1750 of 1831 messages (95%) translated in pgadmin/translations/ru/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po
1436 of 1831 messages (78%) translated in pgadmin/translations/zh/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po
- Loading 'pgadmin' as 'sources/pgadmin', as found under the 'sources'
reference directory to be consistent with other files.
- Removed the 'pgadmin' reference from the base.html template.
- Renamed 'pgadmin.slickgrid.editors.js', and
'pgadmin.slickgrid.formatters.js' as 'editors.js', and 'formatters.js'
respectively, as they're already in the 'pgadmin/static/js/slickgrid'
- Removed the duplicate entry of 'translations' from the webpack.shim.js
This significantly speeds up loading of the application; in an average of 3 tests, v1.6
loaded in 11.5s in the runtime on a Mac, whilst the webpacked version of the code
loaded in 5.53s.
'static' directory from 'templates' in the respective module directory:
- Server Group
- Server
- Database
- Schema
- Cast
- Event trigger
- Extension
- Foreign data wrapper
- Language
- Catalog Object
- Collation
- Domain Constraint
- Domain
- Foreign server
- FTS Configuration
- FTS Dictionary
- FTS Parser
- FTS Template
- Function
- Procedure
- Trigger Function
- Package
- Sequence
- Catalog
- Schema
- Synonym
- Table
- Type
- Materialized View
- View
- pgAgent Modules
+ Job (pga_job)
+ Schedule (pga_schedule)
+ Steps (pga_jobstep)
Added new dynanic modules for listing the supported server types, and
current user information.
NOTE: We've not yet moved the javascripts for the children of the table
1. Fixed update privileges for views and materialized views.
2. Apart from this fixed wrong sql for privilege update.
3. Fixed: Error message was not got cleared even after removing entry with error on privilege tab.
- Added DatetimepickerControl, MomentCell (using moment.js)
- Used the 'DatetimepickerControl' in Role (Also - resolved an issue, when unset the datetime for 'Valid Until'.)
- Added a 'Select All/Unselect All' adaptor for Select2 used by pgAgent nodes.
- Fixed an issue with SubNodeCollectionControl, which was not starting the modification session of the child model, when created default value for collection is not null/undefined. And, hence - validation on the child model was not working.
- Fixed a memory leak with SqlFieldControl, and SqlTabControl, which was not releasing the CodeMirror properly.
1] datamodel.js: For collection type added check before adding model into "changed" list instead of adding it blindly.
2] Type casting from str to int of column properties like attlen, attpricision.
3] Added missing data formating when adding new column to existing table (from table edit mode).
4] Added more validation for Foreign key constraint.
5] Column.js: Column grid (in table edit mode) show proper disabled color for disabled cell when grid renders.
6] All constraints and index js added idattribute to distinguish which s/constraint or s/index is updated on server side.
7] Column update.sql: Fixed sql when altering column data type. The issue was when we alter data type from which has length and precision to data type which don't have these properties and vice versa.
For e.g. alter data type numeric(10,12) to real (and vice versa)
8] Renaming constraint (RM1500).
9] simplejson KeyError handing for Python 2.7.
1. Altered variable control to make its UI consistent with privileges and Security labels.
2. Changed datamodel.js to handle duplicate rows at datamodel level and not UI/Control level. (See variable control for example)
In order to resolve the issue, set the height, width of the area (div)
under the wcFrame. wcIFrame consider the height, and width of this
container to determine the height, width & position of the iframe.
1) Grant wizard close issue.
2) Moved grant wizard specific css from wizard.css to grant_wizard.css
3) removed 'ajs_content' css from wizard.css causing padding issue in alertify dialog
will always have latest data related to that type of node. Also, fixed
the cache_level for different node types.
This commit also contains fixes for the following issue:
* In extension module - use the 'node-list-by-name' instead of using a
custom 'node-ajax-options' control, and removed redundant template
schemas from it.
* When we tries to destroy the select2 object from
Select2Cell/Select2Control while releasing the properties view,
sometimes select2 can not find the instance related it for some
unknown reason. Hence - before removing it we will check for manual
instance existance using $.data('select2').
* When we traverse through the browser tree nodes very quickly, it tries
to remove the object before it gets created completely, and results
into an exception.
* Icon in the select2 drop down list was not visible due to some CSS
Apart of that, we will generate two new browser events -
'pgadmin-node:created:<NODE-TYPE>', 'pgadmin-node:updated:<NODE-TYPE>'
whenever a new node is created, or an existing node will be updated.
due to internal 'set' function call from the internal 'reset' function.
We will stop the session management, before doing any clean up for
ignoring such events.
Removed the use of separate editor for both of these cell types. There
were two instance of select2 were getting created in the Select2Cell,
one in the Select2Cell itself, and another in Select2CellEditor. And,
loosing the focus mysteriously, and making the scrollbar in the property
dialog non-responsive.
Also, modified the NodeAjaxOptionsCell to use the above logic, and
removed its own version of render function to make it consitent across
the system.
This patch [changes sent by Murtuza] also includes improvisation in the
DeleteCell, and ObjectCell, which will honour now 'canRemoveRow', and
''canEditRow' respective properties of Column.
The current implementaton binds the cell/control object, and the ajax
data in the asychronous Cells/Controls with the 'options' functions
extended from the Select2Cell.
The problem starts when we try to fetch the current model from that
options/transform/filter function to do some operation, which does not
require in most of the cases. Except the privileges control - where we
needed the current model for omitting the existing selected object
during transformation, and filtering.
In order resolved the issue, we need a common object, which is shared
among the Cell. In backgrid, the 'Column' object is mong the cell,
hence - implementation logic has been changed to bid the 'Column' object
with the 'options' function and, passed the 'Cell' object as an
Because - we do use the common function 'transform' between 'Control'
and 'Cell', we needed make changes in the Select2Control to pass the
Control object as an arguments.
And, make the changes in the privileges control to use the new
implementation. The same logic is also required in some of the
operations, we will be/are working on the table/column nodes.
multiple menu-items (not just the 'create' menu-group).
Moved all the main menu/context menu generation implementation in the
'menu' javascript menu.
In this implementation, if more than one menu-items specify same type
of categories, they will be created withing that group, otherwise - it
will be created separately (unless 'single' property of that category is
set to true).
We can also provide icon, priority, separator(s) above/below it for the
individual sub-menu too using pgAdmin.Browser.add_menu_category
generated for the privilege control. Also, made changes in the
PrivilegeRoleModel, to allow to select a grantee only once for the
current user (as grantor), and omit them from other cell objects.
Valid/Invalid event was not properly triggered, whenever the child
attribute is a collection/model within a model (nested mode/collection
within model). This patch tried to take care of all such scenarios in
change events.
- In input & textarea control, call the change event on key up (but -
not on every key up events, wait for sometime before trigger that
event, so that - we do not overdo that).
- In unique/subnode control, whenever we create new model object, set
all the required static fields used by pgAdmin form generation logic.
- In NodeAjaxListCell, we don't need to call the list generation
operation (ajax operation) for each and every cell. They use the same
shared column object.
Also - includes:
* Added 'parent_id' in the 'generate_browser_node' function of the Nodes
to allow them to move around the parents objects (specially through
update/save functionality).
* Handles the issue related to adding the older object back to the
collection (DataModel).
Author: Ashesh Vashi
Reviewed by: Neel Patel, and Akshay Joshi.