Changes include:
1) Remove underscore-string and sprintf-js packages as we were using only %s. Instead, added a function to do the same. Also changed gettext to behave like sprintf directly.
2) backgrid.sizeable.columns was not used anywhere, removed. @babel/polyfill is deprecated, replaced it with core-js.
3) Moved few css to make sure they get minified and bundled.
4) Added Flask-Compress to send static files as compressed gzip. This will reduce network traffic and improve initial load time for pgAdmin.
5) Split few JS files to make code reusable.
6) Lazy load few modules like leaflet, wkx is required only if geometry viewer is opened. snapsvg loaded only when explain plan is executed. This will improve sqleditor initial opening time.
Reviewed By: Khushboo Vashi
Attached is a tiny but very effective patch to improve the speed of
finding a node using path (used internally).
If you right click or just click on a node, internally the node is
traversed using its path. But currently, it compares with the path of
all the open nodes to find a match.
So if you 1000+ tables and the tables node is open and if you click on
a view, the view path is compared with all the 1000+ tables (and with
any other open nodes above) before arriving to path. You're at bad luck
if you have more open servers above.
Code is changed to check if the path of node to be found starts with the
current node path. If it doesn't match, why bother the children's of
current node.
This change will not show much effect for small data, but it does matter
for large servers.
One more change is to remove unnecessary calls to find node and use the
data available with Main Menu -> Object to enable/disable node context
menu items.
Changed the SCSS/CSS for the below third party libraries to adopt the
new look 'n' feel:
- wcDocker
- Alertify dialogs, and notifications
- AciTree
- Bootstrap Navbar
- Bootstrap Tabs
- Bootstrap Drop-Down menu
- Backgrid
- Select2
Adopated the new the look 'n' feel for the dialogs, wizard, properties,
tab panels, tabs, fieldset, subnode control, spinner control, HTML
table, and other form controls.
- Font is changed to Roboto
- Using SCSS variables to define the look 'n' feel
- Designer background images for the Login, and Forget password pages in
'web' mode
- Improved the look 'n' feel for the key selection in the preferences
- Table classes consistency changes across the application
- File Open and Save dialog list view changes
Author(s): Aditya Toshniwal & Khushboo Vashi
- Loading 'pgadmin' as 'sources/pgadmin', as found under the 'sources'
reference directory to be consistent with other files.
- Removed the 'pgadmin' reference from the base.html template.
- Renamed 'pgadmin.slickgrid.editors.js', and
'pgadmin.slickgrid.formatters.js' as 'editors.js', and 'formatters.js'
respectively, as they're already in the 'pgadmin/static/js/slickgrid'
- Removed the duplicate entry of 'translations' from the webpack.shim.js
'static' directory from 'templates' in the respective module directory:
- Server Group
- Server
- Database
- Schema
- Cast
- Event trigger
- Extension
- Foreign data wrapper
- Language
- Catalog Object
- Collation
- Domain Constraint
- Domain
- Foreign server
- FTS Configuration
- FTS Dictionary
- FTS Parser
- FTS Template
- Function
- Procedure
- Trigger Function
- Package
- Sequence
- Catalog
- Schema
- Synonym
- Table
- Type
- Materialized View
- View
- pgAgent Modules
+ Job (pga_job)
+ Schedule (pga_schedule)
+ Steps (pga_jobstep)
Added new dynanic modules for listing the supported server types, and
current user information.
NOTE: We've not yet moved the javascripts for the children of the table
multiple menu-items (not just the 'create' menu-group).
Moved all the main menu/context menu generation implementation in the
'menu' javascript menu.
In this implementation, if more than one menu-items specify same type
of categories, they will be created withing that group, otherwise - it
will be created separately (unless 'single' property of that category is
set to true).
We can also provide icon, priority, separator(s) above/below it for the
individual sub-menu too using pgAdmin.Browser.add_menu_category
(lazy loading) using the require.js. This allows us to load the
javascript required for any node, only when it was loaded in the browser
tree. Also, introduced the mechanism to show/edit/create of any node in
a tab panel (wcDocker.Panel).