1. If the user adds a percentage (other than for placeholders) then it is stripped off.
2. Backslash is getting removed in the connection string if we provide the backslash(\) in placeholders or the database name contains it.
3. If the user added only spaces( )in placeholders it is not getting reset to default values.
1. Rename panel option is not working in the debugger.
2. Added Rename panel for schema diff.
1) Replace the deprecated unit test method.
2) Wraps filter usage in a list call.
3) Converts the old metaclass syntax to new.
4) Use range instead of xrange method.
5) Change Unicode to str.
6) Several other transformations.
7) Fixed change password test cases.
8) Use simplejson instead of plain JSON.
- Remove this assignment to the local variable, the value is never used.
- Rename local variables to match the regular expression
- Add logic to this except clause or eliminate it and rethrow the exception automatically.
- Rename fields to match the regular expression
- Extract this nested conditional expression into an independent statement.
- Change this default value to "None" and initialize this parameter inside the function/method.
- Update this function so that its implementation is not identical to __repr__
- Refactor this method to not always return the same value
- Reraise this exception to stop the application as the user expects
- Add missing parameters _w _PY3. This method overrides simplejson.decoder.JSONDecoder.decode.
- Remove this redundant continue.
- Remove this unused function declaration
- Remove this identity check; it will always be False.
1) Schema diff compare button icon is not visible on hover.
2) Schema diff for identical section text is not readable due to the same color as the background.
3) Removed extra variables used for set text color for explain - Analysis section (Issue related dark theme.).
4) Issue related to the disabled toggle button.
refs #5653
1) Rename field "node_type" to prevent any misunderstanding/clash with field "NODE_TYPE" defined.
2) Define a constant instead of duplicating this literal.
1) Rename the field "NODE_TYPE" and "COLLECTION_LABEL" to "_NODE_TYPE" and "_COLLECTION_LABEL"
2) Declare the constant in PGChildNodeView for SQL files.
1) TypeError can be thrown as <variable_name> might be null or undefined here.
2) Unexpected duplicate "white-space".
3) Unexpected missing generic font family.
4) Unexpected shorthand "padding" after "padding-left".
2) Added server group name while selecting servers in schema diff. Fixes#5500
3) Fixed an issue where two identical tables showing different by schema diff tool. Fixes#5584
Fixed an issue where schema diff showing changes in the identical domain constraints. Fixes#5315
Ignore the keys from the source and target list and also sort both the lists.
- Using the 'gettext' as oppose to '_', which is not defined
- Define missing variables
- Fixed escape character in string with double quote
- Removed some dead code in a test case
- Removed unnecessary self assignment
Includes some fixes for Accessibility improvements
- Use semantic markup to mark emphasized or special text
- Added hidden legend in <fieldset> for better screen reader support
1) Fixed usage gettext('') instead of _('') in javascript files.
2) Fixed usage gettext('') instead of `${gettext('')}` in javascript files,
because "pybabel extract" not support extracting from this syntax.
Improve the style of the highlighted code after query execution for Dark mode. Fixes#4996.
Changed background pattern for geometry viewer to use #fff for all themes. Fixes#5077
Changed the color of selected and hovered item for Select2 dropdown, also tweak the appearance of the tags in multi-select boxes. Fixes#4955
Fixed Firefox monospaced issue by updating the font to the latest version. Fixes#5184
1. Comparison result of 2 exact identical Trigger Functions is different
2. EPAS 12: Table comparison with the compound trigger shown as different, but all SQL panels are blank
3. Compound trigger properties panel is not opening
4. The DDL difference of the table containing the foreign key is not accurate
5. The DDL difference of the view which refers the table from schema is not accurate
6. DDL comparison fails if we have procedure with plpgsql in source and edbsql in target
1) Version mismatch should be displayed if you select EPAS 11 as the source and EPAS 12 as the target.
2) We should handle schema diff if the user stops the server after compare.
3) The data type is not visible for column headers in the query tool/view data.
4) Difference SQL is shown, though source & target SQL are same.
5) Error is shown when the 'target only' table is selected & clicked on Generate Script.
6) Difference SQL generated on deleting primary constraints from source throwing error on running from query tool.
7) Copy button for Difference SQL does not work.
8) Incorrect SQL is generated when check constraint from the source table is dropped.
9) Difference SQL is NOT shown when 'Unique Constraint' is dropped from the source table.
10) In case of difference, no message displayed related to copied successfully or not.
11) create or replace trigger should be on the next line.
12) Comparison Result of exactly identical tables having foreign key constraints is shown as different.
13) The wrong SQL displayed in the difference tab for view and materialized view for the select statements.
14) Wrong SQL displayed for the procedure in the difference section.
15) If the user already opens the compare section of Schema diff tool and Disconnects the server then '<' not supported between instances of 'NoneType' and 'int' message displayed.
16) When 'check constraint' is added on the source table which has already unique constraint & identical target table is created, all SQL panels remain empty.
17) Difference SQL is NOT shown when after adding 'Foreign Key' constraint to existing source table.
18) Incorrect SQL is generated when the existing index on the source table is modified.
19) Wrong SQL displayed for function in difference section.
20) Additional space is added before & after in difference SQL generated on the addition of an index to the source table.
21) Difference SQL is NOT shown when tables have different permission/grants.
22) Incorrect SQL is shown when the source had inherited table & target has a normal table.
23) Exactly identical child(inherited) tables show difference SQL.
24) Comparison is NOT working when the custom vacuum is enabled & one of the parameter modified & again custom vacuum is disabled.
1. Grid header should be center aligned vertically.
2. Increase the space between object counts.
3. The previous selected objects should not be re-selected on comparison.
Currently supported objects are Table, View, Materialized View, Function and Procedure.
Backend comparison of two schemas implemented by: Akshay Joshi