known events, when any activity happens on the browser layout.
The following types of events will be triggered through the browser
event manager.
- pgadmin-browser:frame:* [1]
- pgadmin-browser:frame-<name>:* [1]
- pgadmin-browser:panel:* [1]
- pgadmin-browser:panel-<name>:* [1]
- pgadmin-browser:panel
- pgadmin-browser:frame
- pgadmin-browser:tree
- pgadmin-browser:tree:* [2]
[1] The '*' denotes some of the events generated by the wcDocker, which
can be useful to do some operations.
These events are:
+ wcDocker.EVENT.MOVED
[2] The '*' denotes all the events generated by the Browser Tree
The extension modules can utilize these events to do some operations on
nodes, and panels.
This patch includes showing 'Reversed Engineered Query' for the selected
node (if allowed) using the above approch.
The ShowNodeSQL module looks for two events.
1. SQL Panel Visibility change.
- Based on the visibility of that panel, we start/stop listening the
node selection event.
2. Node Selection in Browser tree
- Based on the selected node type, it will look for 'hasSQL'
parameter of the node, and fetch the Query from the server, and
show it in the SQL editor.
Added functionality to open different website link and load the
website data to different tab. To achieve this, new customized
QTabWidget and QWebView are added to render the data to WebView
widget. All the widgets (New Tab, WebViewWinodw, and QToolButton)
are added dynamically. QToolButton is used to traverse back and
forward to web document opened in WebViewWindow.
Introduced the New class called WebViewWindow which is derived
from QWebView. Each tab of the QTabWidget contains the instance
of WebViewWindow class. WebViewWindow class is useful to display
the web document.
Introduced New class called TabWindow which is derived from
QTabWidget. This class is useful to achieve following functionality:
- Customize the close button of tabbar so that it can only be
visible other then main pgAdmin 4 window.
- Enable/Disable the toolbutton added left side of tabbar
depending on the web history traversed by the user in WebViewWindow.
- Set the tooltip text of the tabbar depending on the title change
event of WebViewWindow class.
Modified the Qt project file to support the both the version
of python 2 and python 3.
Qt5 is recommended to test pgAdmin4 in dektop mode.
show) for both control and cell, while generating the columns and field
Schema. And, it was resulting into wrong behaviour because of that.
Also - includes the server changes, which was using 'show' parameter
earlier for showing version, when server was connected.
NodeListByNameCell for selecting the grantee.
This patch includes:
- Change the RolePrivilegesModel schema to allow to use the
NodeListByNameCell for showing grantee, and granter information.
- When setting some value - do not use the silent flag in Select2Cell, which
will allow the session manager to take the value in account, which is
used by the NodeListByNameCell.
- Set the top object in the children of the UniqueControl collections.
[Ashesh Vashi]
- Pass on the node information to the actual data model, so that - we can use
node information by the control itself. [Ashesh Vashi]
- While adding the new privilege, set the granter to the current user.
[Ashesh Vashi]
for using them with Backgrid.
It has similar functionality which we have done for fetching node
options for select2 cell using ajax at the time of initialization to use
it with Backgrid.
variable control, privilege control, which specifies the keys - which
helps identify the data from the collection. Also, resolved an version
compatibility issue with the variable control.
done using the Backbone event management.
Emitting 'pgadmin-session:*' for different operations, when we
create/modify the data within the properties dialog.
We will keep track of each child node using the handler object within
the Model, and Collection objects, also - provides them the name of the
attribute, it represents. It will be used to identify the invalid nested
objects within the existing object.
Also, provide the array of modified variables, which were modified in
the validation function to avoid checking each, and every thing in the
validation function. We will need to validate that particular and the
dependent attributes only.
Also - avoid multiple validation operations from the parent object to
improve performance. And, depends on the event based operations for
validation, instead of integrate the data operation and view operation
within one operation. We do maintain the invalid objects, and validate
them only from the collection objects, which also helps improve the
performance during validation.
1. NodeAjaxOtions needs to check 'version_compability' in field, and not
'ver_in_limit' variable. (Thanks Murtuza for pointing that out.)
2. Override the input control to catch the change properly in it.
3. Updated the UniqueCollectionControl and Variable Control to render
proper template in the header.
While fetching the database nodes from the role nodes, it was generating
the wrong URL.
Used the parent_type in each node to identify maximum node URL level
using the priority set in the tree node hearachy information, and
generate URL up to that level only.
database(s), and tablespace(s).
Thanks Harshal Dhumal for sharing the original patch.
I've modified a lot to work by fetching the variables later by giving a
- Introduced the template macros for SECURITY LABELS and VARIABLES.
- Improvised the Backform.Control with better syntactic approach.
- Introduced a jquery function pgMakeVisible(..) to make it visible
under any obj which can be identified by unique class.