Highlights of this patch include:
- Changes will affect SQL Editors in Create dialog boxes, SQL tab of the main screen, Query tool, History entries in the query tool, Query tool opened in New Tab/Window
- All the components of SQL editor will refer to single source of preferences which is cached in the Browser object. All other redundant ajax get preference calls are removed.
- SQL editor will not refer template JS variables anymore, once all the references are removed the template variables will also be removed.
- Code refactoring wherever possible.
- Covered JS test cases wherever possible.
Extract some of the ACI Tree functionalities, and decouple it from the
main source. Also - create some abstractions from the repeated code
around the enable/disable the schema children object create/edit/delete
functionalities, and also created the dialog wrappers for backup and
restore dialogs.
Reviewed by: Khushboo and Ashesh
Refactored by: Ashesh
This is the first version of our Tree implementation. At this point is a
very simple tree without no abstractions and with code that eventually
is not very performant, but this is only the first iteration and we are
trying to follow the 'Last Responsible Moment Principle' [1].
Implemention details:
- Creation of PGBrowser.treeMenu
- Initial version of the Tree Adaptor 'pgadmin/static/js/tree/tree.js'
- TreeFake test double that can replace the Tree for testing purposes
- Tests, As an interesting asside because Fake’s need to behave like
the real object you will noticed that there are tests for this type
of double and they the same as of the real object.
[1] https://medium.com/@aidanjcasey/guiding-principles-for-an-evolutionary-software-architecture-b6dc2cb24680
Patched by: Victoria && Joao
Reviewed by: Khushboo & Ashesh
1481 of 1831 messages (80%) translated in pgadmin/translations/de/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po
1694 of 1831 messages (92%) translated in pgadmin/translations/ja/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po
1748 of 1831 messages (95%) translated in pgadmin/translations/pl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po
1750 of 1831 messages (95%) translated in pgadmin/translations/ru/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po
1436 of 1831 messages (78%) translated in pgadmin/translations/zh/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po
- Loading 'pgadmin' as 'sources/pgadmin', as found under the 'sources'
reference directory to be consistent with other files.
- Removed the 'pgadmin' reference from the base.html template.
- Renamed 'pgadmin.slickgrid.editors.js', and
'pgadmin.slickgrid.formatters.js' as 'editors.js', and 'formatters.js'
respectively, as they're already in the 'pgadmin/static/js/slickgrid'
- Removed the duplicate entry of 'translations' from the webpack.shim.js
This significantly speeds up loading of the application; in an average of 3 tests, v1.6
loaded in 11.5s in the runtime on a Mac, whilst the webpacked version of the code
loaded in 5.53s.
'static' directory from 'templates' in the respective module directory:
- Server Group
- Server
- Database
- Schema
- Cast
- Event trigger
- Extension
- Foreign data wrapper
- Language
- Catalog Object
- Collation
- Domain Constraint
- Domain
- Foreign server
- FTS Configuration
- FTS Dictionary
- FTS Parser
- FTS Template
- Function
- Procedure
- Trigger Function
- Package
- Sequence
- Catalog
- Schema
- Synonym
- Table
- Type
- Materialized View
- View
- pgAgent Modules
+ Job (pga_job)
+ Schedule (pga_schedule)
+ Steps (pga_jobstep)
Added new dynanic modules for listing the supported server types, and
current user information.
NOTE: We've not yet moved the javascripts for the children of the table
1. Fixed update privileges for views and materialized views.
2. Apart from this fixed wrong sql for privilege update.
3. Fixed: Error message was not got cleared even after removing entry with error on privilege tab.
- Added DatetimepickerControl, MomentCell (using moment.js)
- Used the 'DatetimepickerControl' in Role (Also - resolved an issue, when unset the datetime for 'Valid Until'.)
- Added a 'Select All/Unselect All' adaptor for Select2 used by pgAgent nodes.
- Fixed an issue with SubNodeCollectionControl, which was not starting the modification session of the child model, when created default value for collection is not null/undefined. And, hence - validation on the child model was not working.
- Fixed a memory leak with SqlFieldControl, and SqlTabControl, which was not releasing the CodeMirror properly.