- Prevent the user from executing multiple options at once, resulting in "Execute cannot be used while an asynchronous query is underway********** Error ****" messages
- Stop polling when debugging is complete.
- Don't show the busy cursory when debugging is complete.
- Display info messages properly, and reset them between executions.
When a File Manager is closed by clicking cancel button. Its dom element not destroyed.. So on traversing into directories, when it tries to get currently selected file type, it looks into the dom element but it gets dom of previous dialogs not of currently dialog.
Now whenever an instance of File Manager is closed. its dom elements are also destroyed.
Issues fixed:
1) In Python 3, parameter "cmp" is removed from sorted method. So File Manager won't open.
As we are sorting data on JS side using Natural sort, so on server side sorting is not required.
2) Improvement in Exception handling.
Reason: IntegerControl assumes the model, passed to it, would always has errorModel variable set properly.
In order to resolve it, now using pgBrowser.DataModel instead of Backbone.Model, which initialize the errorModel by default.
1) If we create/update a node with non-default schema, It should return selected schema id in return response. but default schema id is returned every time due to which it throws error in properties panel.
Fixed in Domains, Collation, Types, Views & Table node.
2) Incorrect parent id of object node is returned from nodes method due to which wrong parent id is passed while updating object and
thus node didn't get refreshed.
Fixed in FTS Configuration, FTS Parser nodes.
1. Fixed update privileges for views and materialized views.
2. Apart from this fixed wrong sql for privilege update.
3. Fixed: Error message was not got cleared even after removing entry with error on privilege tab.
1. Code changes (due to drop objects functionality).
2. Quoting for database names in drop databases.
3. Code changes for import errors for pickle_path and advanced_config variables.
When clicked on upload icon while saving a file prompt user to leave page. It is because the icon is a button and its type is set to submit which makes it to prompt, instead it should be 'button'
Storage Manager's menu items depends on capabilities list set by the module using it. If capabilities doesn't have 'upload' in it, It won't work. Upload button is bound to click event only when it is in capabilities.
As upload button is being added only when it is in capabilities, so upload button html is removed from html file. It will not shown on UI untill it is in capabilities list.
1. When an existing schedule updated, or a new schedule is added from a pgAgent job dialog, it was not able to generate the proper update SQL Query.
2. The SubNodeCollectionControl was not removing the grid, when it is being getting removed.
sequences node instead of the server-id.
Due to this - during updating the sequence node, it was not able to find
out the correct parent node, and it was updating the existing node, but
- later it (considering the old node) was removed by the replace logic.
- Added DatetimepickerControl, MomentCell (using moment.js)
- Used the 'DatetimepickerControl' in Role (Also - resolved an issue, when unset the datetime for 'Valid Until'.)
- Added a 'Select All/Unselect All' adaptor for Select2 used by pgAgent nodes.
- Fixed an issue with SubNodeCollectionControl, which was not starting the modification session of the child model, when created default value for collection is not null/undefined. And, hence - validation on the child model was not working.
- Fixed a memory leak with SqlFieldControl, and SqlTabControl, which was not releasing the CodeMirror properly.
There are a number of cases where queries in both pgadmin4 and pgadmin3 are done against pg_depend but falis to constrain the query on classid.
In particular, if for example a constraint and a sequence exists with the same oid (which is perfectly valid, as they are in different tables), a column will suddenly refer sequences that are completely incorrect. When we look up sequences, we have to make sure we only match dependencies against pg_class.
case. Its purpose is now to handle certain scinarios specific to table
children modules.
Renamed it to 'TableChildSwitchCell' from 'SwitchDepCell' to avoid any
conflict in future.
1) In SQL pane, the signature in comments had arguments with name and type, Now it will show arguments with type only.
2) There is no indent+newline between arguments (there isn't even a space). - Fixed
3) The default value for the last argument is omitted. - Fixed
Last argument is omitted because the value for the last argument we got from table is empty.
Now we form function signature in the get_definition.sql using 'pg_catalog.pg_get_function_arguments' method.
Above changes will reflect in Functions, Procedures & Trigger function Nodes.
- On droping a synonyms - the query should be modified in SQL pane.
- A proper message should be given on trying to drop an already dropped
- Handle the synonyms with special characters.
Fixes#1607, #1608, #1609
This patch takes care of:
* Consistent behaviour during create, update operation on any node.
- It should return the node data during creating a new object, or
updating the existing one.
* Now that - we have consistent behaviour during these operations, we
can consistently move, update the tree item based the node data from
the server.
* Implemented the methods for each node to get the information about
that particular node only.
* Using the above changes to implement the 'refresh' operation on tree
node properly.
I must thank Surinder, and Harshal for helping me implement the 'node'
method, and also changed the behaviour of create & update methods to
return the node data for most of the nodes.
Made backend changes for:
* Taking care of the connection status in the psycopg2 driver. And, when
the connection is lost, it throws a exception with 503 http status
message, and connection lost information in it.
* Allowing the flask application to propagate the exceptions even in the
release mode.
* Utilising the existing password (while reconnection, if not
disconnected explicitly).
* Introduced a new ajax response message 'service_unavailable' (http
status code: 503), which suggests temporary service unavailable.
Client (front-end) changes:
* To handle the connection lost of a database server for different
operations by generating proper events, and handle them properly.
Removed the connection status check code from different nodes, so that
- it generates the proper exception, when accessing the non-alive
1. The user will specify the tablespace path in test_config.json.in
2. If tablespace path not found, skip the test cases for that server(Only tablespace test cases)
3. Add the skipped test summary in the test result. (Now it's showing on console + in log file, but need to update in a final enhanced test summary report. Which is research point we will work on that after finishing all nodes API test cases)
4. Removed the test_ prefix from the values in the config files.
5. Add tablespace and roles tests
1] datamodel.js: For collection type added check before adding model into "changed" list instead of adding it blindly.
2] Type casting from str to int of column properties like attlen, attpricision.
3] Added missing data formating when adding new column to existing table (from table edit mode).
4] Added more validation for Foreign key constraint.
5] Column.js: Column grid (in table edit mode) show proper disabled color for disabled cell when grid renders.
6] All constraints and index js added idattribute to distinguish which s/constraint or s/index is updated on server side.
7] Column update.sql: Fixed sql when altering column data type. The issue was when we alter data type from which has length and precision to data type which don't have these properties and vice versa.
For e.g. alter data type numeric(10,12) to real (and vice versa)
8] Renaming constraint (RM1500).
9] simplejson KeyError handing for Python 2.7.
- Test framework support API testing with multiple server for this we need to modify test_config.json(for user it’s test_config.json.in) and test_advanced_config.json(for user it’s test_advanced_config.json.in). Server details of PG and PPAS are included in both .in files.
- Removed the logic of logging in the test client on each test scenario(As per Khushboo's comment in previous email). We need this logic in test cases under ‘browser/tests/’ as for test scenarios like change password and invalid login test cases as test client should be logged out first. So, as per this the code is slightly modified in ‘browser/tests/’.
Without quotes, the property can be mistakenly treated as a regex:
e.g.: URL: /pgadmin/browser/,
When that happens, JS engine throws "SyntaxError: invalid regular expression flag b" and the whole web interface freezes.
This problem usually occurs when pgadmin is hosted inside a subdirectory (https://host/pgadmin/ instead of https://host/).
Root cause:-
When user change schema of already created fdw extension then while creating the new fdw we should append the <schema_name>.<fdw_handler_name>.
Previously we added only <fdw_handler_name> so while executing the query it will not be able to find fdw handler name without schema name.
e.g. If user changed the fdw handler 'postgres_fdw_handler' under schema 'test' then we should display the handler name under fdw as "test. postgres_fdw_handler".
With this patch, we have added <schema_name>.<fdw_handler_name> so while creating or updating the fdw, proper sql will be generated.
1. RM#1293 - SQL pane is not displaying GRANT queries in functions node
2. RM#1294 - Comments are not visible in sql pane for trigger functions and functions
Previously we we using 'get_defintion.sql' template to generate SQL for SQL pane for functions, procedure & trigger functions node.
but GRANT statements and COMMENTS changes were missing. In order to fix that, now we have used both 'create.sql' and 'get_definition.sql' templates to generate full SQL query for SQL pane.
- Opening a file should set the tab name to the filename
- Editing a file should add a * to the tab name to indicate the file is dirty
- Saving changes to a file should clear the *
- The Save button should have a drop-down menu, with a Save As option.