1. If the user adds a percentage (other than for placeholders) then it is stripped off.
2. Backslash is getting removed in the connection string if we provide the backslash(\) in placeholders or the database name contains it.
3. If the user added only spaces( )in placeholders it is not getting reset to default values.
1. Rename panel option is not working in the debugger.
2. Added Rename panel for schema diff.
1) Added ALLOWED_HOSTS list to limit the host address.
2) Added CSP and HSTS security header.
3) Hide the webserver/ development framework version.
Created a url_for function module to be used by different javascript
modules to use the same functionality of flask at client side.
A python module can expose the list of endpoints, used by its
javascripts, by overriding the 'get_exposed_url_endpoints(self)'
In this patch, we have modified all the browser modules to use this
function. It will allow us to move the majority of the javascript
modules of browser nodes from templates directory to the static
- Move these javascripts modules to the static directory.
- Use this function in all the applicable javascript modules.
e.g. tools, miscellaneous modules
Also - fixed few CSS specifically for the preferences dialog.
Returning the sorted preferences from the server, so that - it lists
down in correct order.