Made backend changes for:
* Taking care of the connection status in the psycopg2 driver. And, when
the connection is lost, it throws a exception with 503 http status
message, and connection lost information in it.
* Allowing the flask application to propagate the exceptions even in the
release mode.
* Utilising the existing password (while reconnection, if not
disconnected explicitly).
* Introduced a new ajax response message 'service_unavailable' (http
status code: 503), which suggests temporary service unavailable.
Client (front-end) changes:
* To handle the connection lost of a database server for different
operations by generating proper events, and handle them properly.
Removed the connection status check code from different nodes, so that
- it generates the proper exception, when accessing the non-alive
1. The user will specify the tablespace path in
2. If tablespace path not found, skip the test cases for that server(Only tablespace test cases)
3. Add the skipped test summary in the test result. (Now it's showing on console + in log file, but need to update in a final enhanced test summary report. Which is research point we will work on that after finishing all nodes API test cases)
4. Removed the test_ prefix from the values in the config files.
5. Add tablespace and roles tests
- Test framework support API testing with multiple server for this we need to modify test_config.json(for user it’s and test_advanced_config.json(for user it’s Server details of PG and PPAS are included in both .in files.
- Removed the logic of logging in the test client on each test scenario(As per Khushboo's comment in previous email). We need this logic in test cases under ‘browser/tests/’ as for test scenarios like change password and invalid login test cases as test client should be logged out first. So, as per this the code is slightly modified in ‘browser/tests/’.
optimized to work from multiple threads. It has too many frequent
transaction from multiple threads, and that tends to result into the
'database is locked' error of sqlite.
With the new implemenation, we're using the caching mechanism, which
keep the data in the memory all the time, and saves it on request
completion, and loads it only for the first time. Also, it will storage
the data using pickle, which will be faster than accessing sqlite.
1) No handling for INTERVAL type datetime.
For example: executing query
SELECT INTERVAL '15 minutes';
throws json serialization error, because it returns time in timedelta format which is not handled.
Added support to handle timedelta datetime format in DataTypeJSONEncoder class
2) When we try to get BC dates from database raises ValueError: year is out of range
For eg:
SELECT TIMESTAMP '0044-03-15 10:00:00 BC',
It is because pyscopg2 doesn't handle BC datetime format.
So we have defined our method which type cast the datetime value to string in pyscopg2 overriding default behaviour.
1) Unable to select sql file through query tool on windows OS. In file_manager.js, we are stripping initial slash '/' from the path obtained, but we should not strip if it is full path like 'c:/path/to/dir/filename.ext'
2) Handle directory path if STORAGE_DIR is None. Proper checks are added.
As we convert the binary password to string during storing the
connection information, we also need to convert it back to byte-arrays
during restoring the connections.
Hence - decode the passowrd using 'utf-8' encoding during storing the
connection information, and encode it during restoring the connections.
Tweaked by Ashesh Vashi to integrate the backgroud process, and also
with some improvements as stated below:
* Resolved an issue loading existing preference.
* Improved the background process observer/executor for supporting
detalied view.
* Added the utility path preferences in the ServerType class.
operation like backup, restore, etc within it.
* improvised the color combination of the background process logger.
* Removed an unnecessary print statement from the
get_storage_directory(..) function, also return None if STORAGE_DIR
is set to None.
selection, creation, upload/download files/directories resides on the
server side.
This will be useful for file selection/creation for different server
side utilites like pg_dump, pg_dumpall, pg_restore.
Current implementation keeps the cursor object in the 'g' (current
request context) object identified by the connection-id.
But - it fails to identify a different connection object request, when
we have same database name in different database server, it does not
able to identify it as separate request, Hence - now we will use
server-id qualified identifier for the same object.
Thanks Neel Patel for pointing out the issue.
required by its javascript module.
This will allow us to load the javascript modules as a static file, and
not as a Jinja2 template. This will increase the load time, as it will
decrease number of templates to be processed during loading those