Because - the get_locale(...) function was being executed before any
request, and user login after first request. Hence - the values for
the labels in the Preferences are not being translated properly.
Fetch the raw value of user_language from configuration in case of
runtime/non-server mode to fix the issue.
This issue was caused because we recently added session_write_delay in session.
So session won't be written/updated to disk from memory until specified seconds are elapsed.
However we must forcefully write/update session to disk if user loges in or out irrespective of session_write_delay to keep sessions from memory and disk in sync as user logged in status is kept in session.
Created a url_for function module to be used by different javascript
modules to use the same functionality of flask at client side.
A python module can expose the list of endpoints, used by its
javascripts, by overriding the 'get_exposed_url_endpoints(self)'
In this patch, we have modified all the browser modules to use this
function. It will allow us to move the majority of the javascript
modules of browser nodes from templates directory to the static
- Move these javascripts modules to the static directory.
- Use this function in all the applicable javascript modules.
e.g. tools, miscellaneous modules
based configuration file from one version to another, and also allows us
to have a single path of creating the table instead of creating tables
using SQLAlchemy or hand rolled SQL
This allows us to run the migrations directly in the code, and it will
avoid the error prone version numbering.
Patched by: Sarah McAlear
Revisions: Joao Pedro De Almeida Pereira, George Gelashvili.
Reviewed by: Ashesh Vashi, Murtuza Zabuawala
In order to resolve the non-ascii characters in path (in user directory,
storage path, etc) on windows, we have converted the path into the
short-path, so that - we don't need to deal with the encoding issues
(specially with Python 2).
We've resolved majority of the issues with this patch.
We still need couple issues to resolve after this in the same area.
* Add better support for non-ascii characters in the database name on
windows with Python 3
* Improve the messages created after the background processes by
different modules (such as Backup, Restore, Import/Export, etc.),
which does not show short-paths, and xml representable characters for
non-ascii characters, when found in the database objects, and the file
Fixes#2174, #1797, #2166, #1940
Initial patch by: Surinder Kumar
Reviewed by: Murtuza Zabuawala
Made backend changes for:
* Taking care of the connection status in the psycopg2 driver. And, when
the connection is lost, it throws a exception with 503 http status
message, and connection lost information in it.
* Allowing the flask application to propagate the exceptions even in the
release mode.
* Utilising the existing password (while reconnection, if not
disconnected explicitly).
* Introduced a new ajax response message 'service_unavailable' (http
status code: 503), which suggests temporary service unavailable.
Client (front-end) changes:
* To handle the connection lost of a database server for different
operations by generating proper events, and handle them properly.
Removed the connection status check code from different nodes, so that
- it generates the proper exception, when accessing the non-alive
return correct information from a script, but works well on interactive
shell. Used a more proper check for Python > 2 instead of the current
Thanks Vishal for the report.
optimized to work from multiple threads. It has too many frequent
transaction from multiple threads, and that tends to result into the
'database is locked' error of sqlite.
With the new implemenation, we're using the caching mechanism, which
keep the data in the memory all the time, and saves it on request
completion, and loads it only for the first time. Also, it will storage
the data using pickle, which will be faster than accessing sqlite.
selection, creation, upload/download files/directories resides on the
server side.
This will be useful for file selection/creation for different server
side utilites like pg_dump, pg_dumpall, pg_restore.