selection, creation, upload/download files/directories resides on the
server side.
This will be useful for file selection/creation for different server
side utilites like pg_dump, pg_dumpall, pg_restore.
Also, remove the CodeMirror object for better clean up process.
When a SQL control/tab is rendered in a hidden element, it does not
render really well. Because - it rely on the height, and width of the
container to count the gutten position, and margin, and other elements.
Hence - whenever the tab, panel becomes visible, we will refresh the
known events, when any activity happens on the browser layout.
The following types of events will be triggered through the browser
event manager.
- pgadmin-browser:frame:* [1]
- pgadmin-browser:frame-<name>:* [1]
- pgadmin-browser:panel:* [1]
- pgadmin-browser:panel-<name>:* [1]
- pgadmin-browser:panel
- pgadmin-browser:frame
- pgadmin-browser:tree
- pgadmin-browser:tree:* [2]
[1] The '*' denotes some of the events generated by the wcDocker, which
can be useful to do some operations.
These events are:
+ wcDocker.EVENT.MOVED
[2] The '*' denotes all the events generated by the Browser Tree
The extension modules can utilize these events to do some operations on
nodes, and panels.
This patch includes showing 'Reversed Engineered Query' for the selected
node (if allowed) using the above approch.
The ShowNodeSQL module looks for two events.
1. SQL Panel Visibility change.
- Based on the visibility of that panel, we start/stop listening the
node selection event.
2. Node Selection in Browser tree
- Based on the selected node type, it will look for 'hasSQL'
parameter of the node, and fetch the Query from the server, and
show it in the SQL editor.
server connection.
The BaseDriver and BaseConnection are two abstract classes, which allows
us to replace the existing driver with the currently used. The current
implementation supports to connect the PostgreSQL and Postgres Plus
Advanced Server using the psycopg2 driver.
submodules inherited from the PgAdminModule instead of regular
Blueprint. This allows us to load the module automatically from the
under the pgadmin directory, and will work to extend the pgAdmin
extension module.
PgAdminModule is inherited from the Blueprint, and bring several
- get_own_stylesheets, which returns the stylesheets used by the module
(excluding its submodules stylesheets)
- get_own_javascripts
- menu_items, which returns a dictionray mapping the old hook names
(context_items etc) to a list of MenuItem instances
For more specialized modules (as for now, any module that should be part
of the browser tree construction), one can define an abstract base class
defining additional methods.
For example, the BrowserPluginModule abstract base class defines the
following methods:
- jssnippets
- csssnipeets
- node_type
- get_nodes