1) Properties of variables with "null" or "undefined" values should not be accessed
2) Variables should not be self-assigned
3) "in" should not be used with primitive types
1) option+arrow (L/R) should skip by "word"
2) option+arrow (up/down) should go up/down one line
3) shift+option+arrow (L/R) should select/highlight by "word"
- fixed gettext usage with .format() only for original text with %s
- fixed typos
- fixed translation yes/no buttons in the dialog.
- improved translating sentences without "connecting" words (eg. see web/pgadmin/dashboard/static/js/dashboard.js,
word 'cancel' needs to be translated in the Czech language as 'zrušit' but in another sentence as 'zrušení')
- added gettext for text translations.
1) Added entry for .scss to change the shadow of 'ajs-close' button.
2) allow the user to use the keyboard to update the Backgrid cell DateTime picker control.
1) Fixed usage gettext('') instead of _('') in javascript files.
2) Fixed usage gettext('') instead of `${gettext('')}` in javascript files,
because "pybabel extract" not support extracting from this syntax.
Improve the style of the highlighted code after query execution for Dark mode. Fixes#4996.
Changed background pattern for geometry viewer to use #fff for all themes. Fixes#5077
Changed the color of selected and hovered item for Select2 dropdown, also tweak the appearance of the tags in multi-select boxes. Fixes#4955
Fixed Firefox monospaced issue by updating the font to the latest version. Fixes#5184
Allow screen-reader to identify the alert errors. Fixes#4763
Added role alertdialog for confirm and alert dialog.
Added role status for all status bars/banners.
Added role alert for error bars.
Added aria-labelledby for charts on each dashboard.
Added tabindex for each chart so that it is navigable using tab key.
Introduced two config params:
1. USER_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT - Interval in seconds for the timeout. Default is 0-Zero which means disabled.
2. OVERRIDE_USER_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT - If set to true, tools like query tool or debugger will override USER_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT
and will not allow the application to timeout if a query is running for a long time.
With the change of data adapter, we have configured adapters for tags and tokenizers.
We also renamed the method onDemandLoad to showOnScroll to avoid confusion.
1) Dashboard -> Server Activity grid: terminate the session, cancel active button not navigable using tab key.
2) SQL -> If the focus inside code mirror control tab navigation not working.