2) Added status bar to the Query Tool. Fixes#3253
3) Ensure that row numbers should be visible in view when scrolling horizontally. Fixes#3989
4) Allow removing a single query history. Refs #4113
5) Partially fixed Macros usability issues. Ref #6969
6) Fixed an issue where the Query tool opens on minimum size if the user opens multiple query tool Window quickly. Fixes#6725
7) Relocate GIS Viewer Button to the Left Side of the Results Table. Fixes#6830
8) Fixed an issue where the connection bar is not visible. Fixes#7188
9) Fixed an issue where an Empty message popup after running a query. Fixes#7260
10) Ensure that Autocomplete should work after changing the connection. Fixes#7262
11) Fixed an issue where the copy and paste row does not work if the first column contains no data. Fixes#7294
1) Immediately return this expression instead of assigning it to the temporary variable.
2) Extract this nested ternary operation into an independent statement.
3) Expected a `for-of` loop instead of a `for` loop with this simple iteration.
1. If the user adds a percentage (other than for placeholders) then it is stripped off.
2. Backslash is getting removed in the connection string if we provide the backslash(\) in placeholders or the database name contains it.
3. If the user added only spaces( )in placeholders it is not getting reset to default values.
1. Rename panel option is not working in the debugger.
2. Added Rename panel for schema diff.
1. Boolean checks should not be inverted.
2. The comma operator should not be used.
3. Arguments to built-in functions should match documented types.
4. Redundant pairs of parentheses should be removed.
5. A conditionally executed single line should be denoted by indentation,
6. A while loop should be used instead of a 'for' loop.
1) TypeError can be thrown as <variable_name> might be null or undefined here.
2) Unexpected duplicate "white-space".
3) Unexpected missing generic font family.
4) Unexpected shorthand "padding" after "padding-left".
- fixed gettext usage with .format() only for original text with %s
- fixed typos
- fixed translation yes/no buttons in the dialog.
- improved translating sentences without "connecting" words (eg. see web/pgadmin/dashboard/static/js/dashboard.js,
word 'cancel' needs to be translated in the Czech language as 'zrušit' but in another sentence as 'zrušení')
- added gettext for text translations.
1) Fixed usage gettext('') instead of _('') in javascript files.
2) Fixed usage gettext('') instead of `${gettext('')}` in javascript files,
because "pybabel extract" not support extracting from this syntax.
Allow screen-reader to identify the alert errors. Fixes#4763
Added role alertdialog for confirm and alert dialog.
Added role status for all status bars/banners.
Added role alert for error bars.
Added aria-labelledby for charts on each dashboard.
Added tabindex for each chart so that it is navigable using tab key.
Introduced two config params:
1. USER_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT - Interval in seconds for the timeout. Default is 0-Zero which means disabled.
2. OVERRIDE_USER_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT - If set to true, tools like query tool or debugger will override USER_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT
and will not allow the application to timeout if a query is running for a long time.
Changes include:
1) Remove underscore-string and sprintf-js packages as we were using only %s. Instead, added a function to do the same. Also changed gettext to behave like sprintf directly.
2) backgrid.sizeable.columns was not used anywhere, removed. @babel/polyfill is deprecated, replaced it with core-js.
3) Moved few css to make sure they get minified and bundled.
4) Added Flask-Compress to send static files as compressed gzip. This will reduce network traffic and improve initial load time for pgAdmin.
5) Split few JS files to make code reusable.
6) Lazy load few modules like leaflet, wkx is required only if geometry viewer is opened. snapsvg loaded only when explain plan is executed. This will improve sqleditor initial opening time.
Reviewed By: Khushboo Vashi
workaround rendering speed issues in CodeMirror with very large scripts.
Re-arrange editor options in the Preferences dialogue to tidy things up.