will always have latest data related to that type of node. Also, fixed
the cache_level for different node types.
This commit also contains fixes for the following issue:
* In extension module - use the 'node-list-by-name' instead of using a
custom 'node-ajax-options' control, and removed redundant template
schemas from it.
* When we tries to destroy the select2 object from
Select2Cell/Select2Control while releasing the properties view,
sometimes select2 can not find the instance related it for some
unknown reason. Hence - before removing it we will check for manual
instance existance using $.data('select2').
* When we traverse through the browser tree nodes very quickly, it tries
to remove the object before it gets created completely, and results
into an exception.
* Icon in the select2 drop down list was not visible due to some CSS
Apart of that, we will generate two new browser events -
'pgadmin-node:created:<NODE-TYPE>', 'pgadmin-node:updated:<NODE-TYPE>'
whenever a new node is created, or an existing node will be updated.
Introduced a class 'noclose'. Then - menu-item having this class will
not propograte the events to its parent, hence - it will not be closed.
Some of the CSS applicable only to the immediate buttons only, and not
the grand-children.
This allows us to use the Backgrid key navigation as expected.
This has also resulted into an issue - related unresponsive scrollbar
issue in the SubNodeControl.
order to fix the issue rendering the context menu for longer text.
Needs to do some modification in the existing pgAdmin4 CSS theme to make
it looks like/near the existing look and feel.
Following are the enhancements:
1. Added border to control which was missing earlier.
2. Allows user to provide height to sql-field control by specifying extraClasses field in model schema.
3. Defined new classes for sql-field control height in overrides.css
4. Added scrollbar to the control.
id: 'definition', label:'{{ _("Definition") }}', cell: 'string',
type: 'text', mode: ['create', 'edit'], group: 'Definition',
control: Backform.SqlFieldControl, extraClasses:['custom_height_css_class']
which will be used by the debugger tool.
Updating the wcDocker from the repository -
'https://github.com/WebCabin/wcDocker' up to commit-id:
While fetching the database nodes from the role nodes, it was generating
the wrong URL.
Used the parent_type in each node to identify maximum node URL level
using the priority set in the tree node hearachy information, and
generate URL up to that level only.
database(s), and tablespace(s).
Thanks Harshal Dhumal for sharing the original patch.
I've modified a lot to work by fetching the variables later by giving a
- Introduced the template macros for SECURITY LABELS and VARIABLES.
- Improvised the Backform.Control with better syntactic approach.
- Introduced a jquery function pgMakeVisible(..) to make it visible
under any obj which can be identified by unique class.