1. EPAS packages' function/procedure does not honour INOUT arguments, it converts INOUT to OUT.
2. Packages' functions and procedures are not getting listed in their respected nodes in some scenarios like procedure having INOUT argument and function with void return type
3. The Reverse engineering SQL is not correct for Packages' functions/procedures
4. In case of INOUT argument, debugger asks for mendatory input which should not.
5. Re-executing a procedure whilst direct debugging doesn't work.
1481 of 1831 messages (80%) translated in pgadmin/translations/de/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po
1694 of 1831 messages (92%) translated in pgadmin/translations/ja/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po
1748 of 1831 messages (95%) translated in pgadmin/translations/pl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po
1750 of 1831 messages (95%) translated in pgadmin/translations/ru/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po
1436 of 1831 messages (78%) translated in pgadmin/translations/zh/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po
1481 of 1777 messages (83%) translated in pgadmin/translations/de/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po
1694 of 1777 messages (95%) translated in pgadmin/translations/ja/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po
1472 of 1777 messages (82%) translated in pgadmin/translations/pl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po
1750 of 1777 messages (98%) translated in pgadmin/translations/ru/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po
1436 of 1777 messages (80%) translated in pgadmin/translations/zh/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po
- Loading 'pgadmin' as 'sources/pgadmin', as found under the 'sources'
reference directory to be consistent with other files.
- Removed the 'pgadmin' reference from the base.html template.
- Renamed 'pgadmin.slickgrid.editors.js', and
'pgadmin.slickgrid.formatters.js' as 'editors.js', and 'formatters.js'
respectively, as they're already in the 'pgadmin/static/js/slickgrid'
- Removed the duplicate entry of 'translations' from the webpack.shim.js
- Prevent the user from executing multiple options at once, resulting in "Execute cannot be used while an asynchronous query is underway********** Error ****" messages
- Stop polling when debugging is complete.
- Don't show the busy cursory when debugging is complete.
- Display info messages properly, and reset them between executions.
- Removed the "lineWrapping" option from the codemirror textarea because
it was creating issue in the code folding.
- Handle the values while depositing during debugging.
- Properly handle the Array values while saving it to sqlite database
and displayed in input dialog.
- SQL code folding was not supported in codemirror so added the same.