The backgrid-sizeable's css property 'overflow: hidden' was overriding backgrid table css property and It was reproducible only in runtime.
Removed 'overflow: hidden' property from backgrid-sizeabled-columns.css
To find out the type of file selected using FileManager in query tool, we use bitwise OR( | ) on two sets which is not working on python-2.6.9 version.
Now we took list of elements instead of sets to fix the issue.
This issue was regression of commit id: 47d7e24bb9
Shouldn't have return statement in view object because it is called by render of wizard object class to render the page in wizard.
1) Unable to select sql file through query tool on windows OS. In file_manager.js, we are stripping initial slash '/' from the path obtained, but we should not strip if it is full path like 'c:/path/to/dir/filename.ext'
2) Handle directory path if STORAGE_DIR is None. Proper checks are added.
1. Foreign keys listed twice
The label for Exclusion constraint was set to 'Foreign keys'. fixed it.
2. Trigger function, Unique constraint, Primary key should be in title case
3. if user click outside of Preferences window it disappear (it should not disappear)
set preference alertify dialog option closableByDimmer to false.
4. Columns node settings listed twice
Override the register_preferences method in Columns CatalogObjectColumnsModule class
because there are two types of columns node, catalogs columns and tables columns.
so the settings for table columns should also work for catalog columns. Thats why we are not showing preference option for catalogs column node.
Ashesh fixed this issue.
are clicked without selecting any tree node. it gives error in browser
console panel.
Because the node passed is undefined. and check is missing. This is now
fixed by adding check for node passed.
This doesn't actually work - there seems to be something funky about
the way the runtime renders mfizz icons on Windows.
This reverts commit 5bbaf7841e.
As we convert the binary password to string during storing the
connection information, we also need to convert it back to byte-arrays
during restoring the connections.
Hence - decode the passowrd using 'utf-8' encoding during storing the
connection information, and encode it during restoring the connections.