When connected to a Greenplum database server
- Hide items that not work with GPDB, such as Triggers, FDW, FTS_*, etc
- Tables/Views/Catalogs/Language node can expand correctly
- Views/Languages/Catalogs can show properties dialog with correct information
- Show a greenplum icon at the server node
Teng Zhang & Hao Wang
1. Code changes (due to drop objects functionality).
2. Quoting for database names in drop databases.
3. Code changes for import errors for pickle_path and advanced_config variables.
1. The user will specify the tablespace path in test_config.json.in
2. If tablespace path not found, skip the test cases for that server(Only tablespace test cases)
3. Add the skipped test summary in the test result. (Now it's showing on console + in log file, but need to update in a final enhanced test summary report. Which is research point we will work on that after finishing all nodes API test cases)
4. Removed the test_ prefix from the values in the config files.
5. Add tablespace and roles tests
- Test framework support API testing with multiple server for this we need to modify test_config.json(for user it’s test_config.json.in) and test_advanced_config.json(for user it’s test_advanced_config.json.in). Server details of PG and PPAS are included in both .in files.
- Removed the logic of logging in the test client on each test scenario(As per Khushboo's comment in previous email). We need this logic in test cases under ‘browser/tests/’ as for test scenarios like change password and invalid login test cases as test client should be logged out first. So, as per this the code is slightly modified in ‘browser/tests/’.