2) The object is not selected/properties panel is not updated when the user moves to object with arrow keys. Fixes#6821
3) Object gets deselected after editing. Fixes#6824
Following changes done for the framework:
- Framework for creating React based dynamic form view out of a pre-defined UI schema. Previously, it was based on Backform/Backbone.
- The new framework and components will use MaterialUI as the base. Previously, Bootstrap/Backform/jQuery components were used.
- The new code uses JSS instead of CSS since material UI and most modern React libraries also use JSS. In the future, this will allow us to change the theme in real-time without refresh.
- 90% code covered by 80-85 new jasmine test cases.
- Server group node UI Schema migration to new, with schema test cases.
- Server node UI Schema migration to new, with schema test cases.
- Database node UI Schema migration to new, with schema test cases.
- Few other UI changes.
1) Migrate from webpack 4 to webpack 5. This had a lot of breaking changes,
so updated multiple webpack plugins and changed the config accordingly.
2) Replaced iconfont-webpack-plugin with a more maintained webfonts-loader.
3) Replaced deprecated babel-eslint with @babel/eslint-parser.
4) Replaced optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin with a more maintained css-minimizer-webpack-plugin.
5) Updated all other JS packages and made the required code changes.
1) After opening an existing project, the first table is already selected but the edit, clone, delete buttons are disabled.
2) ERD project title gets changed when 2 ERD projects are open & anyone of it edited.
3) Closing the ERD tab does not ask for a confirmation pop-up.
4) Shortcut for 'Show more/Fewer details' is missing.
5) Deleting the primary key does not delete associated links.
6) The long table & schema name are getting out of the box.
7) The long table name in the notes pop-up needs re-alignment.
8) The same table name present in ERD/canvas is allowed in Add Table dialogue. Added validation in the dialog.
9) Download image option is added, but it is not perfect yet. Image icons (table, schema, etc.) are not showing up.
10) Rename panel option should be disabled by default. It should be enabled for the tools which implement rename functionality.
11) The Toolbar is not visible in Safari for the ERD tool.
refs #1802