#!/usr/bin/env sh TEST=0 if [ "$1" = "--test" ]; then TEST=1 fi echo Creating a blank environment... python3 -m venv venv || { echo 'ERROR: Failed to create the blank virtual env.' ; exit 1; } echo Activating the virtual environment... . venv/bin/activate || { echo 'ERROR: Failed to activate the virtual env.' ; exit 1; } echo Installing requirements... pip install --upgrade pip if [ ${TEST} -eq 1 ]; then echo Installing requirements for running Python tests... pip install --no-cache-dir wheel sphinx sphinxcontrib-youtube -r web/regression/requirements.txt || { echo 'ERROR: Failed to install Python requirements.' ; exit 1; } else echo Installing requirements for executing and building only... pip install --no-cache-dir wheel sphinx sphinxcontrib-youtube -r requirements.txt || { echo 'ERROR: Failed to install Python requirements.' ; exit 1; } fi