///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // pgAdmin 4 - PostgreSQL Tools // // Copyright (C) 2013 - 2021, The pgAdmin Development Team // This software is released under the PostgreSQL Licence // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// define( ['underscore', 'sources/pgadmin', 'jquery', 'wcdocker'], function(_, pgAdmin, $) { var pgBrowser = pgAdmin.Browser = pgAdmin.Browser || {}, wcDocker = window.wcDocker; pgAdmin.Browser.Panel = function(options) { var defaults = [ 'name', 'title', 'width', 'height', 'showTitle', 'isCloseable', 'isPrivate', 'isLayoutMember', 'content', 'icon', 'events', 'onCreate', 'elContainer', 'canHide', 'limit', 'extraClasses', 'canMaximise', ]; _.extend(this, _.pick(options, defaults)); }; _.extend(pgAdmin.Browser.Panel.prototype, { name: '', title: '', width: 300, height: 600, showTitle: true, isCloseable: true, isPrivate: false, isLayoutMember: true, content: '', icon: '', panel: null, onCreate: null, elContainer: false, canMaximise: false, limit: null, extraClasses: null, load: function(docker, title) { var that = this; if (!that.panel) { docker.registerPanelType(that.name, { title: that.title, isPrivate: that.isPrivate, limit: that.limit, isLayoutMember: that.isLayoutMember, onCreate: function(myPanel) { $(myPanel).data('pgAdminName', that.name); myPanel.initSize(that.width, that.height); if (!that.showTitle) myPanel.title(false); else { var title_elem = '' + (title || that.title) + ''; myPanel.title(title_elem); if (that.icon != '') myPanel.icon(that.icon); } var $container = $('
', { 'class': 'pg-panel-content', }).append($(that.content)); // Add extra classes if (!_.isNull('extraClasses')) { $container.addClass(that.extraClasses); } myPanel.maximisable(!!that.canMaximise); myPanel.closeable(!!that.isCloseable); myPanel.layout().addItem($container); that.panel = myPanel; if (that.events && _.isObject(that.events)) { _.each(that.events, function(v, k) { if (v && _.isFunction(v)) { myPanel.on(k, v); } }); } _.each([ wcDocker.EVENT.UPDATED, wcDocker.EVENT.VISIBILITY_CHANGED, wcDocker.EVENT.BEGIN_DOCK, wcDocker.EVENT.END_DOCK, wcDocker.EVENT.GAIN_FOCUS, wcDocker.EVENT.LOST_FOCUS, wcDocker.EVENT.CLOSED, wcDocker.EVENT.BUTTON, wcDocker.EVENT.ATTACHED, wcDocker.EVENT.DETACHED, wcDocker.EVENT.MOVE_STARTED, wcDocker.EVENT.MOVE_ENDED, wcDocker.EVENT.MOVED, wcDocker.EVENT.RESIZE_STARTED, wcDocker.EVENT.RESIZE_ENDED, wcDocker.EVENT.RESIZED, wcDocker.EVENT.SCROLLED, ], function(ev) { myPanel.on(ev, that.eventFunc.bind(myPanel, ev)); }); if (that.onCreate && _.isFunction(that.onCreate)) { that.onCreate.apply(that, [myPanel, $container]); } // Prevent browser from opening the drag file. // Using addEventListener to avoid conflict with jquery.drag ['dragover', 'drop'].forEach((eventName)=>{ $container[0].addEventListener(eventName, function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); }); }); if (that.elContainer) { myPanel.pgElContainer = $container; $container.addClass('pg-el-container'); _.each([ wcDocker.EVENT.RESIZED, wcDocker.EVENT.ATTACHED, wcDocker.EVENT.DETACHED, wcDocker.EVENT.VISIBILITY_CHANGED, ], function(ev) { myPanel.on(ev, that.resizedContainer.bind(myPanel)); }); that.resizedContainer.apply(myPanel); } // Bind events only if they are configurable if (that.canHide) { _.each([wcDocker.EVENT.CLOSED, wcDocker.EVENT.VISIBILITY_CHANGED], function(ev) { myPanel.on(ev, that.handleVisibility.bind(myPanel, ev)); }); } }, }); } }, eventFunc: function(eventName) { var name = $(this).data('pgAdminName'); try { pgBrowser.Events.trigger( 'pgadmin-browser:panel', eventName, this, arguments ); pgBrowser.Events.trigger( 'pgadmin-browser:panel:' + eventName, this, arguments ); if (name) { pgBrowser.Events.trigger( 'pgadmin-browser:panel-' + name, eventName, this, arguments ); pgBrowser.Events.trigger( 'pgadmin-browser:panel-' + name + ':' + eventName, this, arguments ); } } catch (e) { console.warn(e.stack || e); } }, resizedContainer: function() { var p = this; if (p.pgElContainer && !p.pgResizeTimeout) { if (!p.isVisible()) { clearTimeout(p.pgResizeTimeout); p.pgResizeTimeout = null; return; } p.pgResizeTimeout = setTimeout( function() { var w = p.width(), elAttr = 'xs'; p.pgResizeTimeout = null; /** Calculations based on https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.1/layout/grid/#grid-options **/ if (w < 480) { elAttr = 'xs'; } if (w >= 480) { elAttr = 'sm'; } if (w >= 768) { elAttr = 'md'; } if (w >= 992) { elAttr = 'lg'; } if (w >=1200) { elAttr = 'xl'; } p.pgElContainer.attr('el', elAttr); }, 100 ); } }, handleVisibility: function(eventName) { // Supported modules let type_module = { 'dashboard': pgAdmin.Dashboard, 'statistics': pgBrowser.NodeStatistics, 'dependencies': pgBrowser.NodeDependencies, 'dependents': pgBrowser.NodeDependents, }; let module = type_module[this._type]; if(_.isUndefined(module)) return; if(_.isUndefined(module.toggleVisibility)) return; if (eventName == 'panelClosed') { /* Pass the closed flag also */ module.toggleVisibility.call(module, false, true); } else if (eventName == 'panelVisibilityChanged') { module.toggleVisibility.call(module, pgBrowser.docker.findPanels(this._type)[0].isVisible(), false); } }, }); return pgAdmin.Browser.Panel; });