########################################################################## # # pgAdmin 4 - PostgreSQL Tools # # Copyright (C) 2013 - 2024, The pgAdmin Development Team # This software is released under the PostgreSQL Licence # ########################################################################## import json import logging import os import secrets import sys from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod from smtplib import SMTPConnectError, SMTPResponseException, \ SMTPServerDisconnected, SMTPDataError, SMTPHeloError, SMTPException, \ SMTPAuthenticationError, SMTPSenderRefused, SMTPRecipientsRefused from socket import error as SOCKETErrorException import keyring from keyring.errors import KeyringLocked from pgadmin.utils.constants import KEY_RING_SERVICE_NAME, \ KEY_RING_USER_NAME,MessageType from flask import current_app, render_template, url_for, make_response, \ flash, Response, request, redirect, session from flask_babel import gettext from libgravatar import Gravatar from flask_security import current_user from flask_login.utils import login_url from flask_security.changeable import send_password_changed_notice from flask_security.decorators import anonymous_user_required from flask_security.recoverable import reset_password_token_status, \ generate_reset_password_token, update_password from flask_security.signals import reset_password_instructions_sent from flask_security.utils import config_value, do_flash, get_url, \ get_message, slash_url_suffix, login_user, send_mail, hash_password, \ get_post_logout_redirect from flask_security.views import _security, view_commit, _ctx from werkzeug.datastructures import MultiDict import config from pgadmin import current_blueprint from pgadmin.authenticate import get_logout_url from pgadmin.authenticate.mfa.utils import is_mfa_enabled from pgadmin.settings import get_setting from pgadmin.utils import PgAdminModule from pgadmin.utils.ajax import make_json_response, internal_server_error, \ bad_request from pgadmin.utils.csrf import pgCSRFProtect from pgadmin.utils.preferences import Preferences from pgadmin.browser.register_browser_preferences import \ register_browser_preferences from pgadmin.utils.master_password import validate_master_password, \ set_masterpass_check_text, cleanup_master_password, get_crypt_key, \ set_crypt_key, process_masterpass_disabled, \ delete_local_storage_master_key, \ get_master_password_key_from_os_secret, \ get_master_password_from_master_hook from pgadmin.model import User, db from pgadmin.utils.constants import MIMETYPE_APP_JS, PGADMIN_NODE, \ INTERNAL, KERBEROS, LDAP, QT_DEFAULT_PLACEHOLDER, OAUTH2, WEBSERVER, \ VW_EDT_DEFAULT_PLACEHOLDER from pgadmin.authenticate import AuthSourceManager from pgadmin.utils.exception import CryptKeyMissing from pgadmin.user_login_check import pga_login_required from flask_security.views import default_render_json MODULE_NAME = 'browser' BROWSER_STATIC = 'browser.static' BROWSER_INDEX = 'browser.index' PGADMIN_BROWSER = 'pgAdmin.Browser' PASS_ERROR_MSG = gettext('Your password has not been changed.') SMTP_SOCKET_ERROR = gettext( 'SMTP Socket error: {error}\n {pass_error}').format( error={}, pass_error=PASS_ERROR_MSG) SMTP_ERROR = gettext('SMTP error: {error}\n {pass_error}').format( error={}, pass_error=PASS_ERROR_MSG) PASS_ERROR = gettext('Error: {error}\n {pass_error}').format( error={}, pass_error=PASS_ERROR_MSG) class BrowserModule(PgAdminModule): LABEL = gettext('Browser') def register_preferences(self): register_browser_preferences(self) def get_exposed_url_endpoints(self): """ Returns: list: a list of url endpoints exposed to the client. """ return [BROWSER_INDEX, 'browser.nodes', 'browser.check_corrupted_db_file', 'browser.check_master_password', 'browser.set_master_password', 'browser.reset_master_password', ] def register(self, app, options): """ Override the default register function to automagically register sub-modules at once. """ from .server_groups import blueprint as module self.submodules.append(module) super().register(app, options) blueprint = BrowserModule(MODULE_NAME, __name__) class BrowserPluginModule(PgAdminModule, metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Abstract base class for browser submodules. It helps to define the node for each and every node comes under the browser tree. It makes sure every module comes under browser will have prefix '/browser', and sets the 'url_prefix', 'static_url_path', etc. Also, creates some of the preferences to be used by the node. """ browser_url_prefix = blueprint.url_prefix + '/' SHOW_ON_BROWSER = True def __init__(self, import_name, **kwargs): """ Construct a new 'BrowserPluginModule' object. :param import_name: Name of the module :param **kwargs: Extra parameters passed to the base class pgAdminModule. :return: returns nothing It sets the url_prefix to based on the 'node_path'. And, static_url_path to relative path to '/static'. Every module extended from this will be identified as 'NODE-'. Also, create a preference 'show_node_' to fetch whether it can be shown in the browser or not. Also, refer to the browser-preference. """ kwargs.setdefault("url_prefix", self.node_path) kwargs.setdefault("static_url_path", '/static') self.browser_preference = None self.pref_show_system_objects = None self.pref_show_node = None super().__init__( "NODE-%s" % self.node_type, import_name, **kwargs ) @property def jssnippets(self): """ Returns a snippet of javascript to include in the page """ return [] @property def module_use_template_javascript(self): """ Returns whether Jinja2 template is used for generating the javascript module. """ return False def generate_browser_node( self, node_id, parent_id, label, icon, inode, node_type, **kwargs ): """ Helper function to create a browser node for this particular subnode. :param node_id: Unique Id for each node :param parent_id: Id of the parent. :param label: Label for the node :param icon: Icon for displaying along with this node on browser tree. Icon refers to a class name, it refers to. :param inode: True/False. Used by the browser tree node to check, if the current node will have children or not. :param node_type: String to refer to the node type. :param **kwargs: A node can have extra information other than this data, which can be passed as key-value pair as argument here. i.e. A database, server node can have extra information like connected, or not. Returns a dictionary object representing this node object for the browser tree. """ obj = { "id": "%s_%s" % (node_type, node_id), "label": label, "icon": icon, "inode": inode, "_type": node_type, "_id": node_id, "_pid": parent_id, "module": PGADMIN_NODE % node_type } for key in kwargs: obj.setdefault(key, kwargs[key]) return obj @property def csssnippets(self): """ Returns a snippet of css to include in the page """ snippets = [ render_template( "browser/css/node.css", node_type=self.node_type, _=gettext )] for submodule in self.submodules: snippets.extend(submodule.csssnippets) return snippets @abstractmethod def get_nodes(self): """ Each browser module is responsible for fetching its own tree subnodes. """ return [] @property @abstractmethod def node_type(self): pass @property @abstractmethod def script_load(self): """ This property defines, when to load this script. In order to allow creation of an object, we need to load script for any node at the parent level. i.e. - In order to allow creating a server object, it should be loaded at server-group node. """ pass @property def node_path(self): """ Defines the url path prefix for this submodule. """ return self.browser_url_prefix + self.node_type @property def label(self): """ Module label. """ return self.LABEL @property def show_node(self): """ A proper to check to show node for this module on the browser tree or not. Relies on show_node preference object, otherwise on the SHOW_ON_BROWSER default value. """ if self.pref_show_node: return self.pref_show_node.get() else: return self.SHOW_ON_BROWSER @property def show_system_objects(self): """ Show/Hide the system objects in the database server. """ if self.pref_show_system_objects: return self.pref_show_system_objects.get() else: return False def register_preferences(self): """ Registers the preferences object for this module. Sets the browser_preference, show_system_objects, show_node preference objects for this submodule. """ # Add the node information for browser, not in respective node # preferences self.browser_preference = blueprint.preference self.pref_show_system_objects = blueprint.preference.preference( 'display', 'show_system_objects' ) self.pref_show_node = self.browser_preference.preference( 'node', 'show_node_' + self.node_type, self.label, 'boolean', self.SHOW_ON_BROWSER, category_label=gettext('Nodes') ) def _get_logout_url(): return '{0}?next={1}'.format( url_for(current_app.login_manager.logout_view), url_for(BROWSER_INDEX)) def _get_supported_browser(): """ This function return supported browser. :return: browser name, browser known, browser version """ browser = request.user_agent.browser version = request.user_agent.version and int( request.user_agent.version.split('.')[0]) browser_name = None browser_known = True if browser == 'chrome' and version < 72: browser_name = 'Chrome' elif browser == 'firefox' and version < 65: browser_name = 'Firefox' # comparing EdgeHTML engine version elif browser == 'edge' and version < 18: browser_name = 'Edge' # browser version returned by edge browser is actual EdgeHTML # engine version. Below code gets actual browser version using # EdgeHTML version engine_to_actual_browser_version = { 16: 41, 17: 42, 18: 44 } version = engine_to_actual_browser_version.get(version, '< 44') elif browser == 'safari' and version < 12: browser_name = 'Safari' elif browser == 'msie': browser_name = 'Internet Explorer' elif browser != 'chrome' and browser != 'firefox' and \ browser != 'edge' and browser != 'safari': browser_name = browser browser_known = False return browser_name, browser_known, version @blueprint.add_app_template_filter def gravatar(username): """ This function adds a template filter which returns gravatar image for user. :return: gravatar image """ g = Gravatar(username) return g.get_image( size=100, rating='g', default='retro' ) @blueprint.route("/") @pgCSRFProtect.exempt @pga_login_required def index(): """Render and process the main browser window.""" # Check the browser is a supported version # NOTE: If the checks here are updated, make sure the supported versions # at https://www.pgadmin.org/faq/#11 are updated to match! if config.CHECK_SUPPORTED_BROWSER: browser_name, browser_known, version = _get_supported_browser() if browser_name is not None: msg = render_template( MODULE_NAME + "/browser.html", version=version, browser=browser_name, known=browser_known ) flash(msg, MessageType.WARNING) session['allow_save_password'] = True if config.SERVER_MODE and not config.MASTER_PASSWORD_REQUIRED and \ 'pass_enc_key' in session: session['allow_save_password'] = False response = Response(render_template( MODULE_NAME + "/index.html", username=current_user.username, _=gettext )) # Set the language cookie after login, so next time the user will have that # same option at the login time. misc_preference = Preferences.module('misc') user_languages = misc_preference.preference( 'user_language' ) language = 'en' if user_languages: language = user_languages.get() or 'en' domain = dict() if config.COOKIE_DEFAULT_DOMAIN and\ config.COOKIE_DEFAULT_DOMAIN != 'localhost': domain['domain'] = config.COOKIE_DEFAULT_DOMAIN response.set_cookie("PGADMIN_LANGUAGE", value=language, path=config.SESSION_COOKIE_PATH, secure=config.SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE, httponly=config.SESSION_COOKIE_HTTPONLY, samesite=config.SESSION_COOKIE_SAMESITE, **domain) return response def validate_shared_storage_config(data, shared_storage_keys): """ Validate the config values are correct or not """ if shared_storage_keys.issubset(data.keys()): if isinstance(data['name'], str) and isinstance( data['path'], str) and \ isinstance(data['restricted_access'], bool): return True return False def get_shared_storage_list(): """ Return the shared storage list after checking all required keys are present or not in config. This is for server mode only. """ shared_storage_list = [] restricted_shared_storage_list = [] if config.SERVER_MODE: shared_storage_keys = set(['name', 'path', 'restricted_access']) shared_storage_config = [ sdir for sdir in config.SHARED_STORAGE if validate_shared_storage_config(sdir, shared_storage_keys)] config.SHARED_STORAGE = shared_storage_config shared_storage_list = [sdir['name'] for sdir in shared_storage_config] restricted_shared_storage_list = [sdir['name'] for sdir in shared_storage_config if sdir['restricted_access']] return shared_storage_list, restricted_shared_storage_list @blueprint.route("/js/utils.js") @pgCSRFProtect.exempt @pga_login_required def utils(): layout = get_setting('Browser/Layout', default='') snippets = [] prefs = Preferences.module('paths') pg_help_path_pref = prefs.preference('pg_help_path') pg_help_path = pg_help_path_pref.get() # Get sqleditor options prefs = Preferences.module('sqleditor') editor_tab_size_pref = prefs.preference('tab_size') editor_tab_size = editor_tab_size_pref.get() editor_use_spaces_pref = prefs.preference('use_spaces') editor_use_spaces = editor_use_spaces_pref.get() editor_wrap_code_pref = prefs.preference('wrap_code') editor_wrap_code = editor_wrap_code_pref.get() brace_matching_pref = prefs.preference('brace_matching') brace_matching = brace_matching_pref.get() highlight_selection_matches_pref = prefs.preference( 'highlight_selection_matches' ) highlight_selection_matches = highlight_selection_matches_pref.get() insert_pair_brackets_perf = prefs.preference('insert_pair_brackets') insert_pair_brackets = insert_pair_brackets_perf.get() # This will be opposite of use_space option editor_indent_with_tabs = False if editor_use_spaces else True prefs = Preferences.module('browser') # Try to fetch current libpq version from the driver try: from config import PG_DEFAULT_DRIVER from pgadmin.utils.driver import get_driver driver = get_driver(PG_DEFAULT_DRIVER) pg_libpq_version = driver.libpq_version() except Exception: pg_libpq_version = 0 # Get the pgadmin server's locale default_locale = '' if current_app.PGADMIN_RUNTIME: import locale try: locale_info = locale.getdefaultlocale() if len(locale_info) > 0: default_locale = locale_info[0].replace('_', '-') except Exception: current_app.logger.debug('Failed to get the default locale.') for submodule in current_blueprint.submodules: snippets.extend(submodule.jssnippets) auth_only_internal = False auth_source = [] if config.SERVER_MODE: if session['auth_source_manager']['current_source'] == INTERNAL: auth_only_internal = True auth_source = session['auth_source_manager'][ 'source_friendly_name'] shared_storage_list, \ restricted_shared_storage_list = get_shared_storage_list() return make_response( render_template( 'browser/js/utils.js', layout=layout, jssnippets=snippets, pg_help_path=pg_help_path, editor_tab_size=editor_tab_size, editor_use_spaces=editor_use_spaces, editor_wrap_code=editor_wrap_code, editor_brace_matching=brace_matching, editor_highlight_selection_matches=highlight_selection_matches, editor_insert_pair_brackets=insert_pair_brackets, editor_indent_with_tabs=editor_indent_with_tabs, app_name=config.APP_NAME, app_version_int=config.APP_VERSION_INT, pg_libpq_version=pg_libpq_version, support_ssh_tunnel=config.SUPPORT_SSH_TUNNEL, logout_url=get_logout_url(), platform=sys.platform, qt_default_placeholder=QT_DEFAULT_PLACEHOLDER, vw_edt_default_placeholder=VW_EDT_DEFAULT_PLACEHOLDER, enable_psql=config.ENABLE_PSQL, pgadmin_server_locale=default_locale, _=gettext, auth_only_internal=auth_only_internal, mfa_enabled=is_mfa_enabled(), is_admin=current_user.has_role("Administrator"), login_url=login_url, username=current_user.username.replace("'","\\'"), auth_source=auth_source, heartbeat_timeout=config.SERVER_HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT, password_length_min=config.PASSWORD_LENGTH_MIN, shared_storage_list=shared_storage_list, restricted_shared_storage_list=[] if current_user.has_role( "Administrator") else restricted_shared_storage_list, enable_server_passexec_cmd=config.ENABLE_SERVER_PASS_EXEC_CMD, ), 200, {'Content-Type': MIMETYPE_APP_JS}) @blueprint.route("/js/endpoints.js") @pgCSRFProtect.exempt def exposed_urls(): return make_response( render_template('browser/js/endpoints.js'), 200, {'Content-Type': MIMETYPE_APP_JS} ) @blueprint.route("/js/error.js") @pgCSRFProtect.exempt @pga_login_required def error_js(): return make_response( render_template('browser/js/error.js', _=gettext), 200, {'Content-Type': MIMETYPE_APP_JS}) @blueprint.route("/js/messages.js") @pgCSRFProtect.exempt def messages_js(): return make_response( render_template('browser/js/messages.js', _=gettext), 200, {'Content-Type': MIMETYPE_APP_JS}) @blueprint.route("/browser.css") @pgCSRFProtect.exempt @pga_login_required def browser_css(): """Render and return CSS snippets from the nodes and modules.""" snippets = [] for submodule in blueprint.submodules: snippets.extend(submodule.csssnippets) return make_response( render_template( 'browser/css/browser.css', snippets=snippets, _=gettext ), 200, {'Content-Type': 'text/css'}) @blueprint.route("/nodes/", endpoint="nodes") @pga_login_required def get_nodes(): """Build a list of treeview nodes from the child nodes.""" nodes = [] for submodule in current_blueprint.submodules: nodes.extend(submodule.get_nodes()) return make_json_response(data=nodes) def form_master_password_response(existing=True, present=False, errmsg=None, keyring_name='', master_password_hook=''): return make_json_response(data={ 'present': present, 'reset': existing, 'errmsg': errmsg, 'keyring_name': keyring_name, 'master_password_hook': master_password_hook, 'is_error': True if errmsg else False }) @blueprint.route("/check_corrupted_db_file", endpoint="check_corrupted_db_file", methods=["GET"]) def check_corrupted_db_file(): """ Get the corrupted database file path. """ file_location = os.environ['CORRUPTED_DB_BACKUP_FILE'] \ if 'CORRUPTED_DB_BACKUP_FILE' in os.environ else '' # reset the corrupted db file path in env. os.environ['CORRUPTED_DB_BACKUP_FILE'] = '' return make_json_response(data=file_location) @blueprint.route("/master_password", endpoint="check_master_password", methods=["GET"]) def check_master_password(): """ Checks if the master password is available in the memory This password will be used to encrypt/decrypt saved server passwords """ return make_json_response(data=get_crypt_key()[0]) @blueprint.route("/master_password", endpoint="reset_master_password", methods=["DELETE"]) def reset_master_password(): """ Removes the master password and remove all saved passwords This password will be used to encrypt/decrypt saved server passwords """ cleanup_master_password() status, crypt_key = get_crypt_key() if not status and config.MASTER_PASSWORD_HOOK: crypt_key = get_master_password_from_master_hook() # Set masterpass_check if MASTER_PASSWORD_HOOK is set which provides # encryption key if config.MASTER_PASSWORD_REQUIRED and config.MASTER_PASSWORD_HOOK: set_masterpass_check_text(crypt_key) return make_json_response(data=status) @blueprint.route("/master_password", endpoint="set_master_password", methods=["POST"]) def set_master_password(): """ Set the master password and store in the memory This password will be used to encrypt/decrypt saved server passwords """ data = None if request.form: data = request.form elif request.data: data = request.data if hasattr(request.data, 'decode'): data = request.data.decode('utf-8') if data != '': data = json.loads(data) keyring_name = '' errmsg = '' if not config.SERVER_MODE: if config.USE_OS_SECRET_STORAGE: try: # Try to get master key is from local os storage master_key = get_master_password_key_from_os_secret() master_password = data.get('password', None) keyring_name = config.KEYRING_NAME if not master_key: # Generate new one and migration required master_key = secrets.token_urlsafe(12) # migrate existing server passwords from pgadmin.browser.server_groups.servers.utils \ import migrate_saved_passwords migrated_save_passwords, error = migrate_saved_passwords( master_key, master_password) if migrated_save_passwords: # Update keyring keyring.set_password(KEY_RING_SERVICE_NAME, KEY_RING_USER_NAME, master_key) # set crypt key set_crypt_key(master_key) return form_master_password_response( existing=True, present=True, keyring_name=keyring_name) else: if not error: set_crypt_key(master_key) return form_master_password_response( present=True) # Migration failed elif error != 'Master password required': errmsg = error return form_master_password_response( existing=False, present=True, errmsg=errmsg, keyring_name=keyring_name) else: current_app.logger.warning( ' Master key was already present in the keyring,' ' hence not doing any migration') # Key is already generated and set, no migration required # set crypt key set_crypt_key(master_key) return form_master_password_response( present=True) except KeyringLocked as e: current_app.logger.warning( 'Failed to set because Access Denied.' ' Error: {0}'.format(e)) config.USE_OS_SECRET_STORAGE = False except Exception as e: current_app.logger.warning( 'Failed to set encryption key using OS password manager' ', fallback to master password. Error: {0}'.format(e)) # Also if masterpass_check is none it means previously # passwords were migrated using keyring crypt key. # Reset all passwords because we are going to master password # again and while setting master password, all server # passwords are decrypted using old key before re-encryption if current_user.masterpass_check is None: from pgadmin.browser.server_groups.servers.utils \ import remove_saved_passwords, update_session_manager remove_saved_passwords(current_user.id) update_session_manager(current_user.id) # Disable local os storage if any exception while creation config.USE_OS_SECRET_STORAGE = False delete_local_storage_master_key() else: # if os secret storage disabled now, but was used once then # remove all the saved passwords delete_local_storage_master_key() else: # If the master password is required and the master password hook # is specified then try to retrieve the encryption key and update data. # If there is an error while retrieving it, return an error message. if config.MASTER_PASSWORD_REQUIRED and config.MASTER_PASSWORD_HOOK: master_password = get_master_password_from_master_hook() if master_password: data = {'password': master_password, 'submit_password': True} else: errmsg = gettext( 'The master password could not be retrieved from the' ' MASTER_PASSWORD_HOOK utility specified {0}. Please check' ' that the hook utility is configured correctly.'.format( config.MASTER_PASSWORD_HOOK)) return form_master_password_response( existing=False, present=False, errmsg=errmsg, master_password_hook=config.MASTER_PASSWORD_HOOK, keyring_name=keyring_name ) # Master password is applicable for Desktop mode and in server mode # only when auth sources are oauth, kerberos, webserver. if (not config.SERVER_MODE) or OAUTH2 in config.AUTHENTICATION_SOURCES \ or KERBEROS in config.AUTHENTICATION_SOURCES \ or WEBSERVER in config.AUTHENTICATION_SOURCES \ and config.MASTER_PASSWORD_REQUIRED: # if master pass is set previously if current_user.masterpass_check is not None and \ data.get('submit_password', False) and \ not validate_master_password(data.get('password')): return form_master_password_response( existing=True, present=False, errmsg=errmsg, master_password_hook=config.MASTER_PASSWORD_HOOK, keyring_name=keyring_name ) # if master password received in request if data != '' and data.get('password', '') != '': # store the master pass in the memory set_crypt_key(data.get('password')) if current_user.masterpass_check is None: # master check is not set, which means the server password # data is old and is encrypted with old key # Re-encrypt with new key from pgadmin.browser.server_groups.servers.utils \ import reencrpyt_server_passwords reencrpyt_server_passwords( current_user.id, current_user.password, data.get('password')) # set the encrypted sample text with the new # master pass set_masterpass_check_text(data.get('password')) # If password in request is empty then try to get it with # get_crypt_key method. If get_crypt_key() returns false status and # masterpass_check is already set, provide a popup to enter # master password(present) without the reset option.(existing). elif not get_crypt_key()[0] and \ current_user.masterpass_check is not None: return form_master_password_response( existing=True, present=False, keyring_name=keyring_name ) # If get_crypt_key return True,but crypt_key is none and # user entered blank password, return error message. elif not get_crypt_key()[1]: error_message = None # If user attempted to enter a blank password, then throw error if data.get('submit_password') and data.get('password') == '': error_message = gettext("Master password cannot be empty") return form_master_password_response( existing=False, present=False, errmsg=error_message, keyring_name=keyring_name ) # if master password is disabled now, but was used once then # remove all the saved passwords process_masterpass_disabled() if config.SERVER_MODE and current_user.masterpass_check is None: crypt_key = get_crypt_key()[1] from pgadmin.browser.server_groups.servers.utils \ import reencrpyt_server_passwords reencrpyt_server_passwords( current_user.id, current_user.password, crypt_key) set_masterpass_check_text(crypt_key) return form_master_password_response( present=True, ) # Only register route if SECURITY_CHANGEABLE is set to True # We can't access app context here so cannot # use app.config['SECURITY_CHANGEABLE'] if hasattr(config, 'SECURITY_CHANGEABLE') and config.SECURITY_CHANGEABLE: @blueprint.route("/change_password", endpoint="change_password", methods=['GET', 'POST']) @pgCSRFProtect.exempt @pga_login_required def change_password(): """View function which handles a change password request.""" form_class = _security.forms.get('change_password_form').cls req_json = request.get_json(silent=True) if not req_json: form = form_class() return { 'csrf_token': form.csrf_token._value() } elif req_json: form = form_class(MultiDict(req_json)) if form.validate(): errormsg = None # change_user_password from flask-security logs out the user # this is undesirable, so change password on own try: user = User.query.filter( User.fs_uniquifier == current_user.fs_uniquifier)\ .first() user.password = hash_password(form.new_password.data) try: send_password_changed_notice(user) except Exception as _: # No need to throw error if failed in sending email pass except Exception as e: # Handle other exceptions. logging.exception(str(e), exc_info=True) errormsg = gettext(PASS_ERROR).format(e) if errormsg is None: old_key = get_crypt_key()[1] set_crypt_key(form.new_password.data, False) from pgadmin.browser.server_groups.servers.utils \ import reencrpyt_server_passwords reencrpyt_server_passwords( current_user.id, old_key, form.new_password.data) db.session.commit() elif errormsg is not None: return internal_server_error(errormsg) else: return bad_request(list(form.errors.values())[0][0]) return make_json_response( success=1, info=gettext('pgAdmin user password changed successfully') ) # Only register route if SECURITY_RECOVERABLE is set to True if hasattr(config, 'SECURITY_RECOVERABLE') and config.SECURITY_RECOVERABLE: def send_reset_password_instructions(user): """Sends the reset password instructions email for the specified user. :param user: The user to send the instructions to """ token = generate_reset_password_token(user) reset_link = url_for('browser.reset_password', token=token, _external=True) send_mail(config_value('EMAIL_SUBJECT_PASSWORD_RESET'), user.email, 'reset_instructions', user=user, reset_link=reset_link) reset_password_instructions_sent.send( current_app._get_current_object(), user=user, token=token) @blueprint.route("/reset_password", endpoint="forgot_password", methods=['GET', 'POST']) @pgCSRFProtect.exempt @anonymous_user_required def forgot_password(): """View function that handles a forgotten password request.""" has_error = False form_class = _security.forms.get('forgot_password_form').cls req_json = request.get_json(silent=True) if req_json: form = form_class(MultiDict(req_json)) else: form = form_class() if form.validate_on_submit(): # Check the Authentication source of the User user = User.query.filter_by( email=form.data['email'], auth_source=INTERNAL ).first() if user is None: # If the user is not an internal user, raise the exception flash(gettext('Your account is authenticated using an ' 'external {} source. ' 'Please contact the administrators of this ' 'service if you need to reset your password.' ).format(form.user.auth_source), MessageType.ERROR) has_error = True if not has_error: try: send_reset_password_instructions(form.user) except SOCKETErrorException as e: # Handle socket errors which are not # covered by SMTPExceptions. logging.exception(str(e), exc_info=True) flash(gettext(SMTP_SOCKET_ERROR).format(e), MessageType.ERROR) has_error = True except (SMTPConnectError, SMTPResponseException, SMTPServerDisconnected, SMTPDataError, SMTPHeloError, SMTPException, SMTPAuthenticationError, SMTPSenderRefused, SMTPRecipientsRefused) as e: # Handle smtp specific exceptions. logging.exception(str(e), exc_info=True) flash(gettext(SMTP_ERROR).format(e), MessageType.ERROR) has_error = True except Exception as e: # Handle other exceptions. logging.exception(str(e), exc_info=True) flash(gettext(PASS_ERROR).format(e), MessageType.ERROR) has_error = True if request.get_json(silent=True) is None and not has_error: do_flash(*get_message('PASSWORD_RESET_REQUEST', email=form.user.email)) if request.get_json(silent=True) and not has_error: return default_render_json(form, include_user=False) for errors in form.errors.values(): for error in errors: flash(str(error), MessageType.WARNING) return _security.render_template( config_value('FORGOT_PASSWORD_TEMPLATE'), forgot_password_form=form, **_ctx('forgot_password')) # We are not in app context so cannot use # url_for('browser.forgot_password') # So hard code the url '/browser/reset_password' while passing as # parameter to slash_url_suffix function. @blueprint.route( '/reset_password' + slash_url_suffix( '/browser/reset_password', '' ), methods=['GET', 'POST'], endpoint='reset_password' ) @pgCSRFProtect.exempt @anonymous_user_required def reset_password(token): """View function that handles a reset password request.""" expired, invalid, user = reset_password_token_status(token) if invalid: do_flash(*get_message('INVALID_RESET_PASSWORD_TOKEN')) if expired: do_flash(*get_message('PASSWORD_RESET_EXPIRED', email=user.email, within=_security.reset_password_within)) if invalid or expired: return redirect(url_for('browser.forgot_password')) has_error = False form_class = _security.forms.get('reset_password_form').cls form = form_class(request.form) if request.form else form_class() form.user = user if form.validate_on_submit(): try: update_password(user, form.password.data) except SOCKETErrorException as e: # Handle socket errors which are not covered by SMTPExceptions. logging.exception(str(e), exc_info=True) flash(gettext(SMTP_SOCKET_ERROR).format(e), MessageType.ERROR) has_error = True except (SMTPConnectError, SMTPResponseException, SMTPServerDisconnected, SMTPDataError, SMTPHeloError, SMTPException, SMTPAuthenticationError, SMTPSenderRefused, SMTPRecipientsRefused) as e: # Handle smtp specific exceptions. logging.exception(str(e), exc_info=True) flash(gettext(SMTP_ERROR).format(e), MessageType.ERROR) has_error = True except Exception as e: # Handle other exceptions. logging.exception(str(e), exc_info=True) flash(gettext(PASS_ERROR).format(e), MessageType.ERROR) has_error = True if not has_error: view_commit() auth_obj = AuthSourceManager(form, [INTERNAL]) session['_auth_source_manager_obj'] = auth_obj.as_dict() if user.login_attempts >= config.MAX_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS > 0: flash(gettext('You successfully reset your password but' ' your account is locked. Please contact ' 'the Administrator.'), MessageType.WARNING) return redirect(get_post_logout_redirect()) do_flash(*get_message('PASSWORD_RESET')) login_user(user) auth_obj = AuthSourceManager(form, [INTERNAL]) session['auth_source_manager'] = auth_obj.as_dict() return redirect( current_app.config['SECURITY_POST_RESET_VIEW'] or current_app.config['SECURITY_POST_LOGIN_VIEW']) return _security.render_template( config_value('RESET_PASSWORD_TEMPLATE'), reset_password_form=form, reset_password_token=token, **_ctx('reset_password'))