######################################################################### # # pgAdmin 4 - PostgreSQL Tools # # Copyright (C) 2013 - 2024, The pgAdmin Development Team # This software is released under the PostgreSQL Licence # ########################################################################## """Perform the initial setup of the application, by creating the auth and settings database.""" import os import sys import typer from rich.console import Console from rich.table import Table from rich import box, print import json as jsonlib console = Console() app = typer.Typer() # We need to include the root directory in sys.path to ensure that we can # find everything we need when running in the standalone runtime. root = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) if sys.path[0] != root: sys.path.insert(0, root) import builtins import config # Grab the SERVER_MODE if it's been set by the runtime if 'SERVER_MODE' in globals(): builtins.SERVER_MODE = globals()['SERVER_MODE'] else: builtins.SERVER_MODE = None from pgadmin.model import db, Version, User, \ SCHEMA_VERSION as CURRENT_SCHEMA_VERSION from pgadmin import create_app from pgadmin.utils import clear_database_servers, dump_database_servers, \ load_database_servers, _handle_error from pgadmin.setup import db_upgrade, create_app_data_directory from typing import Optional, List from typing_extensions import Annotated from pgadmin.utils.constants import INTERNAL, LDAP, OAUTH2, \ KERBEROS, WEBSERVER from pgadmin.tools.user_management import create_user, delete_user, update_user from enum import Enum from flask_babel import gettext app = typer.Typer(pretty_exceptions_show_locals=False) class ManageServers: @app.command() def dump_servers(output_file: str, user: Optional[str] = None, auth_source: Optional[str] = INTERNAL, sqlite_path: Optional[str] = None, server: List[int] = None): """Dump the server groups and servers. """ # What user? dump_user = user if user is not None else config.DESKTOP_USER # And the sqlite path if sqlite_path is not None: config.SQLITE_PATH = sqlite_path print('----------') print('Dumping servers with:') print('User:', dump_user) print('SQLite pgAdmin config:', config.SQLITE_PATH) print('----------') try: app = create_app(config.APP_NAME + '-cli') with app.test_request_context(): dump_database_servers(output_file, server, dump_user, True, auth_source) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) @app.command() def load_servers(input_file: str, user: Optional[str] = None, auth_source: Optional[str] = INTERNAL, sqlite_path: Optional[str] = None, replace: Optional[bool] = False ): """Load server groups and servers.""" # What user? load_user = user if user is not None else config.DESKTOP_USER # And the sqlite path if sqlite_path is not None: config.SQLITE_PATH = sqlite_path print('----------') print('Loading servers with:') print('User:', load_user) print('SQLite pgAdmin config:', config.SQLITE_PATH) print('----------') try: app = create_app(config.APP_NAME + '-cli') with app.test_request_context(): if replace: clear_database_servers(load_user, True, auth_source) load_database_servers(input_file, None, load_user, True, auth_source) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) class AuthExtTypes(str, Enum): oauth2 = OAUTH2 ldap = LDAP kerberos = KERBEROS webserver = WEBSERVER # Enum class can not be extended class AuthType(str, Enum): oauth2 = OAUTH2 ldap = LDAP kerberos = KERBEROS webserver = WEBSERVER internal = INTERNAL class ManageUsers: @app.command() def add_user(email: str, password: str, role: Annotated[Optional[bool], typer.Option( "--admin/--nonadmin")] = False, active: Annotated[Optional[bool], typer.Option("--active/--inactive")] = True, console: Optional[bool] = True, json: Optional[bool] = False ): """Add Internal user. """ data = { 'email': email, 'role': 1 if role else 2, 'active': active, 'auth_source': INTERNAL, 'newPassword': password, 'confirmPassword': password, } ManageUsers.create_user(data, console, json) @app.command() def add_external_user(username: str, auth_source: AuthExtTypes = AuthExtTypes.oauth2, email: Optional[str] = None, role: Annotated[Optional[bool], typer.Option( "--admin/--nonadmin")] = False, active: Annotated[Optional[bool], typer.Option( "--active/--inactive")] = True, console: Optional[bool] = True, json: Optional[bool] = False ): """Add external user, other than Internal like Ldap, Ouath2, Kerberos, Webserver. """ data = { 'username': username, 'email': email, 'role': 1 if role else 2, 'active': active, 'auth_source': auth_source } ManageUsers.create_user(data, console, json) @app.command() def delete_user(username: str, auth_source: AuthType = AuthType.internal, auto_confirm: Annotated[Optional[bool], typer.Option( "--yes")] = False ): """Delete the user. """ confirm_msg = "Are you sure you want to delete it?" if auto_confirm or typer.confirm(confirm_msg): app = create_app(config.APP_NAME + '-cli') with app.test_request_context(): uid = ManageUsers.get_user(username=username, auth_source=auth_source) if not uid: print("User not found") else: status, msg = delete_user(uid) if status: print('User deleted successfully.') else: print('Something went wrong. ' + str(msg)) @app.command() def update_user(email: str, password: Optional[str] = None, role: Annotated[Optional[bool], typer.Option("--admin/--nonadmin" )] = None, active: Annotated[Optional[bool], typer.Option("--active/--inactive" )] = None, console: Optional[bool] = True, json: Optional[bool] = False ): """Update internal user.""" data = dict() if password: if len(password) < 6: print("Password must be at least 6 characters long.") exit() data['password'] = password if role is not None: data['role'] = 1 if role else 2 if active is not None: data['active'] = active app = create_app(config.APP_NAME + '-cli') with app.test_request_context(): uid = ManageUsers.get_user(username=email, auth_source=INTERNAL) if not uid: print("User not found") else: status, msg = update_user(uid, data) if status: _user = ManageUsers.get_users_from_db(username=email, auth_source=INTERNAL, console=False) ManageUsers.display_user(_user[0], console, json) else: print('Something went wrong. ' + str(msg)) @app.command() def get_users(username: Optional[str] = None, auth_source: AuthType = None, json: Optional[bool] = False ): ManageUsers.get_users_from_db(username, auth_source, True, json) @app.command() def get_users_from_db(username: Optional[str] = None, auth_source: AuthType = None, console: Optional[bool] = True, json: Optional[bool] = False ): """Get user(s) details.""" app = create_app(config.APP_NAME + '-cli') with app.test_request_context(): if username and auth_source: users = User.query.filter_by(username=username, auth_source=auth_source) elif not username and auth_source: users = User.query.filter_by(auth_source=auth_source) elif username and not auth_source: users = User.query.filter_by(username=username) else: users = User.query.all() users_data = [] for u in users: _data = {'id': u.id, 'username': u.username, 'email': u.email, 'active': u.active, 'role': u.roles[0].id, 'auth_source': u.auth_source, 'locked': u.locked } users_data.append(_data) if console: ManageUsers.display_user(users_data, console, json) else: return users_data @app.command() def update_external_user(username: str, auth_source: AuthExtTypes = AuthExtTypes.oauth2, email: Optional[str] = None, role: Annotated[Optional[bool], typer.Option("--admin/--nonadmin" )] = None, active: Annotated[ Optional[bool], typer.Option("--active/--inactive")] = None, console: Optional[bool] = True, json: Optional[bool] = False ): """Update external users other than Internal like Ldap, Ouath2, Kerberos, Webserver.""" data = dict() if email: data['email'] = email if role is not None: data['role'] = 1 if role else 2 if active is not None: data['active'] = active app = create_app(config.APP_NAME + '-cli') with app.test_request_context(): uid = ManageUsers.get_user(username=username, auth_source=auth_source) if not uid: print("User not found") else: status, msg = update_user(uid, data) if status: _user = ManageUsers.get_users(username=username, auth_source=auth_source, console=False) ManageUsers.display_user(_user[0], console, json) else: print('Something went wrong. ' + str(msg)) def create_user(data, console, json): app = create_app(config.APP_NAME + '-cli') with app.test_request_context(): username = data['username'] if 'username' in data else \ data['email'] uid = ManageUsers.get_user(username=username, auth_source=data['auth_source']) if uid: print("User already exists.") exit() if 'newPassword' in data and len(data['newPassword']) < 6: print("Password must be at least 6 characters long.") exit() status, msg = create_user(data) if status: ManageUsers.display_user(data, console, json) else: print('Something went wrong. ' + str(msg)) def get_user(username=None, auth_source=INTERNAL): app = create_app(config.APP_NAME + '-cli') usr = None with app.test_request_context(): usr = User.query.filter_by(username=username, auth_source=auth_source).first() if not usr: return None return usr.id def display_user(data, _console, _json): if _console: if _json: json_formatted_str = jsonlib.dumps(data, indent=0) console.print(json_formatted_str) else: if isinstance(data, dict): data = [data] for _data in data: table = Table(title="User Details", box=box.ASCII) table.add_column("Field", style="green") table.add_column("Value", style="green") if 'username' in _data: table.add_row("Username", _data['username']) if 'email' in _data: table.add_row("Email", _data['email']) table.add_row("auth_source", _data['auth_source']) table.add_row("role", "Admin" if _data['role'] and _data['role'] != 2 else "Non-admin") table.add_row("active", 'True' if _data['active'] else 'False') console.print(table) class ManagePreferences: def get_user(username=None, auth_source=INTERNAL): app = create_app(config.APP_NAME + '-cli') usr = None with app.test_request_context(): usr = User.query.filter_by(username=username, auth_source=auth_source).first() if not usr: return None return usr.id @app.command() def get_prefs(json: Optional[bool] = False): return ManagePreferences.fetch_prefs() def fetch_prefs(id: Optional[bool] = None, json: Optional[bool] = False): """Get Preferences List.""" app = create_app(config.APP_NAME + '-cli') table = Table(title="Pref Details", box=box.ASCII) table.add_column("Preference", style="green") with app.app_context(): from pgadmin.model import Preferences as PrefTable, \ ModulePreference as ModulePrefTable, \ PreferenceCategory as PrefCategoryTbl module_prefs = ModulePrefTable.query.all() cat_prefs = PrefCategoryTbl.query.all() prefs = PrefTable.query.all() if id: all_preferences = {} else: all_preferences = [] for i in module_prefs: for j in cat_prefs: if i.id == j.mid: for k in prefs: if k.cid == j.id: if id: all_preferences["{0}:{1}:{2}".format( i.name, j.name, k.name) ] = "{0}:{1}:{2}".format(i.id, j.id, k.id) else: table.add_row("{0}:{1}:{2}".format( i.name, j.name, k.name)) all_preferences.append( "{0}:{1}:{2}".format( i.name, j.name, k.name) ) if id: return all_preferences else: if json: json_formatted_str = jsonlib.dumps( {"Preferences": all_preferences}, indent=0) print(json_formatted_str) else: print(table) @app.command() def set_prefs(username, pref_options: Annotated[Optional[List[str]], typer.Argument()] = None, auth_source: AuthType = AuthType.internal, console: Optional[bool] = True, json: Optional[bool] = False, input_file: Optional[str] = None): """Set User preferences.""" if input_file: from urllib.parse import unquote # generate full path of file try: file_path = unquote(input_file) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) return _handle_error(str(e), True) import json as json_utility try: with open(file_path) as f: data = json_utility.load(f) except json_utility.decoder.JSONDecodeError as e: return _handle_error(gettext("Error parsing input file %s: %s" % (file_path, e)), True) except Exception as e: return _handle_error( gettext("Error reading input file %s: [%d] %s" % (file_path, e.errno, e.strerror)), True) pref_data = data['preferences'] for k, v in pref_data.items(): pref_options.append(k + "=" + str(v)) user_id = ManagePreferences.get_user(username, auth_source) table = Table(title="Updated Pref Details", box=box.ASCII) table.add_column("Preference", style="green") if not user_id: print("User not found.") return prefs = ManagePreferences.fetch_prefs(True) app = create_app(config.APP_NAME + '-cli') invalid_prefs = [] valid_prefs = [] with app.app_context(): from pgadmin.preferences import save_pref for opt in pref_options: val = opt.split("=") if len(val) <= 1: print('Preference key=value is required, example: ' '[green]sqleditor:editor:comma_first=true[/green]') return final_opt = val[0].split(":") val = val[1] f = ":".join(final_opt) if f in prefs: ids = prefs[f].split(":") _row = { 'mid': ids[0], 'category_id': ids[1], 'id': ids[2], 'name': final_opt[2], 'user_id': user_id, 'value': val} save_pref(_row) valid_prefs.append(_row) if not json: table.add_row(jsonlib.dumps(_row)) else: invalid_prefs.append(f) if len(invalid_prefs) >= 1: print("Preference(s) [red]{0}[/red] not found.".format( (', ').join( invalid_prefs))) if not json and console: print(table) elif json and console: print(jsonlib.dumps(valid_prefs, indent=2)) @app.command() def setup_db(app: Annotated[str, typer.Argument( help="This argument doesn't require in CLI mode.")] = None): """Setup the configuration database.""" app = app or create_app() create_app_data_directory(config) print("pgAdmin 4 - Application Initialisation") print("======================================\n") def run_migration_for_sqlite(): with app.app_context(): # Run migration for the first time i.e. create database from config import SQLITE_PATH if not os.path.exists(SQLITE_PATH): db_upgrade(app) else: version = Version.query.filter_by(name='ConfigDB').first() schema_version = version.value # Run migration if current schema version is greater than the # schema version stored in version table if CURRENT_SCHEMA_VERSION >= schema_version: db_upgrade(app) # Update schema version to the latest if CURRENT_SCHEMA_VERSION > schema_version: version = Version.query.filter_by(name='ConfigDB').first() version.value = CURRENT_SCHEMA_VERSION db.session.commit() if os.name != 'nt': os.chmod(config.SQLITE_PATH, 0o600) def run_migration_for_others(): with app.app_context(): version = Version.query.filter_by(name='ConfigDB').first() if version == -1: db_upgrade(app) else: schema_version = version.value # Run migration if current schema version is greater than the # schema version stored in version table if CURRENT_SCHEMA_VERSION >= schema_version: db_upgrade(app) # Update schema version to the latest if CURRENT_SCHEMA_VERSION > schema_version: version = Version.query.filter_by(name='ConfigDB').first() version.value = CURRENT_SCHEMA_VERSION db.session.commit() # Run the migration as per specified by the user. if config.CONFIG_DATABASE_URI is not None and \ len(config.CONFIG_DATABASE_URI) > 0: run_migration_for_others() else: run_migration_for_sqlite() if __name__ == "__main__": app()