///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // pgAdmin 4 - PostgreSQL Tools // // Copyright (C) 2013 - 2020, The pgAdmin Development Team // This software is released under the PostgreSQL Licence // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// import { getEpoch, getGCD, getMod, quote_ident, parseFuncParams, getRandomInt, sprintf } from 'sources/utils'; describe('getEpoch', function () { it('should return non zero', function () { expect(getEpoch()).toBeGreaterThan(0); }); it('should return epoch for a date passed', function () { let someDate = new Date('Feb 01 2019 10:20:30 GMT0000'), someDateEpoch = 1549016430; expect(getEpoch(new Date(someDate))).toEqual(someDateEpoch); }); }); describe('getGCD', function () { it('for two numbers', function () { let nos = [5, 10]; expect(getGCD(nos)).toEqual(5); }); it('for more than two numbers', function () { let nos = [9, 24, 33]; expect(getGCD(nos)).toEqual(3); }); }); describe('getMod', function () { it('complete divisible', function () { expect(getMod(5,5)).toEqual(0); }); it('incomplete divisible less divisor', function () { expect(getMod(7,5)).toEqual(2); }); it('incomplete divisible greater divisor', function () { expect(getMod(5,7)).toEqual(5); }); it('negative number', function () { expect(getMod(-7,5)).toEqual(3); }); }); describe('quote_ident', function () { it('normal string', function () { expect(quote_ident('abcd')).toEqual('abcd'); }); it('contains certain characters string', function () { expect(quote_ident('Abcd')).toEqual('"Abcd"'); expect(quote_ident('abc$d')).toEqual('"abc$d"'); expect(quote_ident('ab cd')).toEqual('"ab cd"'); }); it('starts with number', function () { expect(quote_ident('1a')).toEqual('"1a"'); expect(quote_ident('a1')).toEqual('a1'); }); }); describe('parseFuncParams', function () { let funcLabel = '', expectedObj = {}; it('function with params', function () { funcLabel = 'func1(a integer, b text)'; expectedObj = { 'func_name': 'func1', 'param_string': 'a integer, b text', 'params': [ ['a', 'integer'], ['b', 'text'], ], }; expect(parseFuncParams(funcLabel)).toEqual(expectedObj); }); it('function without params', function () { funcLabel = 'func1()'; expectedObj = { 'func_name': 'func1', 'param_string': '', 'params': [], }; expect(parseFuncParams(funcLabel)).toEqual(expectedObj); }); it('function name special chars', function () { funcLabel = 'fun(c1(a integer, b text)'; expectedObj = { 'func_name': 'fun(c1', 'param_string': 'a integer, b text', 'params': [ ['a', 'integer'], ['b', 'text'], ], }; expect(parseFuncParams(funcLabel)).toEqual(expectedObj); }); it('function params special chars', function () { funcLabel = 'func1("a(b" integer, "a b" text)'; expectedObj = { 'func_name': 'func1', 'param_string': '"a(b" integer, "a b" text', 'params': [ ['"a(b"', 'integer'], ['"a b"', 'text'], ], }; expect(parseFuncParams(funcLabel)).toEqual(expectedObj); }); it('function params with modes', function () { funcLabel = 'func1(IN a integer, OUT b text)'; expectedObj = { 'func_name': 'func1', 'param_string': 'IN a integer, OUT b text', 'params': [ ['a', 'integer'], ['b', 'text'], ], }; expect(parseFuncParams(funcLabel)).toEqual(expectedObj); }); }); describe('getRandomInt', function () { it('is between', function () { let id = getRandomInt(1, 9999999); expect(1 <= id && id <= 9999999).toBeTruthy(); }); }); describe('sprintf', function () { it('single replace', function () { expect( sprintf('This is normal %s for testing.', 'replace') ).toBe( 'This is normal replace for testing.' ); }); it('multi replace', function () { expect( sprintf('This is multi %s for %s testing.', 'positions', 'replace') ).toBe( 'This is multi positions for replace testing.' ); }); it('text, numbers, empty replace', function () { expect( sprintf('This is a number - %s, text - %s, and not repalce - %s.', 4321, 'replace') ).toBe( 'This is a number - 4321, text - replace, and not repalce - %s.' ); }); });