########################################################################## # # pgAdmin 4 - PostgreSQL Tools # # Copyright (C) 2013 - 2024, The pgAdmin Development Team # This software is released under the PostgreSQL Licence # ########################################################################## from flask import render_template from collections import OrderedDict from pgadmin.tools.sqleditor.utils.constant_definition import TX_STATUS_IDLE ignore_type_cast_list = ['character', 'character[]', 'bit', 'bit[]'] def save_changed_data(changed_data, columns_info, conn, command_obj, client_primary_key, auto_commit=True): """ This function is used to save the data into the database. Depending on condition it will either update or insert the new row into the database. Args: changed_data: Contains data to be saved command_obj: The transaction object (command_obj or trans_obj) conn: The connection object columns_info: session_obj['columns_info'] client_primary_key: session_obj['client_primary_key'] auto_commit: If the changes should be committed automatically. """ status = False res = None query_results = [] operations = ('added', 'updated', 'deleted') list_of_sql = {} _rowid = None pgadmin_alias = { col_name: col_info['pgadmin_alias'] for col_name, col_info in columns_info.items() } is_savepoint = False # Start the transaction if the session is idle if conn.transaction_status() == TX_STATUS_IDLE: sql = 'BEGIN;' else: sql = 'SAVEPOINT save_data;' is_savepoint = True status, res = execute_void_wrapper(conn, sql, query_results) if not status: return status, res, query_results, None # Iterate total number of records to be updated/inserted for of_type in changed_data: # No need to go further if its not add/update/delete operation if of_type not in operations: continue # if no data to be save then continue if len(changed_data[of_type]) < 1: continue column_type = {} column_data = {} type_cast_required = {} for each_col in columns_info: if ( columns_info[each_col]['not_null'] and not columns_info[each_col]['has_default_val'] ): column_data[each_col] = None column_type[each_col] = \ columns_info[each_col]['type_name'] else: column_type[each_col] = \ columns_info[each_col]['type_name'] type_cast_required[each_col] = \ True if column_type[each_col] not in ignore_type_cast_list \ else False # For newly added rows if of_type == 'added': # Python dict does not honour the inserted item order # So to insert data in the order, we need to make ordered # list of added index We don't need this mechanism in # updated/deleted rows as it does not matter in # those operations added_index = OrderedDict( sorted( changed_data['added_index'].items(), key=lambda x: int(x[0]) ) ) list_of_sql[of_type] = [] # When new rows are added, only changed columns data is # sent from client side. But if column is not_null and has # no_default_value, set column to blank, instead # of not null which is set by default. column_data = {} pk_names, primary_keys = command_obj.get_primary_keys() for each_row in added_index: # Get the row index to match with the added rows # dict key tmp_row_index = added_index[each_row] data = changed_data[of_type][tmp_row_index]['data'] # Remove our unique tracking key data.pop(client_primary_key, None) data.pop('is_row_copied', None) # Remove oid col if command_obj.has_oids(): data.pop('oid', None) # Update columns value with columns having # not_null=False and has no default value column_data.update(data) use_default = False if not column_data: for each_col in columns_info: if columns_info[each_col]['has_default_val']: column_data[each_col] = 'set_default' use_default = True sql = render_template( "/".join([command_obj.sql_path, 'insert.sql']), data_to_be_saved=column_data, pgadmin_alias=pgadmin_alias, primary_keys=None, object_name=command_obj.object_name, nsp_name=command_obj.nsp_name, data_type=column_type, pk_names=pk_names, has_oids=command_obj.has_oids(), type_cast_required=type_cast_required, use_default=use_default ) select_sql = render_template( "/".join([command_obj.sql_path, 'select.sql']), object_name=command_obj.object_name, nsp_name=command_obj.nsp_name, pgadmin_alias=pgadmin_alias, primary_keys=primary_keys, has_oids=command_obj.has_oids() ) list_of_sql[of_type].append({ 'sql': sql, 'data': data, 'client_row': tmp_row_index, 'select_sql': select_sql, 'row_id': data.get(client_primary_key) }) # Reset column data column_data = {} # For updated rows elif of_type == 'updated': list_of_sql[of_type] = [] for each_row in changed_data[of_type]: data = changed_data[of_type][each_row]['data'] pk_escaped = { pk: pk_val.replace('%', '%%') if hasattr( pk_val, 'replace') else pk_val for pk, pk_val in changed_data[of_type][each_row]['primary_keys'].items() } sql = render_template( "/".join([command_obj.sql_path, 'update.sql']), data_to_be_saved=data, pgadmin_alias=pgadmin_alias, primary_keys=pk_escaped, object_name=command_obj.object_name, nsp_name=command_obj.nsp_name, data_type=column_type, type_cast_required=type_cast_required, conn=conn ) list_of_sql[of_type].append({'sql': sql, 'data': data, 'row_id': data.get(client_primary_key)}) # For deleted rows elif of_type == 'deleted': list_of_sql[of_type] = [] is_first = True rows_to_delete = [] keys = None no_of_keys = None for each_row in changed_data[of_type]: rows_to_delete.append(changed_data[of_type][each_row]) # Fetch the keys for SQL generation if is_first: # We need to covert dict_keys to normal list in # Python3 # In Python2, it's already a list & We will also # fetch column names using index keys = list( changed_data[of_type][each_row].keys() ) no_of_keys = len(keys) is_first = False # Map index with column name for each row for row in rows_to_delete: for k, v in row.items(): # Set primary key with label & delete index based # mapped key try: row[changed_data['columns'] [int(k)]['name']] = v except ValueError: continue del row[k] sql = render_template( "/".join([command_obj.sql_path, 'delete.sql']), data=rows_to_delete, primary_key_labels=keys, no_of_keys=no_of_keys, object_name=command_obj.object_name, nsp_name=command_obj.nsp_name, conn=conn ) list_of_sql[of_type].append({'sql': sql, 'data': {}}) def failure_handle(res, row_id): mogrified_sql = conn.mogrify(item['sql'], item['data']) mogrified_sql = mogrified_sql if mogrified_sql is not None \ else item['sql'] query_results.append({ 'status': False, 'result': res, 'sql': mogrified_sql, 'rows_affected': 0, 'row_added': None }) if is_savepoint: sql = 'ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT save_data;' msg = 'A ROLLBACK was done for the save operation only. ' \ 'The active transaction is not affected.' else: sql = 'ROLLBACK;' msg = 'A ROLLBACK was done for the save transaction.' rollback_status, rollback_result = \ execute_void_wrapper(conn, sql, query_results) if not rollback_status: return rollback_status, rollback_result, query_results, None # If we roll backed every thing then update the # message for each sql query. for query in query_results: if query['status']: query['result'] = msg return False, res, query_results, row_id for opr, sqls in list_of_sql.items(): for item in sqls: if item['sql']: item['data'] = { pgadmin_alias[k] if k in pgadmin_alias else k: v for k, v in item['data'].items() } row_added = None try: # Fetch oids/primary keys if 'select_sql' in item and item['select_sql']: status, res = conn.execute_dict( item['sql'], item['data']) else: status, res = conn.execute_void( item['sql'], item['data']) except Exception: failure_handle(res, item.get('row_id', 0)) raise if not status: return failure_handle(res, item.get('row_id', 0)) # Select added row from the table if 'select_sql' in item: params = { pgadmin_alias[k] if k in pgadmin_alias else k: v for k, v in res['rows'][0].items() } status, sel_res = conn.execute_dict( item['select_sql'], params) if not status: return failure_handle(sel_res, item.get('row_id', 0)) if 'rows' in sel_res and len(sel_res['rows']) > 0: row_added = { item['client_row']: sel_res['rows'][0]} rows_affected = conn.rows_affected() mogrified_sql = conn.mogrify(item['sql'], item['data']) mogrified_sql = mogrified_sql if mogrified_sql is not None \ else item['sql'] # store the result of each query in dictionary query_results.append({ 'status': status, 'result': None if row_added else res, 'sql': mogrified_sql, 'rows_affected': rows_affected, 'row_added': row_added }) # Commit the transaction if no error is found & autocommit is activated if auto_commit: sql = 'COMMIT;' status, res = execute_void_wrapper(conn, sql, query_results) if not status: return status, res, query_results, None return status, res, query_results, _rowid def execute_void_wrapper(conn, sql, query_results): """ Executes a sql query with no return and adds it to query_results :param sql: Sql query :param query_results: A list of query results in the save operation :return: status, result """ status, res = conn.execute_void(sql) if status: query_results.append({ 'status': status, 'result': res, 'sql': sql, 'rows_affected': 0, 'row_added': None }) return status, res