########################################################################## # # pgAdmin 4 - PostgreSQL Tools # # Copyright (C) 2013 - 2018, The pgAdmin Development Team # This software is released under the PostgreSQL Licence # ########################################################################## def close_bgprocess_popup(tester): """ Allow us to close the background process popup window """ tester._screenshot() # In cases where backup div is not closed (sometime due to some error) try: if tester.driver.find_element_by_css_selector( ".ajs-message.ajs-bg-bgprocess.ajs-visible > div > " "div > div > i"): tester.driver.find_element_by_css_selector( ".ajs-message.ajs-bg-bgprocess.ajs-visible >div >div " ">div>i").click() except Exception: pass # In cases where restore div is not closed (sometime due to some error) try: if tester.driver.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[contains(text(), 'Process Watcher - " "Restoring backup')]"): tester.driver.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[div[div[div[contains(text(), 'Process Watcher " "- Restoring backup')]]]]" "/following-sibling::div/div/div").click() except Exception: pass