************ Version 4.16 ************ Release date: 2019-12-12 This release contains a number of bug fixes and new features since the release of pgAdmin4 4.15. New features ************ | `Issue #4396 `_ - Warn the user on changing the definition of Materialized View about the loss of data and its dependent objects. | `Issue #4435 `_ - Allow drag and drop functionality for all the nodes under the database node, excluding collection nodes. | `Issue #4711 `_ - Use a 'play' icon for the Execute Query button in the Query Tool for greater consistency with other applications. | `Issue #4772 `_ - Added aria-label to provide an invisible label where a visible label cannot be used. | `Issue #4773 `_ - Added role="status" attribute to all the status messages for accessibility. | `Issue #4944 `_ - Allow Gunicorn logs in the container to be directed to a file specified through GUNICORN_ACCESS_LOGFILE. | `Issue #4990 `_ - Changed the open query tool and data filter icons. Housekeeping ************ | `Issue #4696 `_ - Add Reverse Engineered and Modified SQL tests for Materialized Views. | `Issue #4807 `_ - Refactored code of table and it's child nodes. | `Issue #4938 `_ - Refactored code of columns node. Bug fixes ********* | `Issue #3538 `_ - Fix issue where the Reset button does not get enabled till all the mandatory fields are provided in the dialog. | `Issue #4220 `_ - Fix scrolling issue in 'Users' dialog. | `Issue #4659 `_ - Updated documentation for default privileges to clarify more on the grantor. | `Issue #4674 `_ - Fix query tool launch error if user name contains HTML characters. It's a regression. | `Issue #4724 `_ - Fix network disconnect issue while establishing the connection via SSH Tunnel and it impossible to expand the Servers node. | `Issue #4761 `_ - Fix an issue where the wrong type is displayed when changing the datatype from timestamp with time zone to timestamp without time zone. | `Issue #4792 `_ - Ensure that the superuser should be able to create database, as the superuser overrides all the access restrictions. | `Issue #4818 `_ - Fix server connection drops out issue in query tool. | `Issue #4836 `_ - Updated the json file name from 'servers.json' to 'pgadmin4/servers.json' in the container deployment section of the documentation. | `Issue #4878 `_ - Ensure that the superuser should be able to create role, as the superuser overrides all the access restrictions. | `Issue #4893 `_ - Fix reverse engineering SQL issue for partitions when specifying digits as comments. | `Issue #4923 `_ - Enhance the logic to change the label from 'Delete/Drop' to 'Remove' for the server and server group node. | `Issue #4925 `_ - Shown some text on process watcher till the initial logs are loaded. | `Issue #4926 `_ - Fix VPN network disconnect issue where pgAdmin4 hangs on expanding the Servers node. | `Issue #4930 `_ - Fix main window tab navigation accessibility issue. | `Issue #4933 `_ - Ensure that the Servers collection node should expand independently of server connections. | `Issue #4934 `_ - Fix the help button link on the User Management dialog. | `Issue #4935 `_ - Fix accessibility issues. | `Issue #4952 `_ - Fix an issue of retrieving properties for Compound Triggers. It's a regression of #4006. | `Issue #4953 `_ - Fix an issue where pgAdmin4 unable to retrieve table node if the trigger is already disabled and the user clicks on Enable All. | `Issue #4958 `_ - Fix reverse engineering SQL issue for triggers when passed a single argument to trigger function. | `Issue #4964 `_ - Fix an issue where length and precision are not removed from table/column dialog. | `Issue #4965 `_ - Fix an issue where the Interval data type is not displayed in the properties dialog of table/column. | `Issue #4966 `_ - Fix 'Could not find the object on the server.' error while refreshing the check constraint. | `Issue #4975 `_ - Fix issue where the user can not switch the UI language. It's a regression of #4348. | `Issue #4976 `_ - Fix reverse engineering SQL issue where when clause is not visible for PG/EPAS 12. | `Issue #4978 `_ - Fix pgAdmin4 failed to start issue after upgrading to version 4.15. | `Issue #4985 `_ - Fix an issue where the inherited table name with quotes did not escape correctly. | `Issue #4991 `_ - Fix an issue where context menu is open along with submenu and the focus is not on context menu or submenu.