.. _synonym_dialog:

`Synonym Dialog`:index:

Use the *Synonym* dialog to substitute the name of a target object with a
user-defined synonym.

The *Synonym* dialog organizes the development of a synonym through the
*General* tab. The *SQL* tab displays the SQL code generated by dialog

.. image:: images/synonym_general.png
    :alt: Synonym dialog general tab
    :align: center

Use the fields in the *General* tab to identify the synonym:

* Use the *Name* field to specify the name of synonym. The name will be
  displayed in the *pgAdmin* tree control.
* Select the name of the schema in which the synonym will reside from the
  drop-down listbox in the *Schema* field.

In the definition panel, identify the target:

.. image:: images/synonym_definition.png
    :alt: Synonym dialog general tab
    :align: center

* Use the drop-down listbox next to *Target Type* to select the type of
  object referenced by the synonym.
* Use the drop-down listbox next to *Target Schema* to select the name of the
  schema in which the object resides.
* Use the drop-down listbox next to *Target Object* to select the name of the
  object referenced by the synonym.

Click the *SQL* tab to continue.

Your selections and entries in the *Synonym* dialog generate a SQL command.

.. image:: images/synonym_sql.png
    :alt: Synonym dialog sql tab
    :align: center

The example creates a synonym for the *emp* table named *emp_hist*.

* Click the *Save* button to save work.
* Click the *Close* button to exit without saving work.
* Click the *Reset* button to restore configuration parameters.