############################################################################## # # pgAdmin 4 - PostgreSQL Tools # # Copyright (C) 2013 - 2023, The pgAdmin Development Team # This software is released under the PostgreSQL Licence # ############################################################################## """Multi-factor Authentication implementation for Time-based One-Time Password (TOTP) applications""" import base64 from io import BytesIO from typing import Union from flask import url_for, session, flash from flask_babel import gettext as _ from flask_login import current_user import pyotp import qrcode import config from pgadmin.model import UserMFA from .registry import BaseMFAuth from .utils import ValidationException, fetch_auth_option, mfa_add _TOTP_AUTH_METHOD = "authenticator" _TOTP_AUTHENTICATOR = _("Authenticator App") class TOTPAuthenticator(BaseMFAuth): """ Authenction class for TOTP based authentication. Base Class: BaseMFAuth """ @classmethod def __create_topt_for_currentuser(cls) -> pyotp.TOTP: """ Create the TOPT object using the secret stored for the current user in the configuration database. Assumption: Configuration database is not modified by anybody manually, and removed the secrete for the current user. Raises: ValidationException: Raises when user is not registered for this authenction method. Returns: pyotp.TOTP: TOTP object for the current user (if registered) """ options, found = fetch_auth_option(_TOTP_AUTH_METHOD) if found is False: raise ValidationException(_( "User has not registered the Time-based One-Time Password " "(TOTP) Authenticator for authentication." )) if options is None or options == '': raise ValidationException(_( "User does not have valid HASH to generate the OTP." )) return pyotp.TOTP(options) @property def name(self) -> str: """ Name of the authetication method for internal presentation. Returns: str: Short name for this authentication method """ return _TOTP_AUTH_METHOD @property def label(self) -> str: """ Label for the UI for this authentication method. Returns: str: User presentable string for this auth method """ return _(_TOTP_AUTHENTICATOR) @property def icon(self) -> str: """ Property for the icon url string for this auth method, to be used on the authentication or registration page. Returns: str: url for the icon representation for this auth method """ return url_for("mfa.static", filename="images/totp_lock.svg") def validate(self, **kwargs): """ Validate the code sent using the HTTP request. Raises: ValidationException: Raises when code is not valid """ code = kwargs.get('code', None) totp = TOTPAuthenticator.__create_topt_for_currentuser() if totp.verify(code) is False: raise ValidationException("Invalid Code") def validation_view(self) -> str: """ Generate the portion of the view to render on the authentication page Returns: str: Authentication view as a string """ return ( "
" "
" " " "
" ).format( auth_description=_( "Enter the code shown in your authenticator application for " "TOTP (Time-based One-Time Password)" ), otp_placeholder=_("Enter code"), ) def _registration_view(self) -> str: """ Internal function to generate a view for the registration page. View will contain the QRCode image for the TOTP based authenticator applications to scan. Returns: str: Registration view with QRcode for TOTP based applications """ option = session.pop('mfa_authenticator_opt', None) if option is None: option = pyotp.random_base32() session['mfa_authenticator_opt'] = option totp = pyotp.TOTP(option) uri = totp.provisioning_uri( current_user.username, issuer_name=getattr( config, "APP_NAME", "pgAdmin 4" ) ) img = qrcode.make(uri) buffered = BytesIO() img.save(buffered, format="JPEG") img_base64 = base64.b64encode(buffered.getvalue()) return "".join([ "
", "", "", "{qrcode_alt_text}", "
", "
", "", "
", ]).format( auth_title=_(_TOTP_AUTHENTICATOR), auth_method=_TOTP_AUTH_METHOD, image=img_base64.decode("utf-8"), qrcode_alt_text=_("TOTP Authenticator QRCode"), auth_description=_( "Scan the QR code and the enter the code from the " "TOTP Authenticator application" ), otp_placeholder=_("Enter code") ) def registration_view(self, form_data) -> Union[str, None]: """ Returns the registration view for this authentication method. It is also responsible for validating the code during the registration. Args: form_data (dict): Form data as a dictionary sent from the registration page for rendering or validation of the code. Returns: str: Registration view for the 'authenticator' method if it is not a request for the validation of the code or the code sent is not a valid TOTP code, otherwise - it will return None. """ if 'VALIDATE' not in form_data: return self._registration_view() code = form_data.get('code', None) authenticator_opt = session.get('mfa_authenticator_opt', None) if authenticator_opt is None or \ pyotp.TOTP(authenticator_opt).verify(code) is False: flash(_("Failed to validate the code"), "danger") return self._registration_view() mfa_add(_TOTP_AUTH_METHOD, authenticator_opt) flash(_( "TOTP Authenticator registered successfully for authentication." ), "success") session.pop('mfa_authenticator_opt', None) return None