# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ########################################################################## # # pgAdmin 4 - PostgreSQL Tools # # Copyright (C) 2013 - 2016, The pgAdmin Development Team # This software is released under the PostgreSQL License # ########################################################################## """ This python script is responsible for executing a process, and logs its output, and error in the given output directory. We will create a detached process, which executes this script. This script will: * Fetch the configuration from the given database. * Run the given executable specified in the configuration with the arguments. * Create log files for both stdout, and stdout. * Update the start time, end time, exit code, etc in the configuration database. Args: process_id -- Process id db_file -- Database file which holds list of processes to be executed output_directory -- output directory """ from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals # To make print function compatible with python2 & python3 import sys import os import argparse import sqlite3 from datetime import datetime from subprocess import Popen, PIPE from threading import Thread import csv import pytz import codecs # SQLite3 needs all string as UTF-8 # We need to make string for Python2/3 compatible if sys.version_info < (3,): from cStringIO import StringIO def u(x): return x else: from io import StringIO def u(x): if hasattr(x, 'decode'): return x.decode() return x def usage(): """ This function will display usage message. Args: None Returns: Displays help message """ help_msg = """ Usage: executer.py [-h|--help] [-p|--process] Process ID [-d|--db_file] SQLite3 database file path """ print(help_msg) def get_current_time(format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f %z'): return datetime.utcnow().replace( tzinfo=pytz.utc ).strftime(format) class ProcessLogger(Thread): """ This class definition is responsible for capturing & logging stdout & stderr messages from subprocess Methods: -------- * __init__(stream_type, configs) - This method is use to initlize the ProcessLogger class object * logging(msg) - This method is use to log messages in sqlite3 database * run() - Reads the stdout/stderr for messages and sent them to logger """ def __init__(self, stream_type, configs): """ This method is use to initialize the ProcessLogger class object Args: stream_type: Type of STD (std) configs: Process details dict Returns: None """ Thread.__init__(self) self.configs = configs self.process = None self.stream = None self.logger = codecs.open( os.path.join( configs['output_directory'], stream_type ), 'w', "utf-8" ) def attach_process_stream(self, process, stream): """ This function will attach a process and its stream with this thread. Args: process: Process stream: Stream attached with the process Returns: None """ self.process = process self.stream = stream def log(self, msg): """ This function will update log file Args: msg: message Returns: None """ # Write into log file if self.logger: if msg: self.logger.write( str('{0},{1}').format( get_current_time(format='%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f'), u(msg) ) ) return True return False def run(self): if self.process and self.stream: while True: nextline = self.stream.readline() if nextline: self.log(nextline) else: if self.process.poll() is not None: break def release(self): if self.logger: self.logger.close() self.logger = None def read_configs(data): """ This reads SQLite3 database and fetches process details Args: data - configuration details Returns: Process details fetched from database as a dict """ if data.db_file is not None and data.process_id is not None: conn = sqlite3.connect(data.db_file) c = conn.cursor() t = (data.process_id,) c.execute('SELECT command, arguments FROM process WHERE \ exit_code is NULL \ AND pid=?', t) row = c.fetchone() conn.close() if row and len(row) > 1: configs = { 'pid': data.process_id, 'cmd': row[0], 'args': row[1], 'output_directory': data.output_directory, 'db_file': data.db_file } return configs else: return None else: raise ValueError("Please verify process id and db_file arguments") def update_configs(kwargs): """ This function will updates process stats Args: kwargs - Process configuration details Returns: None """ if 'db_file' in kwargs and 'pid' in kwargs: conn = sqlite3.connect(kwargs['db_file']) sql = 'UPDATE process SET ' params = list() for param in ['start_time', 'end_time', 'exit_code']: if param in kwargs: sql += (',' if len(params) else '') + param + '=? ' params.append(kwargs[param]) if len(params) == 0: return sql += 'WHERE pid=?' params.append(kwargs['pid']) with conn: c = conn.cursor() c.execute(sql, params) conn.commit() # Commit & close cursor conn.close() else: raise ValueError("Please verify pid and db_file arguments") def execute(configs): """ This function will execute the background process Args: configs: Process configuration details Returns: None """ if configs is not None: command = [configs['cmd']] args_csv = StringIO(configs['args']) args_reader = csv.reader(args_csv, delimiter=str(',')) for args in args_reader: command = command + args args = { 'pid': configs['pid'], 'db_file': configs['db_file'] } try: reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf8') except: pass # Create seprate thread for stdout and stderr process_stdout = ProcessLogger('out', configs) process_stderr = ProcessLogger('err', configs) try: # update start_time args.update({ 'start_time': get_current_time(), 'stdout': process_stdout.log, 'stderr': process_stderr.log }) # Update start time update_configs(args) if args['pid'] in os.environ: os.environ['PGPASSWORD'] = os.environ[args['pid']] process = Popen( command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, shell=(os.name == 'nt'), close_fds=(os.name != 'nt') ) try: del(os.environ['PGPASSWORD']) except: pass # Attach the stream to the process logger, and start logging. process_stdout.attach_process_stream(process, process.stdout) process_stdout.start() process_stderr.attach_process_stream(process, process.stderr) process_stderr.start() # Join both threads together process_stdout.join() process_stderr.join() # Child process return code exitCode = process.wait() if exitCode is None: exitCode = process.poll() args.update({'exit_code': exitCode}) # Add end_time args.update({'end_time': get_current_time()}) # Fetch last output, and error from process if it has missed. data = process.communicate() if data: if data[0]: process_stdout.log(data[0]) if data[1]: process_stderr.log(data[1]) # If executable not found or invalid arguments passed except OSError as e: if process_stderr: process_stderr.log(e.strerror) else: print("WARNING: ", e.strerror, file=sys.stderr) args.update({'end_time': get_current_time()}) args.update({'exit_code': e.errno}) # Unknown errors except Exception as e: if process_stderr: process_stderr.log(str(e)) else: print("WARNING: ", str(e), file=sys.stderr) args.update({'end_time': get_current_time()}) args.update({'exit_code': -1}) finally: # Update the execution end_time, and exit-code. update_configs(args) if process_stderr: process_stderr.release() process_stderr = None if process_stdout: process_stdout.release() process_stdout = None else: raise ValueError("Please verify configs") if __name__ == '__main__': # Read command line arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Process executor for pgAdmin4' ) parser.add_argument( '-p', '--process_id', help='Process ID', required=True ) parser.add_argument( '-d', '--db_file', help='Configuration Database', required=True ) parser.add_argument( '-o', '--output_directory', help='Location where the logs will be created', required=True ) args = parser.parse_args() # Fetch bakcground process details from SQLite3 database file configs = read_configs(args) # Execute the background process execute(configs)