.. _query_tool: ************** The Query tool ************** The Query tool is a powerful, feature-rich environment that allows you to execute arbitrary SQL commands and review the result set. If you access the Query tool via the *Query Tool* menu option on the *Tools* menu, you can: * Issue ad-hoc SQL queries. * Execute arbitrary SQL commands. * Save the data displayed in the output panel to a CSV file. * Review the execution plan of a SQL statement in either a text or a graphical format. * View analytical information about a SQL statement. If you open the Query tool via the *View Data* context-menu, the Query tool acts as a data editor, allowing you to: * View or modify the data that is stored in a table. * Filter the result set. * Save the data displayed in the output panel to a CSV file. * Review the execution plan of a SQL statement in either a text or a graphical format. * View analytical information about a SQL statement. .. image:: images/query_tool.png The Query tool features a toolbar that allows quick access to frequently used options, and a work environment divided into two panels: * The upper panel of the Query tool contains the *SQL Editor*. You can use the panel to manually enter a query, or review the query that generated the result set displayed in the lower panel. * The lower panel of the Query tool contains the *Data Output* panel. The output panel displays the result of a query, or information about a query's execution plan. pgAdmin allows you to open multiple copies of the Query tool (in individual tabs) simultaneously. For example, if you select *Query tool* from the *Tools* menu, the Query tool opens in a tab labeled *Query-1*; if you open the Query tool again (without closing *Query-1*), a second copy will open in *Query-2*. To close a copy of the Query tool, click the *X* in the upper-right hand corner of the tab bar. **The Query tool Toolbar** The *Query tool* toolbar uses context-sensitive icons that provide shortcuts to frequently performed tasks. If an icon is highlighted, the option is enabled; if the icon is grayed-out, the task is disabled. .. image:: images/query_toolbar.png Hover over an icon to display a tooltip that describes the icon's functionality: +----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Icon | Behavior | +======================+===================================================================================================+ | *Open File* | Click the *Open File* icon to display a previously saved query in the SQL Editor. | +----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | *Save* | Click the *Save* icon to save the query that is currently displayed in the SQL Editor. | +----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | *Copy* | Click the *Copy* icon to copy the currently selected row. | +----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | *Paste* | Click the *Paste* icon to paste the content that is currently on the clipboard. | +----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | *Add New Row* | Use the *Add New Row* icon to add a new row in the output panel. | +----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | *Filter* | Click the *Filter* icon to open a dialog that allows you to write and apply a filter for the | | | content currently displayed in the output panel. Click the down arrow to open the *Filter* drop- | | | down menu and select from pre-defined options: | | | | | | Select *Remove* to remove the currently applied filter and display the complete result set. | | | | | | Select *By selection* to refresh the displayed data, displaying only those rows that have columns| | | that match the currently highlighted value. | | | | | | Select *Exclude selection* to refresh the displayed data, excluding those rows that have columns | | | that match the currently highlighted value. | +----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | *No limit* | Use the *No limit* drop-down listbox to specify how many rows to display in the output panel. | | | Select from: *No limit* (the default), *1000 rows*, *500 rows*, or *100 rows*. | +----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | *Execute/Refresh* | Click the *Execute/Refresh* icon to either execute or refresh the query highlighted in the SQL | | | editor panel. Click the down arrow to access other execution options: | | | | | | Select *Execute/Refresh* to invoke the SQL command and refresh the result set. | | | | | | Select *Explain* to view an explanation plan for the current query. The result of the | | | EXPLAIN is displayed graphically on the *Explain* tab of the output panel, and in text | | | form on the *Data Output* tab. | | | | | | Select *Explain analyze* to invoke an EXPLAIN ANALYZE command on the current query. | | | | | | Navigate through the *Explain Options* menu to select options for the EXPLAIN command: | | | | | | Select *Verbose* to display additional information regarding the query plan. | | | | | | Select *Costs* to include information on the estimated startup and total cost of each | | | plan node, as well as the estimated number of rows and the estimated width of each | | | row. | | | | | | Select *Buffers* to include information on buffer usage. | | | | | | Select *Timing* to include information about the startup time and the amount of time | | | spent in each node of the query. | | | | | | Add a check next to *Auto-Rollback* to instruct the server to automatically roll back a | | | transaction if an error occurs during the transaction. | | | | | | Add a check next to *Auto-Commit* to instruct the server to automatically commit each | | | transaction. Any changes made by the transaction will be visible to others, and | | | durable in the event of a crash. | +----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | *Stop* | Click the *Stop* icon to cancel the execution of the currently running query. | +----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | *Clear query window* | Use options on the *Clear query window* drop-down menu to erase the contents of | | | the SQL editor panel or the *History* tab. | +----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | *Download as CSV* | Click the *Download as CSV* icon to download the result set of the current query to a | | | comma-separated list. | +----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ **The SQL Editor Panel** The *SQL editor* panel contains a workspace for entering commands; you can read a query from a file, or type a query. The SQL editor features syntax coloring and autocompletion to help you develop queries. .. image:: images/query_sql_editor.png To use autocomplete, begin typing your query; when you would like the Query editor to suggest object names or commands that might be next in your query, press the Control+Space key combination. For example, type "\*SELECT \* FROM\* " (without quotes, but with a trailing space), and then press the Control+Space key combination to select from a popup menu of autocomplete options. .. image:: images/query_autocomplete.png After entering a query, select the *Execute/Refresh* icon from the toolbar. The complete contents of the SQL editor panel will be sent to the database server for execution. To execute only a section of the code that is displayed in the SQL editor, highlight the text that you want the server to execute, and click the *Execute/Refresh* icon: .. image:: images/query_execute_section.png The message returned by the server when a command executes is displayed on the *Messages* tab of the output panel. If the command is successful, the *Messages* tab displays execution details: .. image:: images/query_tool_message.png The editor also offers several features that help with code formatting: * The auto-indent feature will automatically indent text to the same depth as the previous line when you press the Return key. * Block indent text by selecting two or more lines and pressing the Tab key. **The Data Output Panel** Use the *Data Output* panel of the *Query tool* to view data and information generated by a query in the *SQL editor*, or to *View Data* for an object currently selected in the *pgAdmin* tree control. The *Data Output* panel organizes output through the following tabs: *Data Output*, *Explain*, *Messages*, and *History*. .. image:: images/query_output_data.png If the Query tool is opened through the *Query tool* menu option on the *Tools* menu, you can use the *Data Output* tab to view the results of an arbitrary query in a table format. If the Query tool is opened through a *View Data* context menu, the *Data Output* tab will display the data stored in the table from which the Query tool was opened. * Click a column header to sort data by that column. Click again to reverse the sorting order. * If enabled, use the *Filter* options from the Query tool toolbar to refine the result set displayed on the *Data Output* tab. * If enabled, use the *No limit* drop-down to specify how many rows to display on the *Data Output* tab. * If enabled, use the *Execute/Refresh* options to retrieve query execution information and set query execution options. * Use the *Download as CSV* icon to download the content of the *Data Output* tab as a comma-delimited file. All rowsets from previous queries or commands that are displayed in the *Data Output* panel will be discarded when you invoke another query; open another query tool browser tab to keep your previous results available. If the Query Tool is opened using the *View Data* menu option and the data is updatable and has a primary key, then you can double-click on values on the *Data Output* tab and edit them: * To enter a NULL, clear the value of the string. * To enter a blank set the value of the cell to ''. * To enter the string ''. enter the value \'\'. Once the data has been edited as required, use the Save button to save the changes to the database. Use the *Explain* tab to view a graphical representation of a query: .. image:: images/query_output_explain.png To generate a graphical explain diagram, open the *Explain* tab, and select *Explain*, *Explain Analyze*, or one or more options from the *Explain options* menu on the *Execute/Refresh* drop-down. Please note that *EXPLAIN VERBOSE* cannot be displayed graphically. Hover over an icon on the *Explain* tab to review information about that item; a popup window will display information about the selected object: .. image:: images/query_output_explain_details.png Note that the query plan that accompanies the *Explain analyze* is available on the *Data Output* tab. Use the *Messages* tab to view information about the last-executed query: .. image:: images/query_output_error.png If the server returns an error, the error message will be displayed on the *Messages* tab, and the syntax that cause the error will be underlined in the SQL editor. If a query succeeds, the *Messages* tab displays how long the query took to complete and how many rows were retrieved: .. image:: images/query_output_messages.png Use the *History* tab to review activity for the current session: .. image:: images/query_output_history.png The History tab displays: * The date and time that a query was invoked. * The text of the query. * The number of rows returned by the query. * The amount of time it took the server to process the query and return a result set. * Messages returned by the server (not noted on the *Messages* tab). To erase the content of the *History* tab, select *Clear history* from the *Clear query window* drop-down menu.