import React, {useEffect, useMemo, useState } from 'react'; import AppMenuBar from './AppMenuBar'; import ObjectBreadcrumbs from './components/ObjectBreadcrumbs'; import Layout, { LayoutDocker, getDefaultGroup } from './helpers/Layout'; import gettext from 'sources/gettext'; import ObjectExplorer from './tree/ObjectExplorer'; import Properties from '../../misc/properties/Properties'; import SQL from '../../misc/sql/static/js/SQL'; import Statistics from '../../misc/statistics/static/js/Statistics'; import { BROWSER_PANELS } from '../../browser/static/js/constants'; import Dependencies from '../../misc/dependencies/static/js/Dependencies'; import Dependents from '../../misc/dependents/static/js/Dependents'; import UtilityView from './UtilityView'; import ModalProvider from './helpers/ModalProvider'; import { NotifierProvider } from './helpers/Notifier'; import ToolView from './ToolView'; import ObjectExplorerToolbar from './helpers/ObjectExplorerToolbar'; import MainMoreToolbar from './helpers/MainMoreToolbar'; import Dashboard from '../../dashboard/static/js/Dashboard'; import usePreferences from '../../preferences/static/js/store'; import { getBrowser } from './utils'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import Processes from '../../misc/bgprocess/static/js/Processes'; import { useBeforeUnload } from './custom_hooks'; import pgWindow from 'sources/window'; const objectExplorerGroup = { tabLocked: true, floatable: false, panelExtra: () => }; const mainPanelGroup = { ...getDefaultGroup(), panelExtra: () => }; export const processesPanelData = { id: BROWSER_PANELS.PROCESSES, title: gettext('Processes'), content: , closable: true, group: 'playground' }; export const defaultTabsData = [ { id: BROWSER_PANELS.DASHBOARD, title: gettext('Dashboard'), content: , closable: true, group: 'playground' }, { id: BROWSER_PANELS.PROPERTIES, title: gettext('Properties'), content: , closable: true, group: 'playground' }, { id: BROWSER_PANELS.SQL, title: gettext('SQL'), content: , closable: true, group: 'playground' }, { id: BROWSER_PANELS.STATISTICS, title: gettext('Statistics'), content: , closable: true, group: 'playground' }, { id: BROWSER_PANELS.DEPENDENCIES, title: gettext('Dependencies'), content: , closable: true, group: 'playground' }, { id: BROWSER_PANELS.DEPENDENTS, title: gettext('Dependents'), content: , closable: true, group: 'playground' }, processesPanelData, ]; export default function BrowserComponent({pgAdmin}) { let defaultLayout = { dockbox: { mode: 'vertical', children: [ { mode: 'horizontal', children: [ { size: 20, tabs: [ LayoutDocker.getPanel({ id: BROWSER_PANELS.OBJECT_EXPLORER, title: gettext('Object Explorer'), content: , group: 'object-explorer' }), ], }, { size: 80, id: BROWSER_PANELS.MAIN, group: 'playground', tabs:>LayoutDocker.getPanel(t)), panelLock: {panelStyle: 'playground'}, } ] }, ] }, }; const {isLoading, failed, getPreferencesForModule} = usePreferences(); let { name: browser } = useMemo(()=>getBrowser(), []); const [uiReady, setUiReady] = useState(false); const confirmOnClose = getPreferencesForModule('browser').confirm_on_refresh_close; useBeforeUnload({ enabled: confirmOnClose, beforeClose: (forceClose)=>{ pgAdmin.Browser.notifier.confirm( gettext('Quit pgAdmin 4'), gettext('Are you sure you want to quit the application?'), function() { forceClose(); }, function() { return true;}, ); }, isNewTab: true, }); useEffect(()=>{ if(uiReady) { pgAdmin?.Browser?.uiloaded?.(); } }, [uiReady]); if(isLoading) { return <>; } if(failed) { return <>Failed to load preferences; } return ( setUiReady(true)}/> {browser != 'Electron' && }
{ pgAdmin.Browser.docker = obj; }} defaultLayout={defaultLayout} layoutId='Browser/Layout' savedLayout={pgAdmin.Browser.utils.layout} groups={{ 'object-explorer': objectExplorerGroup, 'playground': mainPanelGroup, }} noContextGroups={['object-explorer']} resetToTabPanel={BROWSER_PANELS.MAIN} />
); } BrowserComponent.propTypes = { pgAdmin: PropTypes.object, }; export const PgAdminContext = React.createContext(); export function usePgAdmin() { const pgAdmin = React.useContext(PgAdminContext); return pgAdmin; }