# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ########################################################################## # # pgAdmin 4 - PostgreSQL Tools # # Copyright (C) 2013 - 2020, The pgAdmin Development Team # This software is released under the PostgreSQL Licence # ########################################################################## # This utility will generate a list of all dependencies, their upstream # repos and licence information. import os import json import pkg_resources import sys import textwrap from subprocess import Popen, PIPE # Column sizes name_size = 64 version_size = 16 licence_size = 36 def print_title(title): print(title) print(("=" * len(title)) + "\n") def print_row(name, version, licence, url): print("{} {} {} {}".format(name.ljust(name_size), version.ljust(version_size), licence.ljust(licence_size), url)) def print_table_header(): print_row("Name", "Version", "Licence", "URL") print_row("----", "-------", "-------", "---") def print_summary(count): print("\n{} dependencies listed.\n".format(count)) def get_python_deps(): # Get the path to the requirements.txt file req_file = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/../requirements.txt") with open(req_file, 'r') as req_file_p: required = req_file_p.read().splitlines() # Get the package info from the requirements file requirements = pkg_resources.parse_requirements(required) have_unknowns = False count = 0 # Iterate the packages and get the distribution info for each for pkg in requirements: try: distribution = pkg_resources.get_distribution(pkg) except IndexError: # The package probably isn't required on this version of Python, # thus we have no info about it. have_unknowns = True name = pkg.name version = "Unknown" for spec in pkg.specs: if spec[0] == "==": version = spec[1] break licence = "Unknown" url = "Unknown" if pkg.url is not None: url = pkg.url print_row(name, version, licence, url) count = count + 1 # Next one.... continue try: metadata = distribution.get_metadata_lines('METADATA') except IOError: metadata = distribution.get_metadata_lines('PKG-INFO') # Somewhere to store the info we need... name = "" version = "Unknown" url = "Unknown" licence = "Unknown" # Loop over each line in the metadata and grab the info we need for line in metadata: if line.startswith("Name: "): name = line[6:] if line.startswith("Version: "): version = line[9:] if line.startswith("License: "): licence = line[9:] if line.startswith("Home-page: "): url = line[11:] if name != "": print_row(name, version, licence, url) count = count + 1 if have_unknowns: major = sys.version_info.major minor = sys.version_info.minor print("") print(textwrap.fill("NOTE: This report was generated using " "Python {}.{}. Full information may not be shown " "for Python modules that are not required with " "this version.".format( major, minor), width=79)) print_summary(count) def get_js_deps(): # Get the path to package.json file web_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/../web/") # Build the Yarn command cmd = ["yarn", "--cwd", web_dir, "licenses", "list", "--json"] # Run the command process = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE) (output, err) = process.communicate() process.wait() # Cleanup the output output_str = output.splitlines()[-1] if hasattr(output_str, 'decode'): output_str = output_str.decode('utf-8') raw_data = json.loads(output_str) modules = raw_data['data']['body'] # Loop through the modules, and output the data. for module in modules: name = module[0] version = "Unknown" if module[1] != "": version = module[1] licence = "Unknown" if module[2] != "": licence = module[2] if module[3] != "": url = module[3] print_row(name, version, licence, url) print_summary(len(modules)) def dump_header(): print_title("pgAdmin 4 Dependency Inventory") print(textwrap.fill( "pgAdmin 4 is built on C++, Python and Javascript, and is " "dependent on various third party libraries. These are " "automatically compiled from the system, requirements.txt." "and packages.json and listed below.", width=79) + "\n") def dump_cplusplus(): print_title("C++ Dependencies") print_table_header() print_row("QT", "5+", "LGPL v2.1/3", "https://www.qt.io/") print_row("QDarkStyleSheet", "2.8.1", "MIT (code), CC BY 4.0 (images)", "https://github.com/ColinDuquesnoy/QDarkStyleSheet") print_row("Python", "3.4+", "PSF", "https://www.python.org/") print_summary(3) def dump_python(): print_title("Python Dependencies") print_table_header() get_python_deps() def dump_js(): print_title("Javascript Dependencies") print_table_header() get_js_deps() # Let's do this thing! dump_header() dump_cplusplus() dump_python() dump_js()