#!/bin/bash # Build script to create Mac App Bundle and DMG for pgAdmin4 runtime export WD=$(cd `dirname $0` && pwd) export SOURCEDIR=$WD/../.. export BUILDROOT=$WD/../../mac-build export DISTROOT=$WD/../../dist export VIRTUALENV=venv if [ ! -f $SOURCEDIR/pkg/mac/framework.conf ]; then echo echo "Error: pkg/mac/framework.conf not found!" echo "Copy pkg/mac/framework.conf.in to pkg/mac/framework.conf and edit as required for the current system." echo exit 1 fi if [ "x$PYTHON_HOME" == "x" ]; then echo "PYTHON_HOME not set. Setting it to default" export PYTHON_HOME=/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7 export PYTHON_VERSION=27 fi # Check if Python is working and calculate PYTHON_VERSION if $PYTHON_HOME/bin/python2 -V > /dev/null 2>&1; then export PYTHON_VERSION=`$PYTHON_HOME/bin/python2 -V 2>&1 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d"." -f1-2 | sed 's/\.//'` elif $PYTHON_HOME/bin/python3 -V > /dev/null 2>&1; then export PYTHON_VERSION=`$PYTHON_HOME/bin/python3 -V 2>&1 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d"." -f1-2 | sed 's/\.//'` else echo "Error: Python installation missing!" exit 1 fi if [ "$PYTHON_VERSION" -gt "36" -a "$PYTHON_VERSION" -lt "26" ]; then echo "Python version not supported" exit 1 fi if [ "$PYTHON_VERSION" -ge "30" ]; then export PYTHON=$PYTHON_HOME/bin/python3 export PIP=pip3 else export PYTHON=$PYTHON_HOME/bin/python2 export PIP=pip fi if [ "x$QTDIR" == "x" ]; then echo "QTDIR not set. Setting it to default" export QTDIR=~/Qt/5.8/clang_64 fi export QMAKE=$QTDIR/bin/qmake if ! $QMAKE --version > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo "Error: qmake not found. QT installation is not present or incomplete." exit 1 fi if [ "x$PGDIR" == "x" ]; then echo "PGDIR not set. Setting it to default" export PGDIR=/usr/local/pgsql fi _get_version() { export APP_RELEASE=`grep "^APP_RELEASE" web/config.py | cut -d"=" -f2 | sed 's/ //g'` export APP_REVISION=`grep "^APP_REVISION" web/config.py | cut -d"=" -f2 | sed 's/ //g'` export APP_NAME=`grep "^APP_NAME" web/config.py | cut -d"=" -f2 | sed "s/'//g" | sed 's/^ //'` export APP_BUNDLE_NAME=$APP_NAME.app export APP_LONG_VERSION=$APP_RELEASE.$APP_REVISION export APP_SHORT_VERSION=`echo $APP_LONG_VERSION | cut -d . -f1,2` export APP_SUFFIX=`grep "^APP_SUFFIX" web/config.py | cut -d"=" -f2 | sed 's/ //g' | sed "s/'//g"` if [ ! -z $APP_SUFFIX ]; then export APP_LONG_VERSION=$APP_LONG_VERSION-$APP_SUFFIX fi } _cleanup() { echo "Cleaning up the old environment and app bundle" rm -rf $SOURCEDIR/runtime/pgAdmin4.app rm -rf $BUILDROOT rm -f $DISTROOT/pgadmin4*.dmg } _create_python_virtualenv() { export PATH=$PGDIR/bin:$PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PGDIR/lib:$_LD_LIBRARY_PATH test -d $BUILDROOT || mkdir $BUILDROOT || exit 1 cd $BUILDROOT test -d $VIRTUALENV || virtualenv -p $PYTHON $VIRTUALENV || exit 1 source $VIRTUALENV/bin/activate $PIP install -r $SOURCEDIR/requirements.txt || { echo PIP install failed. Please resolve the issue and rerun the script; exit 1; } # Figure out some paths for use when completing the venv # Use "python" here as we want the venv path export PYMODULES_PATH=`python -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print(get_python_lib())"` export DIR_PYMODULES_PATH=`dirname $PYMODULES_PATH` # Use $PYTHON here as we want the system path export PYSYSLIB_PATH=`$PYTHON -c "import sys; print '%s/lib/python%d.%.d' % (sys.prefix, sys.version_info.major, sys.version_info.minor)"` # Symlink in the rest of the Python libs. This is required because the runtime # will clear PYTHONHOME for safety, which has the side-effect of preventing # it from finding modules that are note explicitly included in the venv cd $DIR_PYMODULES_PATH # Files for FULLPATH in $PYSYSLIB_PATH/*.py; do FILE=${FULLPATH##*/} if [ ! -e $FILE ]; then ln -s $FULLPATH $FILE fi done # Paths for FULLPATH in $PYSYSLIB_PATH/*/; do FULLPATH=${FULLPATH%*/} FILE=${FULLPATH##*/} if [ ! -e $FILE ]; then ln -s $FULLPATH $FILE fi done # Remove tests cd site-packages find . -name "test" -type d -exec rm -rf "{}" \; find . -name "tests" -type d -exec rm -rf "{}" \; # Move the python<version> directory to python so that the private environment path is found by the application. if test -d $DIR_PYMODULES_PATH; then mv $DIR_PYMODULES_PATH $DIR_PYMODULES_PATH/../python fi } _build_runtime() { _create_python_virtualenv || exit 1 cd $SOURCEDIR/runtime $QMAKE || { echo qmake failed; exit 1; } make || { echo make failed; exit 1; } cp -r pgAdmin4.app "$BUILDROOT/$APP_BUNDLE_NAME" } _build_doc() { cd $SOURCEDIR/docs/en_US # Commenting the build as it is taken care by Makefile #LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 LANG=en_US.UTF-8 make -f Makefile.sphinx html || exit 1 test -d "$BUILDROOT/$APP_BUNDLE_NAME/Contents/Resources" || "mkdir -p $BUILDROOT/$APP_BUNDLE_NAME/Contents/Resources" test -d "$BUILDROOT/$APP_BUNDLE_NAME/Contents/Resources/docs/en_US" || mkdir -p "$BUILDROOT/$APP_BUNDLE_NAME/Contents/Resources/docs/en_US" cp -r _build/html "$BUILDROOT/$APP_BUNDLE_NAME/Contents/Resources/docs/en_US/" || exit 1 } _complete_bundle() { cd $SOURCEDIR/pkg/mac # Copy the binary utilities into place mkdir -p "$BUILDROOT/$APP_BUNDLE_NAME/Contents/SharedSupport/" || exit 1 cp "$PGDIR/bin/pg_dump" "$BUILDROOT/$APP_BUNDLE_NAME/Contents/SharedSupport/" || exit 1 cp "$PGDIR/bin/pg_dumpall" "$BUILDROOT/$APP_BUNDLE_NAME/Contents/SharedSupport/" || exit 1 cp "$PGDIR/bin/pg_restore" "$BUILDROOT/$APP_BUNDLE_NAME/Contents/SharedSupport/" || exit 1 cp "$PGDIR/bin/psql" "$BUILDROOT/$APP_BUNDLE_NAME/Contents/SharedSupport/" || exit 1 # Replace the place holders with the current version sed -e "s/PGADMIN_LONG_VERSION/$APP_LONG_VERSION/g" -e "s/PGADMIN_SHORT_VERSION/$APP_SHORT_VERSION/g" pgadmin.Info.plist.in > pgadmin.Info.plist # copy Python private environment to app bundle cp -PR $BUILDROOT/$VIRTUALENV "$BUILDROOT/$APP_BUNDLE_NAME/Contents/Resources/" || exit 1 # remove the python bin and include from app bundle as it is not needed rm -rf "$BUILDROOT/$APP_BUNDLE_NAME/Contents/Resources/$VIRTUALENV/bin" "$BUILDROOT/$APP_BUNDLE_NAME/Contents/Resources/$VIRTUALENV/include" rm -rf "$BUILDROOT/$APP_BUNDLE_NAME/Contents/Resources/$VIRTUALENV/.Python" # run complete-bundle to copy the dependent libraries and frameworks and fix the rpaths ./complete-bundle.sh "$BUILDROOT/$APP_BUNDLE_NAME" || { echo complete-bundle.sh failed; exit 1; } # copy the web directory to the bundle as it is required by runtime cp -r $SOURCEDIR/web "$BUILDROOT/$APP_BUNDLE_NAME/Contents/Resources/" || exit 1 cd "$BUILDROOT/$APP_BUNDLE_NAME/Contents/Resources/web" rm -f pgadmin4.db config_local.* rm -rf karma.conf.js package.json node_modules/ regression/ tools/ find . -name "tests" -type d -exec rm -rf "{}" \; find . -name "feature_tests" -type d -exec rm -rf "{}" \; find . -name ".DS_Store" -exec rm -f "{}" \; echo "SERVER_MODE = False" > config_distro.py echo "HELP_PATH = '../../../docs/en_US/html/'" >> config_distro.py echo "DEFAULT_BINARY_PATHS = {" >> config_distro.py echo " 'pg': '\$DIR/../../SharedSupport'," >> config_distro.py echo " 'ppas': ''" >> config_distro.py echo "}" >> config_distro.py # Remove the .pyc files if any cd "$BUILDROOT/$APP_BUNDLE_NAME" find . -name *.pyc | xargs rm -f } _framework_config() { cd $SOURCEDIR/pkg/mac ./framework-config.sh "$BUILDROOT/$APP_BUNDLE_NAME" || { echo "framework-config.sh failed"; exit 1; } } _codesign_bundle() { cd $SOURCEDIR/pkg/mac if [ ! -f codesign.conf ]; then echo echo "******************************************************************" echo "* codesign.conf not found. NOT signing the bundle." echo "******************************************************************" echo sleep 5 return fi ./codesign-bundle.sh "$BUILDROOT/$APP_BUNDLE_NAME" || { echo codesign-bundle.sh failed; exit 1; } } _create_dmg() { cd $SOURCEDIR ./pkg/mac/create-dmg.sh || { echo create-dmg.sh failed; exit 1; } # Clean the mac-build/ on successful build rm -rf $BUILDROOT/* } _codesign_dmg() { cd $SOURCEDIR/pkg/mac if [ ! -f codesign.conf ]; then echo echo "******************************************************************" echo "* codesign.conf not found. NOT signing the disk image." echo "******************************************************************" echo sleep 5 return fi ./codesign-dmg.sh || { echo codesign-bundle.sh failed; exit 1; } } _get_version || { echo Could not get versioning; exit 1; } _cleanup _build_runtime || { echo Runtime build failed; exit 1; } _build_doc _complete_bundle _framework_config _codesign_bundle _create_dmg _codesign_dmg