VERSION = QMAKE_TARGET_COMPANY = "The pgAdmin Development Team" QMAKE_TARGET_PRODUCT = "pgAdmin 4" QMAKE_TARGET_DESCRIPTION = "pgAdmin 4 Desktop Runtime" QMAKE_TARGET_COPYRIGHT = "Copyright 2013 - 2017, The pgAdmin Development Team" # Configure QT modules for the appropriate version of QT greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4) { message(Building for QT5+...) # Users can force the use of WebKit in Qt5, e.g. qmake "DEFINES += PGADMIN4_USE_WEBKIT" contains(DEFINES, PGADMIN4_USE_WEBKIT) { message(Forcing use of QWebKit...) message() message(************************************** WARNING **************************************) message(* It is strongly advised that Qt 5.5.0 or later is used to build the pgAdmin runtime.) message(*************************************************************************************) message() QT += webkitwidgets network widgets } else { greaterThan(QT_MINOR_VERSION, 4) { message(Using QWebEngine...) DEFINES += PGADMIN4_USE_WEBENGINE QT += webenginewidgets network widgets } else { message(Using QWebKit...) message() message(************************************** WARNING **************************************) message(* It is strongly advised that Qt 5.5.0 or later is used to build the pgAdmin runtime.) message(*************************************************************************************) message() DEFINES *= PGADMIN4_USE_WEBKIT QT += webkitwidgets network widgets } } } else { message(Building for QT4...) message(Using QWebKit...) message() message(************************************** WARNING **************************************) message(* It is strongly advised that Qt 5.5.0 or later is used to build the pgAdmin runtime.) message(*************************************************************************************) message() DEFINES += PGADMIN4_USE_WEBKIT QT += webkit network } win32 { RC_ICONS += pgAdmin4.ico } CONFIG(debug, debug|release) { DEFINES += PGADMIN4_DEBUG message(Configure pgAdmin4 to run in debug mode...) } # Environment settings for the build QMAKE_CFLAGS += $$(PGADMIN_CFLAGS) QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += $$(PGADMIN_CXXFLAGS) QMAKE_LFLAGS += $$(PGADMIN_LDFLAGS) win32 { message(Building for Windows...) # Read the PYTHON_HOME and PYTHON_VERSION system environment variables. PY_HOME = $$(PYTHON_HOME) PY_VERSION = $$(PYTHON_VERSION) isEmpty(PY_HOME) { error(Please define the PYTHON_HOME variable in the system environment.) } else { isEmpty(PY_VERSION) { error(Please define the PYTHON_VERSION variable in the system environment.) } else { INCLUDEPATH = $$PY_HOME\include LIBS += -L"$$PY_HOME\libs" -lpython$$PY_VERSION # Set the PYTHON2 macro if appropriate PY2_VERSION = $$find(PY_VERSION, "^2") count( PY2_VERSION, 1) { message(Python version 2.x detected.) DEFINES += PYTHON2 } } } } else { message(Building for Linux/Mac...) # Find and configure Python # Environment setting PYTHON_CONFIG = $$(PYTHON_CONFIG) # Python 2? isEmpty(PYTHON_CONFIG) { PYTHON_CONFIG = $$system(which python-config) } # Maybe Python 3? isEmpty(PYTHON_CONFIG) { PYTHON_CONFIG = $$system(which python3-config) } # Argh! isEmpty(PYTHON_CONFIG) { error(The python-config executable could not be found. Ensure Python is installed and in the system path.) } message(Using $$PYTHON_CONFIG) QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += $$system($$PYTHON_CONFIG --includes) QMAKE_LFLAGS += $$system($$PYTHON_CONFIG --ldflags) LIBS += $$system($$PYTHON_CONFIG --libs) contains( LIBS, -lpython2.* ) { DEFINES += PYTHON2 message(Python2 detected.) } else { message(Python3 detected.) } } # Source code HEADERS = BrowserWindow.h \ Server.h \ pgAdmin4.h \ TabWindow.h \ WebViewWindow.h \ ConfigWindow.h SOURCES = pgAdmin4.cpp \ BrowserWindow.cpp \ Server.cpp \ TabWindow.cpp \ WebViewWindow.cpp \ ConfigWindow.cpp FORMS = BrowserWindow.ui \ ConfigWindow.ui ICON = pgAdmin4.icns QMAKE_INFO_PLIST = Info.plist RESOURCES += \ pgadmin4.qrc