########################################################################## # # pgAdmin 4 - PostgreSQL Tools # # Copyright (C) 2013 - 2016, The pgAdmin Development Team # This software is released under the PostgreSQL Licence # ########################################################################## """ A blueprint module providing utility functions for the notify the user about the long running background-processes. """ from flask import url_for from flask.ext.babel import gettext as _ from flask.ext.security import login_required from pgadmin.utils.ajax import make_response, gone, bad_request, success_return from pgadmin.utils import PgAdminModule from .processes import BatchProcess MODULE_NAME = 'bgprocess' class BGProcessModule(PgAdminModule): def get_own_javascripts(self): return [{ 'name': 'pgadmin.browser.bgprocess', 'path': url_for('bgprocess.static', filename='js/bgprocess'), 'when': None }] def get_own_stylesheets(self): """ Returns: list: the stylesheets used by this module. """ stylesheets = [ url_for('bgprocess.static', filename='css/bgprocess.css') ] return stylesheets def get_own_messages(self): """ Returns: dict: the i18n messages used by this module """ return { 'bgprocess.index': url_for("bgprocess.index"), 'bgprocess.list': url_for("bgprocess.list"), 'seconds': _('seconds'), 'started': _('Started'), 'START_TIME': _('Start time'), 'STATUS': _('Status'), 'EXECUTION_TIME': _('Execution time'), 'running': _('Running...'), 'successfully_finished': _("Successfully completed."), 'failed_with_exit_code': _("Failed (exit code: %%s).") } # Initialise the module blueprint = BGProcessModule( MODULE_NAME, __name__, url_prefix='/misc/bgprocess' ) @blueprint.route('/') @login_required def index(): return bad_request(errormsg=_('This URL can not be called directly.')) @blueprint.route('/status//', methods=['GET']) @blueprint.route('/status////', methods=['GET']) @login_required def status(pid, out=-1, err=-1): """ Check the status of the process running in background. Sends back the output of stdout/stderr Fetches & sends STDOUT/STDERR logs for the process requested by client Args: pid: Process ID out: position of the last stdout fetched err: position of the last stderr fetched Returns: Status of the process and logs (if out, and err not equal to -1) """ try: process = BatchProcess(id=pid) return make_response(response=process.status(out, err)) except LookupError as lerr: return gone(errormsg=str(lerr)) @blueprint.route('/list/', methods=['GET']) def list(): return make_response(response=BatchProcess.list()) @blueprint.route('/acknowledge//', methods=['PUT']) @login_required def acknowledge(pid): """ User has acknowledge the process Args: pid: Process ID Returns: Positive status """ try: BatchProcess.acknowledge(pid, True) return success_return() except LookupError as lerr: return gone(errormsg=str(lerr))