///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // pgAdmin 4 - PostgreSQL Tools // // Copyright (C) 2013 - 2022, The pgAdmin Development Team // This software is released under the PostgreSQL Licence // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// import jasmineEnzyme from 'jasmine-enzyme'; import React from 'react'; import '../helper/enzyme.helper'; import { createMount } from '@material-ui/core/test-utils'; import pgAdmin from 'sources/pgadmin'; import {messages} from '../fake_messages'; import SchemaView from '../../../pgadmin/static/js/SchemaView'; import BaseUISchema from '../../../pgadmin/static/js/SchemaView/base_schema.ui'; import _ from 'lodash'; import CheckConstraintSchema from '../../../pgadmin/browser/server_groups/servers/databases/schemas/tables/constraints/check_constraint/static/js/check_constraint.ui'; class SchemaInColl extends BaseUISchema { constructor() { super(); } get baseFields() { return [{ id: 'collection', label: '', type: 'collection', schema: new CheckConstraintSchema(), editable: false, canAdd: true, canEdit: false, canDelete: true, hasRole: true, columns : ['name', 'consrc'], }]; } } function getFieldDepChange(schema, id) { return _.find(schema.fields, (f)=>f.id==id)?.depChange; } describe('CheckConstraintSchema', ()=>{ let mount; let schemaObj = new CheckConstraintSchema(); let getInitData = ()=>Promise.resolve({}); /* Use createMount so that material ui components gets the required context */ /* https://material-ui.com/guides/testing/#api */ beforeAll(()=>{ mount = createMount(); }); afterAll(() => { mount.cleanUp(); }); beforeEach(()=>{ jasmineEnzyme(); /* messages used by validators */ pgAdmin.Browser = pgAdmin.Browser || {}; pgAdmin.Browser.messages = pgAdmin.Browser.messages || messages; pgAdmin.Browser.utils = pgAdmin.Browser.utils || {}; }); it('create', ()=>{ mount({}} onClose={()=>{}} onHelp={()=>{}} onEdit={()=>{}} onDataChange={()=>{}} confirmOnCloseReset={false} hasSQL={false} disableSqlHelp={false} disableDialogHelp={false} />); }); it('edit', ()=>{ mount({}} onClose={()=>{}} onHelp={()=>{}} onEdit={()=>{}} onDataChange={()=>{}} confirmOnCloseReset={false} hasSQL={false} disableSqlHelp={false} disableDialogHelp={false} />); }); it('properties', ()=>{ mount({}} onEdit={()=>{}} />); }); it('create collection', ()=>{ let schemaCollObj = new SchemaInColl(); let ctrl = mount({}} onClose={()=>{}} onHelp={()=>{}} onEdit={()=>{}} onDataChange={()=>{}} confirmOnCloseReset={false} hasSQL={false} disableSqlHelp={false} disableDialogHelp={false} />); /* Make sure you hit every corner */ ctrl.find('DataGridView').at(0).find('PgIconButton[data-test="add-row"]').find('button').simulate('click'); }); it('depChange', ()=>{ let state = {name: ''}; expect(getFieldDepChange(schemaObj, 'comment')(state)).toEqual({ comment: '', }); /* If partitioned table */ schemaObj.top = { sessData: { is_partitioned: true, } }; expect(getFieldDepChange(schemaObj, 'connoinherit')(state)).toEqual({ connoinherit: false, }); schemaObj.top = null; }); it('validate', ()=>{ expect(schemaObj.validate()).toBe(false); }); });