#!/bin/bash # Set the repo RPM version and build REPO_RPM_VERSION=2 REPO_RPM_BUILD=1 # Set the repo base directory if [ "${PGADMIN_REPO_DIR}" == "" ]; then echo "PGADMIN_REPO_DIR not set. Setting it to the default: https://ftp.postgresql.org/pub/pgadmin/pgadmin4/repos/yum" export PGADMIN_REPO_DIR=https://ftp.postgresql.org/pub/pgadmin/pgadmin4/repos/yum fi # Exit when any command fails set -e # Debugging shizz trap 'ERRCODE=$? && if [ ${ERRCODE} -ne 0 ]; then echo "The command \"${BASH_COMMAND}\" failed in \"${FUNCNAME}\" with exit code ${ERRCODE}."; fi' EXIT # Common Linux build functions # shellcheck disable=SC1091 source pkg/linux/build-functions.sh # Are we installing a package key? INCLUDE_KEY=0 if [ -f "pkg/redhat/PGADMIN_PKG_KEY" ]; then INCLUDE_KEY=1 echo "Building repo RPMs including a package signing key..." else echo "pkg/redhat/PGADMIN_PKG_KEY not found." echo "Building repo RPMs WITHOUT a package signing key..." sleep 5 fi # Create the Redhat packaging stuffs for the repo _create_repo_rpm() { DISTRO=$1 if [ "${DISTRO}" == "redhat" ]; then PLATFORM="rhel" else PLATFORM=${DISTRO} fi echo "Creating the repo package for ${DISTRO}..." test -d "${BUILDROOT}/${DISTRO}-repo/etc/yum.repos.d" || mkdir -p "${BUILDROOT}/${DISTRO}-repo/etc/yum.repos.d" cat << EOF > "${BUILDROOT}/${DISTRO}-repo/etc/yum.repos.d/pgadmin4.repo" [pgAdmin4] name=pgadmin4 baseurl=${PGADMIN_REPO_DIR}/${DISTRO}/${PLATFORM}-\$releasever-\$basearch enabled=1 EOF if [ ${INCLUDE_KEY} -eq 1 ]; then { echo repo_gpgcheck=1 echo gpgcheck=1 echo gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/PGADMIN_PKG_KEY } >> "${BUILDROOT}/${DISTRO}-repo/etc/yum.repos.d/pgadmin4.repo" else echo gpgcheck=0 >> "${BUILDROOT}/${DISTRO}-repo/etc/yum.repos.d/pgadmin4.repo" fi echo "Creating the spec file for ${DISTRO}..." cat << EOF > "${BUILDROOT}/${DISTRO}-repo.spec" %global __requires_exclude_from ^/.*$ %global __provides_exclude_from ^/.*$ Name: ${APP_NAME}-${DISTRO}-repo Version: ${REPO_RPM_VERSION} Release: ${REPO_RPM_BUILD} BuildArch: noarch Summary: Repository configuration for the pgAdmin ${DISTRO^} repositories. License: PostgreSQL URL: https://www.pgadmin.org/ %description The yum repository configuration for ${DISTRO^} platforms. %build %install cp -rfa %{pga_build_root}/${DISTRO}-repo/* \${RPM_BUILD_ROOT} %files /etc/yum.repos.d/pgadmin4.repo EOF if [ ${INCLUDE_KEY} -eq 1 ]; then cat << EOF >> "${BUILDROOT}/${DISTRO}-repo.spec" /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/PGADMIN_PKG_KEY EOF test -d "${BUILDROOT}/${DISTRO}-repo/etc/pki/rpm-gpg" || mkdir -p "${BUILDROOT}/${DISTRO}-repo/etc/pki/rpm-gpg" cp pkg/redhat/PGADMIN_PKG_KEY "${BUILDROOT}/${DISTRO}-repo/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/" fi # Build the package echo "Building the repo RPM for ${DISTRO}..." rpmbuild --define "pga_build_root ${BUILDROOT}" -bb "${BUILDROOT}/${DISTRO}-repo.spec" } _setup_env "$0" "redhat" _create_repo_rpm redhat _create_repo_rpm fedora # # Get the results! # test -d "${DISTROOT}/" || mkdir -p "${DISTROOT}/" cp "${HOME}/rpmbuild/RPMS/noarch/${APP_NAME}-"*"-repo-${REPO_RPM_VERSION}-${REPO_RPM_BUILD}.noarch.rpm" "${DISTROOT}/"