.. _role_dialog: *************************** The Login/Group Role Dialog *************************** Use the *Login/Group Role* dialog to define a role. A role may be an individual user (with or without login privileges) or a group of users. Note that roles defined at the cluster level are shared by all databases in the cluster. The dialog *Login/Group Role* organizes the creation of roles through the following dialog tabs: *General*, *Definition*, *Role Privileges*, *Parameters*, and *Security*. The *SQL* tab displays the SQL code generated by dialog selections. .. image:: images/role_general.png Use the fields in the *General* tab to identify the role. * Use the *Name* field to provide the name of the role. The name will be displayed in the *pgAdmin* tree control. * Provide a note about the role in the *Comments* field. Click the *Definition* tab to continue. .. image:: images/role_definition.png Use the *Definition* tab to set a password and configure connection rules: * Provide a password that will be associated with the role in the *Password* field. * Provide an expiration date for the password in the *Account Expires* field (the role does not expire). Provide the date in a mm/dd/yyyy format. The expiration date is not enforced when a user logs in with a non-password-based authentication method. * If the role is a login role, specify how many concurrent connections the role can make in the *Connection Limit* field. The default value (*-1*) allows unlimited connections. Click the *Role Privileges* tab to continue. .. image:: images/role_privileges.png Use the *Role Privileges* tab to grant privileges to the role. * Move the *Can login?* switch to the *Yes* position if the role has login privileges. The default value is *No*. * Move the *Superuser* switch to the *Yes* position if the role is a superuser within the database. The default value is *No*. * Move the *Create roles?* switch to the *Yes* position to specify whether a role is permitted to create roles. A role with this privilege can alter and drop roles. The default value is *No*. * Move the *Create databases* switch to the *Yes* position to control whether a role can create databases. The default value is *No*. * The *Update catalog?* switch is disabled until the role is given superuser privileges. Move the *Update catalogs?* switch to the *No* position to control whether a role can update catalogs. The default value is *Yes* when the *Superuser* switch is in the *Yes* position. * Move the *Inherit rights from the parent roles?* switch to the *No* position if a role does not inherit privileges. The default value is *Yes*. * Move the *Can initiate streaming replication and backups?* switch to the *Yes* position to control whether a role can initiate streaming replication or put the system in and out of backup mode. The default value is *No*. * Specify members of the role in the *Role Membership* field. Click inside the *Role Membership* field to select role names from a drop down list. Confirm each selection by checking the checkbox to the right of the role name; delete a selection by clicking the *x* to the left of the role name. Membership conveys the privileges granted to a role to each of its members. Click the *Parameters* tab to continue. .. image:: images/role_parameters.png Use the fields on the *Parameters* tab to set session defaults for a selected configuration parameter when the role is connected to a specified database. This tab invokes the ALTER ROLE... SET configuration_parameter syntax. Click the *Add* icon (+) to create a parameter. * Use the drop-down listbox in the *Name* field to select a parameter. * Use the *Value* field to specify a value for the parameter. * Use the drop-down listbox in the *Database* field to select a database. Click the *Add* icon (+) to specify each additional parameter; to discard a parameter, click the trash icon to the left of the row and confirm deletion in the *Delete Row* popup. Click the *Security* tab to continue. .. image:: images/role_security.png Use the *Security* tab to define security labels applied to the role. Click the *Add* icon (+) to add each security label selection. * Specify a security label provider in the *Provider* field. The named provider must be loaded and must consent to the proposed labeling operation. * Specify a a security label in the *Security Label* field. The meaning of a given label is at the discretion of the label provider. PostgreSQL places no restrictions on whether or how a label provider must interpret security labels; it merely provides a mechanism for storing them. To discard a security label, click the trash icon to the left of the row and confirm deletion in the *Delete Row* popup. Click the *SQL* tab to continue. Your entries in the *Login/Group Role* dialog generate a SQL command (see an example below). Use the *SQL* tab for review; revisit or switch tabs to make any changes to the SQL command. **Example** The following is an example of the sql command generated by user selections in the *Login/Group Role* dialog: .. image:: images/role_sql.png The example creates a login role named *alice* with *CREATE ROLE* privileges; the role is limited to 3 connections to the server at any given time. * Click the *Info* button (i) to access online help. View context-sensitive help in the *Tabbed browser*, where a new tab displays the PostgreSQL core documentation. * Click the *Save* button to save work. * Click the *Cancel* button to exit without saving work. * Click the *Reset* button to restore configuration parameters.