########################################################################## # # pgAdmin 4 - PostgreSQL Tools # # Copyright (C) 2013 - 2025, The pgAdmin Development Team # This software is released under the PostgreSQL Licence # ########################################################################## """Start executing the query in async mode.""" import pickle import secrets from threading import Thread from flask import Response, current_app, copy_current_request_context from flask_babel import gettext from config import PG_DEFAULT_DRIVER from pgadmin.tools.sqleditor.utils.apply_explain_plan_wrapper import \ apply_explain_plan_wrapper_if_needed from pgadmin.tools.sqleditor.utils.constant_definition import TX_STATUS_IDLE, \ TX_STATUS_INERROR from pgadmin.tools.sqleditor.utils.is_begin_required import is_begin_required from pgadmin.tools.sqleditor.utils.update_session_grid_transaction import \ update_session_grid_transaction from pgadmin.utils.ajax import make_json_response, internal_server_error from pgadmin.utils.driver import get_driver from pgadmin.utils.exception import ConnectionLost, SSHTunnelConnectionLost,\ CryptKeyMissing from pgadmin.utils.constants import ERROR_MSG_TRANS_ID_NOT_FOUND from pgadmin.tools.schema_diff.node_registry import SchemaDiffRegistry class StartRunningQuery: def __init__(self, blueprint_object, logger): self.http_session = None self.blueprint_object = blueprint_object self.connection_id = str(secrets.choice(range(1, 9999999))) self.logger = logger def execute(self, sql, trans_id, http_session, connect=False): session_obj = StartRunningQuery.retrieve_session_information( http_session, trans_id ) if isinstance(session_obj, Response): return session_obj # Remove any existing primary keys or has_oids in session_obj session_obj.pop('primary_keys', None) session_obj.pop('oids', None) transaction_object = pickle.loads(session_obj['command_obj']) can_edit = False can_filter = False notifies = None status = -1 result = None if transaction_object is not None and session_obj is not None: # set fetched row count to 0 as we are executing query again. transaction_object.update_fetched_row_cnt(0) self.__retrieve_connection_id(transaction_object) try: manager = get_driver( PG_DEFAULT_DRIVER).connection_manager( transaction_object.sid) conn = manager.connection( did=transaction_object.did, conn_id=self.connection_id, auto_reconnect=False, use_binary_placeholder=True, array_to_string=True, **({"database": transaction_object.dbname} if hasattr( transaction_object,'dbname') else {})) except (ConnectionLost, SSHTunnelConnectionLost, CryptKeyMissing): raise except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e) return internal_server_error(errormsg=str(e)) # Connect to the Server if not connected. if connect and not conn.connected(): view = SchemaDiffRegistry.get_node_view('server') response = view.connect(transaction_object.sgid, transaction_object.sid, True) if response.status_code == 428: return response else: conn = manager.connection( did=transaction_object.did, conn_id=self.connection_id, auto_reconnect=False, use_binary_placeholder=True, array_to_string=True, **({"database": transaction_object.dbname} if hasattr( transaction_object, 'dbname') else {})) status, msg = conn.connect() if not status: self.logger.error(msg) return internal_server_error(errormsg=str(msg)) effective_sql_statement = apply_explain_plan_wrapper_if_needed( manager, sql) self.__execute_query( conn, session_obj, effective_sql_statement, trans_id, transaction_object ) can_edit = transaction_object.can_edit() can_filter = transaction_object.can_filter() # Get the notifies notifies = conn.get_notifies() else: status = False result = gettext( 'Either transaction object or session object not found.') return make_json_response( data={ 'status': status, 'result': result, 'can_edit': can_edit, 'can_filter': can_filter, 'notifies': notifies, } ) def __retrieve_connection_id(self, trans_obj): conn_id = trans_obj.conn_id # if conn_id is None then we will have to create a new connection if conn_id is not None: self.connection_id = conn_id def __execute_query(self, conn, session_obj, sql, trans_id, trans_obj): # on successful connection set the connection id to the # transaction object if hasattr(trans_obj, 'set_connection_id'): trans_obj.set_connection_id(self.connection_id) StartRunningQuery.save_transaction_in_session(session_obj, trans_id, trans_obj) # If auto commit is False and transaction status is Idle # then call is_begin_not_required() function to check BEGIN # is required or not. if StartRunningQuery.is_begin_required_for_sql_query(trans_obj, conn, sql): conn.execute_void("BEGIN;") is_rollback_req = StartRunningQuery.is_rollback_statement_required( trans_obj, conn) @copy_current_request_context def asyn_exec_query(conn, sql, trans_obj, is_rollback_req, app): # Execute sql asynchronously with params is None # and formatted_error is True. with app.app_context(): try: _, _ = conn.execute_async(sql) # # If the transaction aborted for some reason and # # Auto RollBack is True then issue a rollback to cleanup. if is_rollback_req: conn.execute_void("ROLLBACK;") except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e) return internal_server_error(errormsg=str(e)) _thread = QueryThread(target=asyn_exec_query, args=(conn, sql, trans_obj, is_rollback_req, current_app._get_current_object()) ) _thread.start() _native_id = _thread.native_id if hasattr(_thread, 'native_id' ) else _thread.ident trans_obj.set_thread_native_id(_native_id) StartRunningQuery.save_transaction_in_session(session_obj, trans_id, trans_obj) @staticmethod def is_begin_required_for_sql_query(trans_obj, conn, sql): return (not trans_obj.auto_commit and conn.transaction_status() == TX_STATUS_IDLE and is_begin_required(sql) ) @staticmethod def is_rollback_statement_required(trans_obj, conn): return ( conn.transaction_status() == TX_STATUS_INERROR and trans_obj.auto_rollback ) @staticmethod def save_transaction_in_session(session, transaction_id, transaction): # As we changed the transaction object we need to # restore it and update the session variable. session['command_obj'] = pickle.dumps(transaction, -1) update_session_grid_transaction(transaction_id, session) @staticmethod def retrieve_session_information(http_session, transaction_id): if 'gridData' not in http_session: return make_json_response( success=0, errormsg=ERROR_MSG_TRANS_ID_NOT_FOUND, info='DATAGRID_TRANSACTION_REQUIRED', status=404 ) grid_data = http_session['gridData'] # Return from the function if transaction id not found if str(transaction_id) not in grid_data: return make_json_response( success=0, errormsg=ERROR_MSG_TRANS_ID_NOT_FOUND, info='DATAGRID_TRANSACTION_REQUIRED', status=404 ) # Fetch the object for the specified transaction id. # Use pickle.loads function to get the command object return grid_data[str(transaction_id)] class QueryThread(Thread): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.app = current_app._get_current_object() def run(self): with self.app.app_context(): super().run()