########################################################################## # # pgAdmin 4 - PostgreSQL Tools # # Copyright (C) 2013 - 2017, The pgAdmin Development Team # This software is released under the PostgreSQL Licence # ########################################################################## """A blueprint module implementing the dashboard frame.""" MODULE_NAME = 'dashboard' from functools import wraps from flask import render_template, url_for, Response, g from flask_babel import gettext from flask_security import login_required from pgadmin.utils import PgAdminModule from pgadmin.utils.ajax import make_response as ajax_response,\ internal_server_error from pgadmin.utils.ajax import precondition_required from pgadmin.utils.driver import get_driver from pgadmin.utils.menu import Panel from pgadmin.utils.preferences import Preferences from config import PG_DEFAULT_DRIVER class DashboardModule(PgAdminModule): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(DashboardModule, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def get_own_menuitems(self): return {} def get_own_javascripts(self): return [{ 'name': 'pgadmin.dashboard', 'path': url_for('dashboard.index') + 'dashboard', 'when': None }] def get_own_stylesheets(self): """ Returns: list: the stylesheets used by this module. """ stylesheets = [ url_for('dashboard.static', filename='css/dashboard.css') ] return stylesheets def get_panels(self): return [ Panel( name='dashboard', priority=1, title=gettext('Dashboard'), icon='fa fa-tachometer', content='', isCloseable=True, isPrivate=False, limit=1, isIframe=False, canHide=True) ] def register_preferences(self): """ register_preferences Register preferences for this module. """ # Register options for the PG and PPAS help paths self.dashboard_preference = Preferences('dashboards', gettext('Dashboards')) self.session_stats_refresh = self.dashboard_preference.register( 'dashboards', 'session_stats_refresh', gettext("Session statistics refresh rate"), 'integer', 1, min_val=1, max_val=999999, category_label=gettext('Graphs'), help_str=gettext('The number of seconds between graph samples.') ) self.session_stats_refresh = self.dashboard_preference.register( 'dashboards', 'tps_stats_refresh', gettext("Transaction throughput refresh rate"), 'integer', 1, min_val=1, max_val=999999, category_label=gettext('Graphs'), help_str=gettext('The number of seconds between graph samples.') ) self.session_stats_refresh = self.dashboard_preference.register( 'dashboards', 'ti_stats_refresh', gettext("Tuples in refresh rate"), 'integer', 1, min_val=1, max_val=999999, category_label=gettext('Graphs'), help_str=gettext('The number of seconds between graph samples.') ) self.session_stats_refresh = self.dashboard_preference.register( 'dashboards', 'to_stats_refresh', gettext("Tuples out refresh rate"), 'integer', 1, min_val=1, max_val=999999, category_label=gettext('Graphs'), help_str=gettext('The number of seconds between graph samples.') ) self.session_stats_refresh = self.dashboard_preference.register( 'dashboards', 'bio_stats_refresh', gettext("Block I/O statistics refresh rate"), 'integer', 1, min_val=1, max_val=999999, category_label=gettext('Graphs'), help_str=gettext('The number of seconds between graph samples.') ) blueprint = DashboardModule(MODULE_NAME, __name__) def check_precondition(f): """ This function will behave as a decorator which will check database connection before running view, it also adds manager, conn & template_path properties to self """ @wraps(f) def wrap(*args, **kwargs): # Here args[0] will hold self & kwargs will hold gid,sid,did g.manager = get_driver( PG_DEFAULT_DRIVER).connection_manager( kwargs['sid'] ) # Below check handle the case where existing server is deleted # by user and python server will raise exception if this check # is not introduce. if g.manager is None: if f.__name__ in ['activity', 'prepared', 'locks', 'config']: return precondition_required( gettext("Please connect to the selected server" " to view the table.") ) else: return precondition_required( gettext("Please connect to the selected server" " to view the graph.") ) g.conn = g.manager.connection() # If DB not connected then return error to browser if not g.conn.connected(): if f.__name__ in ['activity', 'prepared', 'locks', 'config']: return precondition_required( gettext("Please connect to the selected server" " to view the table.") ) else: return precondition_required( gettext("Please connect to the selected server" " to view the graph.") ) if 'did' in kwargs: db_conn = g.manager.connection(did=kwargs['did']) # If the selected DB not connected then return error to browser if not db_conn.connected(): if f.__name__ in ['activity', 'prepared', 'locks', 'config']: return precondition_required( gettext("Please connect to the selected database" " to view the table.") ) else: return precondition_required( gettext("Please connect to the selected database to" " view the graph.") ) # Set template path for sql scripts g.server_type = g.manager.server_type g.version = g.manager.version g.template_path = 'dashboard/sql/#{0}#'.format(g.version) return f(*args, **kwargs) return wrap @blueprint.route("/dashboard.js") @login_required def script(): """render the required javascript""" return Response(response=render_template("dashboard/js/dashboard.js", _=gettext), status=200, mimetype="application/javascript") @blueprint.route('/') @blueprint.route('/') @blueprint.route('//') @login_required def index(sid=None, did=None): """ Renders the welcome, server or database dashboard Args: sid: Server ID did: Database ID Returns: Welcome/Server/database dashboard """ rates = {} prefs = Preferences.module('dashboards') # Get the server version if sid is not None: g.manager = get_driver( PG_DEFAULT_DRIVER).connection_manager(sid) g.conn = g.manager.connection() g.version = g.manager.version if not g.conn.connected(): g.version = 0 session_stats_refresh_pref = prefs.preference('session_stats_refresh') rates['session_stats_refresh'] = session_stats_refresh_pref.get() tps_stats_refresh_pref = prefs.preference('tps_stats_refresh') rates['tps_stats_refresh'] = tps_stats_refresh_pref.get() ti_stats_refresh_pref = prefs.preference('ti_stats_refresh') rates['ti_stats_refresh'] = ti_stats_refresh_pref.get() to_stats_refresh_pref = prefs.preference('to_stats_refresh') rates['to_stats_refresh'] = to_stats_refresh_pref.get() bio_stats_refresh_pref = prefs.preference('bio_stats_refresh') rates['bio_stats_refresh'] = bio_stats_refresh_pref.get() # Show the appropriate dashboard based on the identifiers passed to us if sid is None and did is None: return render_template('/dashboard/welcome_dashboard.html') if did is None: return render_template('/dashboard/server_dashboard.html', sid=sid, rates=rates, version=g.version) else: return render_template('/dashboard/database_dashboard.html', sid=sid, did=did, rates=rates, version=g.version) def get_data(sid, did, template): """ Generic function to get server stats based on an SQL template Args: sid: The server ID did: The database ID template: The SQL template name Returns: """ # Allow no server ID to be specified (so we can generate a route in JS) # but throw an error if it's actually called. if not sid: return internal_server_error(errormsg='Server ID not specified.') sql = render_template( "/".join([g.template_path, template]), did=did ) status, res = g.conn.execute_dict(sql) if not status: return internal_server_error(errormsg=res) return ajax_response( response=res['rows'], status=200 ) @blueprint.route('/session_stats/') @blueprint.route('/session_stats/') @blueprint.route('/session_stats//') @login_required @check_precondition def session_stats(sid=None, did=None): """ This function returns server session statistics :param sid: server id :return: """ return get_data(sid, did, 'session_stats.sql') @blueprint.route('/tps_stats/') @blueprint.route('/tps_stats/') @blueprint.route('/tps_stats//') @login_required @check_precondition def tps_stats(sid=None, did=None): """ This function returns server TPS throughput :param sid: server id :return: """ return get_data(sid, did, 'tps_stats.sql') @blueprint.route('/ti_stats/') @blueprint.route('/ti_stats/') @blueprint.route('/ti_stats//') @login_required @check_precondition def ti_stats(sid=None, did=None): """ This function returns server tuple input statistics :param sid: server id :return: """ return get_data(sid, did, 'ti_stats.sql') @blueprint.route('/to_stats/') @blueprint.route('/to_stats/') @blueprint.route('/to_stats//') @login_required @check_precondition def to_stats(sid=None, did=None): """ This function returns server tuple output statistics :param sid: server id :return: """ return get_data(sid, did, 'to_stats.sql') @blueprint.route('/bio_stats/') @blueprint.route('/bio_stats/') @blueprint.route('/bio_stats//') @login_required @check_precondition def bio_stats(sid=None, did=None): """ This function returns server block IO statistics :param sid: server id :return: """ return get_data(sid, did, 'bio_stats.sql') @blueprint.route('/activity/') @blueprint.route('/activity/') @blueprint.route('/activity//') @login_required @check_precondition def activity(sid=None, did=None): """ This function returns server activity information :param sid: server id :return: """ return get_data(sid, did, 'activity.sql') @blueprint.route('/locks/') @blueprint.route('/locks/') @blueprint.route('/locks//') @login_required @check_precondition def locks(sid=None, did=None): """ This function returns server lock information :param sid: server id :return: """ return get_data(sid, did, 'locks.sql') @blueprint.route('/prepared/') @blueprint.route('/prepared/') @blueprint.route('/prepared//') @login_required @check_precondition def prepared(sid=None, did=None): """ This function returns prepared XACT information :param sid: server id :return: """ return get_data(sid, did, 'prepared.sql') @blueprint.route('/config/') @blueprint.route('/config/') @login_required @check_precondition def config(sid=None): """ This function returns server config information :param sid: server id :return: """ return get_data(sid, None, 'config.sql')