///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // pgAdmin 4 - PostgreSQL Tools // // Copyright (C) 2013 - 2018, The pgAdmin Development Team // This software is released under the PostgreSQL Licence // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// import {TreeFake} from '../tree/tree_fake'; import {RestoreDialog} from '../../../pgadmin/tools/restore/static/js/restore_dialog'; const context = describe; describe('RestoreDialog', () => { let restoreDialog; let pgBrowser; let jquerySpy; let alertifySpy; let restoreModelSpy; beforeEach(() => { pgBrowser = { treeMenu: new TreeFake(), Nodes: { server: jasmine.createSpyObj('Node[server]', ['getTreeNodeHierarchy']), database: jasmine.createSpyObj('Node[database]', ['getTreeNodeHierarchy']), }, }; pgBrowser.Nodes.server.hasId = true; pgBrowser.Nodes.database.hasId = true; jquerySpy = jasmine.createSpy('jquerySpy'); restoreModelSpy = jasmine.createSpy('restoreModelSpy'); const hierarchy = { children: [ { id: 'root', children: [ { id: 'serverTreeNode', data: { _id: 10, _type: 'server', label: 'some-tree-label', }, children: [ { id: 'some_database', data: { _type: 'database', _id: 11, label: 'some_database', _label: 'some_database_label', }, }, { id: 'database_with_equal_in_name', data: { _type: 'database', label: 'some_database', _label: '=some_database_label', }, }, ], }, { id: 'ppasServer', data: { _type: 'server', server_type: 'ppas', children: [ {id: 'someNodeUnderneathPPASServer'}, ], }, }, ], }, ], }; pgBrowser.treeMenu = TreeFake.build(hierarchy); }); describe('#draw', () => { beforeEach(() => { alertifySpy = jasmine.createSpyObj('alertify', ['alert', 'dialog']); alertifySpy['pg_restore'] = jasmine.createSpy('pg_restore'); restoreDialog = new RestoreDialog( pgBrowser, jquerySpy, alertifySpy, restoreModelSpy ); pgBrowser.get_preference = jasmine.createSpy('get_preferences'); }); context('there are no ancestors of the type server', () => { it('does not create a dialog', () => { pgBrowser.treeMenu.selectNode([{id: 'root'}]); restoreDialog.draw(null, null, null); expect(alertifySpy['pg_restore']).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('display an alert with a Restore Error', () => { restoreDialog.draw(null, [{id: 'root'}], null); expect(alertifySpy.alert).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'Restore Error', 'Please select server or child node from the browser tree.' ); }); }); context('there is an ancestor of the type server', () => { context('no preference can be found', () => { beforeEach(() => { pgBrowser.get_preference.and.returnValue(undefined); }); context('server is a ppas server', () => { it('display an alert with "Restore Error"', () => { restoreDialog.draw(null, [{id: 'serverTreeNode'}], null); expect(alertifySpy.alert).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'Restore Error', 'Failed to load preference pg_bin_dir of module paths' ); }); }); context('server is not a ppas server', () => { it('display an alert with "Restore Error"', () => { restoreDialog.draw(null, [{id: 'ppasServer'}], null); expect(alertifySpy.alert).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'Restore Error', 'Failed to load preference ppas_bin_dir of module paths' ); }); }); }); context('preference can be found', () => { context('binary folder is not configured', () => { beforeEach(() => { pgBrowser.get_preference.and.returnValue({}); }); context('server is a ppas server', () => { it('display an alert with "Configuration required"', () => { restoreDialog.draw(null, [{id: 'serverTreeNode'}], null); expect(alertifySpy.alert).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'Configuration required', 'Please configure the PostgreSQL Binary Path in the Preferences dialog.' ); }); }); context('server is not a ppas server', () => { it('display an alert with "Configuration required"', () => { restoreDialog.draw(null, [{id: 'ppasServer'}], null); expect(alertifySpy.alert).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'Configuration required', 'Please configure the EDB Advanced Server Binary Path in the Preferences dialog.' ); }); }); }); context('binary folder is configured', () => { let spy; beforeEach(() => { spy = jasmine.createSpyObj('globals', ['resizeTo']); alertifySpy['pg_restore'].and .returnValue(spy); pgBrowser.get_preference.and.returnValue({value: '/some/path'}); pgBrowser.Nodes.server.label = 'some-server-label'; }); it('displays the dialog', () => { restoreDialog.draw(null, [{id: 'serverTreeNode'}], {server: true}); expect(alertifySpy['pg_restore']).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'Restore (some-server-label: some-tree-label)', [{id: 'serverTreeNode'}], { _id: 10, _type: 'server', label: 'some-tree-label', }, pgBrowser.Nodes.server ); expect(spy.resizeTo).toHaveBeenCalledWith('65%', '60%'); }); context('database label contain "="', () => { it('should create alert dialog with restore error', () => { restoreDialog.draw(null, [{id: 'database_with_equal_in_name'}], null); expect(alertifySpy.alert).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Restore Error', 'Databases with = symbols in the name cannot be backed up or restored using this utility.'); }); }); }); }); }); }); });