///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // pgAdmin 4 - PostgreSQL Tools // // Copyright (C) 2013 - 2024, The pgAdmin Development Team // This software is released under the PostgreSQL Licence // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const globals = require('globals'); const js = require('@eslint/js'); const reactjs = require('eslint-plugin-react'); const jest = require('eslint-plugin-jest'); const babel = require('@babel/eslint-plugin'); const babelParser = require('@babel/eslint-parser'); const ts = require('typescript-eslint'); module.exports = [ { ignores: [ '**/generated', '**/node_modules', '**/vendor', '**/templates/', '**/templates\\', '**/ycache', '**/regression/htmlcov', ], }, js.configs.recommended, { files: ['**/*.{js,jsx,mjs,cjs,ts,tsx}'], languageOptions: { 'parser': babelParser, ecmaVersion: 2018, parserOptions: { 'ecmaFeatures': { 'jsx': true, }, 'requireConfigFile': false, 'babelOptions': { 'plugins': [ '@babel/plugin-syntax-jsx', '@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties', ], }, }, 'sourceType': 'module', globals: { ...globals.browser, ...globals.es2017, ...globals.amd, '_': 'readonly', 'module': 'readonly', '__dirname': 'readonly', 'global': 'readonly', 'jest': 'readonly', 'process': 'readonly', }, }, 'plugins': { 'react': reactjs, '@babel': babel, }, 'rules': { 'indent': [ 'error', 2, ], 'linebreak-style': 0, 'quotes': [ 'error', 'single', ], 'semi': [ 'error', 'always', ], 'comma-dangle': [ 'error', 'only-multiline', ], 'no-console': ['error', { allow: ['warn', 'error'] }], // We need to exclude below for RegEx case 'no-useless-escape': 'off', 'no-prototype-builtins': 'off', 'no-global-assign': 'off', 'no-import-assign': 'off', 'react/jsx-uses-vars': 'error', 'react/jsx-uses-react': 'error' }, 'settings': { 'react': { 'version': 'detect', }, }, }, { 'files': ['**/*.{ts,tsx}'], languageOptions: { 'parser': ts.parser, }, 'plugins': { '@typescript-eslint': ts.plugin, }, 'rules': { 'no-unused-vars': 'off', 'no-undef': 'off', '@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars': ['error'], '@typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any': ['off'], '@typescript-eslint/no-this-alias': ['off'], } }, { 'files': ['**/*{spec,test}.{js,jsx}', './regression/javascript/**/*.{js}'], ...jest.configs['flat/recommended'], rules: { ...jest.configs['flat/recommended'].rules, 'jest/prefer-expect-assertions': 'off', 'jest/expect-expect': 'off', 'jest/no-identical-title': 'off', 'jest/no-done-callback': 'off', 'jest/no-conditional-expect': 'off', 'jest/valid-title': 'off', }, } ];