.. _pgd_replication_group_dialog: ****************************************** `PGD Replication Group Node Dialog`:index: ****************************************** Use the *Replication Group Node* dialog to view a PGD group/sub-group. A PGD cluster's nodes are gathered in groups. A group can also contain zero or more subgroups. Subgroups can be used to represent data centers or locations allowing commit scopes to refer to nodes in a particular region as a whole. The dialog organizes the information through the following tabs: *General* .. image:: images/pgd_group_node_dialog.png :alt: Replication Group Node Dialog general tab :align: center * The *ID* field is the ID of the node group. * The *Name* field is the name of the node group. * The *Location* field is the name of the location associated with the node group. * The *Type* field is the type of the node group, one of "global", "data", "shard" or "subscriber-only". * The *Streaming Mode* field is the transaction streaming setting of the node group, one of "off", "file", "writer", "auto" or "default" * The *Enable Proxy Routing?* field tells whether the node group allows routing from pgd-proxy. * The *Enable Raft?* field tells whether the node group allows Raft Consensus. Other buttons: * Click the *Info* button (i) to access online help. * Click the *Save* button to save work. * Click the *Close* button to exit without saving work. * Click the *Reset* button to restore configuration parameters. A group can have multiple servers and will be visible in the object explorer tree. .. toctree:: pgd_replication_server_dialog