.. _pgagent_install: *************************** `Installing pgAgent`:index: *************************** pgAgent runs as a daemon on Unix systems, and a service on Windows systems. In most cases it will run on the database server itself - for this reason, pgAgent is not automatically configured when pgAdmin is installed. In some cases however, it may be preferable to run pgAgent on multiple systems, against the same database; individual jobs may be targeted at a particular host, or left for execution by any host. Locking prevents execution of the same instance of a job by multiple hosts. Database setup ============== Before using pgAdmin to manage pgAgent, you must create the pgAgent extension in the maintenance database registered with pgAdmin. To install pgAgent on a PostgreSQL host, connect to the *postgres* database, and navigate through the *Tools* menu to open the Query tool. For server versions 9.1 or later, and pgAgent 3.4.0 or later, enter the following command in the query window, and click the *Execute* icon:: CREATE EXTENSION pgagent; This command will create a number of tables and other objects in a schema called 'pgagent'. The database must also have the pl/pgsql procedural language installed - use the PostgreSQL CREATE LANGUAGE command to install pl/pgsql if necessary. To install pl/pgsql, enter the following command in the query window, and click the *Execute* icon:: CREATE LANGUAGE plpgsql; If you are using an earlier version of PostgreSQL or pgAgent, use the *Open file* icon on the Query Tool toolbar to open a browser window and locate the *pgagent.sql* script. The installation script is installed by pgAdmin, and the installation location varies from operating system to operating system: * On Windows, it is usually located under *C:\Program files\pgAdmin III* (or *C:\Program files\PostgreSQL\8.x\pgAdmin III* if installed with the PostgreSQL server installer). * On Linux, it is usually located under */usr/local/pgadmin3/share/pgadmin3* or */usr/share/pgadmin3*. After loading the file into the Query Tool, click the *Execute* icon to execute the script. The script will create a number of tables and other objects in a schema named *pgagent*. Daemon installation on Unix =========================== To install the pgAgent daemon on a Unix system, you will normally need to have root privileges to modify the system startup scripts. Modifying system startup scripts is quite system-specific so you should consult your system documentation for further information. The program itself takes few command line options, most of which are only needed for debugging or specialised configurations:: Usage: /path/to/pgagent [options] options: -f run in the foreground (do not detach from the terminal) -t -r =10, default 30)> -s -l The connection string is a standard PostgreSQL libpq connection string (see the `PostgreSQL documentation on the connection string `_ for further details). For example, the following command line will run pgAgent against a server listening on the localhost, using a database called 'pgadmin', connecting as the user 'postgres':: /path/to/pgagent hostaddr= dbname=postgres user=postgres Service installation on Windows =============================== pgAgent can install itself as a service on Windows systems. The command line options available are similar to those on Unix systems, but include an additional parameter to tell the service what to do:: Usage: pgAgent REMOVE pgAgent INSTALL [options] pgAgent DEBUG [options] options: -u -p -d -t -r =10, default 30)> -l The service may be quite simply installed from the command line as follows (adjust the path as required):: "C:\Program Files\pgAdmin III\pgAgent" INSTALL pgAgent -u postgres -p secret hostaddr= dbname=postgres user=postgres You can then start the service at the command line using *net start pgAgent*, or from the *Services* control panel applet. Any logging output or errors will be reported in the Application event log. The DEBUG mode may be used to run pgAgent from a command prompt. When run this way, log messages will output to the command window.