.. _role_reassign_dialog: ************************************** `Role Reassign/Drop Own Dialog`:index: ************************************** Use the *Reassign/Drop Own* dialog to change the ownership of database objects owned by a database role. This dialog instructs the system to change the ownership of database objects owned by any of the *old_roles* to *new_role*. The *Reassign/Drop Own* dialog organizes the Reassign & Drop role through General tab. .. image:: images/role_reassign_dialog.png :alt: Reassign/Drop Own dialog :align: center * Use the *Operation* field to provide Reassign option. * Provide a new role in the *Reassign Objects to* field; The ownership of all the objects within the selected database, and of all shared objects (databases, tablespaces), owned by the *old_role* will be reassigned to *new_role*. * Provide a database on which the reassignment is to be carried out. The above example demonstrates reassigning *old_role* to *new_role*. Click the *SQL* tab to continue. .. image:: images/role_reassign_dialog_sql.png :alt: Reassign/Drop Own dialog sql :align: center Removing database objects owned by a database role. .. image:: images/role_drop_dialog.png :alt: Reassign/Drop Own dialog :align: center * Use the *Operation* field to provide Drop option. * Use the *Cascade?* field to provide Yes, No is default. * Provide a database on which the drop of objects is to be carried out. Click the *SQL* tab to continue. .. image:: images/role_drop_dialog_sql.png :alt: Reassign/Drop Own dialog sql :align: center The above examples demonstrates drop owned by *role*. * Click the *Help* button (?) to access online help. * Click the *OK* button to save work. * Click the *Cancel* button to exit without saving work.