
230 lines
7.4 KiB

// pgAdmin 4 - PostgreSQL Tools
// Copyright (C) 2013 - 2023, The pgAdmin Development Team
// This software is released under the PostgreSQL Licence
import { useSnackbar, SnackbarProvider, SnackbarContent } from 'notistack';
import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
import {Box} from '@material-ui/core';
import CloseIcon from '@material-ui/icons/CloseRounded';
import { DefaultButton, PrimaryButton } from '../components/Buttons';
import HTMLReactParser from 'html-react-parser';
import CheckRoundedIcon from '@material-ui/icons/CheckRounded';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import Theme from 'sources/Theme';
import { NotifierMessage, MESSAGE_TYPE } from '../components/FormComponents';
import CustomPropTypes from '../custom_prop_types';
import gettext from 'sources/gettext';
import _ from 'lodash';
import pgWindow from 'sources/window';
import ModalProvider, { useModal } from './ModalProvider';
import { parseApiError } from '../api_instance';
const AUTO_HIDE_DURATION = 3000; // In milliseconds
let snackbarRef;
let notifierInitialized = false;
export function initializeNotifier(notifierContainer) {
notifierInitialized = true;
const RefLoad = ()=>{
snackbarRef = useSnackbar();
return <></>;
if (!notifierContainer) {
notifierContainer = document.createElement('div');
anchorOrigin={{ horizontal: 'right', vertical: 'bottom' }}>
<RefLoad />
</Theme>, notifierContainer
let modalRef;
let modalInitialized = false;
export function initializeModalProvider(modalContainer) {
modalInitialized = true;
const RefLoad = ()=>{
modalRef = useModal();
return <></>;
if (!modalContainer) {
modalContainer = document.createElement('div');
<RefLoad />
</Theme>, modalContainer
const FinalNotifyContent = React.forwardRef(({children}, ref) => {
return <SnackbarContent style= {{justifyContent:'end', maxWidth: '700px'}} ref={ref}>{children}</SnackbarContent>;
FinalNotifyContent.displayName = 'FinalNotifyContent';
FinalNotifyContent.propTypes = {
children: CustomPropTypes.children,
const useModalStyles = makeStyles((theme)=>({
footer: {
display: 'flex',
justifyContent: 'flex-end',
padding: '0.5rem',,
margin: {
marginLeft: '0.25rem',
function AlertContent({text, confirm, okLabel=gettext('OK'), cancelLabel=gettext('Cancel'), onOkClick, onCancelClick}) {
const classes = useModalStyles();
return (
<Box display="flex" flexDirection="column" height="100%">
<Box flexGrow="1" p={2}>{HTMLReactParser(text)}</Box>
<Box className={classes.footer}>
{confirm &&
<DefaultButton startIcon={<CloseIcon />} onClick={onCancelClick} >{cancelLabel}</DefaultButton>
<PrimaryButton className={classes.margin} startIcon={<CheckRoundedIcon />} onClick={onOkClick} autoFocus={true} >{okLabel}</PrimaryButton>
AlertContent.propTypes = {
text: PropTypes.string,
confirm: PropTypes.bool,
onOkClick: PropTypes.func,
onCancelClick: PropTypes.func,
okLabel: PropTypes.string,
cancelLabel: PropTypes.string,
let Notifier = {
success(msg, autoHideDuration = AUTO_HIDE_DURATION) {
this._callNotify(msg, MESSAGE_TYPE.SUCCESS, autoHideDuration);
warning(msg, autoHideDuration = AUTO_HIDE_DURATION) {
this._callNotify(msg, MESSAGE_TYPE.WARNING, autoHideDuration);
info(msg, autoHideDuration = AUTO_HIDE_DURATION) {
this._callNotify(msg, MESSAGE_TYPE.INFO, autoHideDuration);
error(msg, autoHideDuration = AUTO_HIDE_DURATION) {
this._callNotify(msg, MESSAGE_TYPE.ERROR, autoHideDuration);
notify(content, autoHideDuration) {
if (content) {
if(!notifierInitialized) {
let options = {autoHideDuration, content:(key) => (
<FinalNotifyContent>{React.cloneElement(content, {onClose:()=>{snackbarRef.closeSnackbar(key);}})}</FinalNotifyContent>
options.content.displayName = 'content';
snackbarRef.enqueueSnackbar(null, options);
_callNotify(msg, type, autoHideDuration) {
<NotifierMessage style={{maxWidth: '50vw'}} type={type} message={msg} closable={true} />,
pgRespErrorNotify(error, prefixMsg='') {
if (error.response?.status === 410) {
this.alert(gettext('Error: Object not found - %s.', error.response.statusText), parseApiError(error));
} else {
this.error(prefixMsg + ' ' + parseApiError(error));
pgNotifier(type, error, promptmsg, onJSONResult) {
let msg;
if(!error.response) {
msg = parseApiError(error);
promptmsg = gettext('Connection Lost');
} else {
if(error.response.headers['content-type'] == 'application/json') {
let resp =;
let pgBrowser = window.pgAdmin.Browser;
pgBrowser.set_master_password('', ()=> {
if(onJSONResult && typeof(onJSONResult) == 'function') {
}, ()=> {
if(onJSONResult && typeof(onJSONResult) == 'function') {
} else if (resp.result != null && (!resp.errormsg || resp.errormsg == '') &&
onJSONResult && typeof(onJSONResult) == 'function') {
return onJSONResult(resp.result);
msg = _.escape(resp.result) || _.escape(resp.errormsg) || 'Unknown error';
} else {
if (type === 'error') {
this.alert('Error', promptmsg);
if(type == 'error-noalert' && onJSONResult && typeof(onJSONResult) == 'function') {
return onJSONResult();
this.alert(promptmsg, msg.replace(new RegExp(/\r?\n/, 'g'), '<br />'));
alert: (title, text, onOkClick, okLabel=gettext('OK'))=>{
/* Use this if you want to use pgAdmin global notifier.
Or else, if you want to use modal inside iframe only then use ModalProvider eg- query tool */
if(!modalInitialized) {
modalRef.alert(title, text, onOkClick, okLabel);
confirm: (title, text, onOkClick, onCancelClick, okLabel=gettext('Yes'), cancelLabel=gettext('No'))=>{
/* Use this if you want to use pgAdmin global notifier.
Or else, if you want to use modal inside iframe only then use ModalProvider eg- query tool */
if(!modalInitialized) {
modalRef.confirm(title, text, onOkClick, onCancelClick, okLabel, cancelLabel);
showModal: (title, content, modalOptions) => {
if(!modalInitialized) {
modalRef.showModal(title, content, modalOptions);
if(window.frameElement) {
Notifier = pgWindow.Notifier || Notifier;
} else if(!pgWindow.Notifier){
pgWindow.Notifier = Notifier;
export default Notifier;